One positive thing about not fitting in with stereotypes is that it can free you to be more fully human. Its a fine balancing act. On the one hand you don't want to live your life slavishly adhering to everyone standards to the point of not being yourself at all, on the other hand you don't want to alienate yourself from everyone, insisting that you must do every single thing your own way. Its easy to fall into the trap of what others may call 'eccentric'. That's why it's important to find supportive environments.
I don't think people care as much as we think they do about how we come across. Maybe more in mass but not individually. Individually everyone is more concerned with themselves. Sometimes negative reactions to someone different is an expression of their own self doubt and fear.
That being said, I particularly like thinking type women. I find them quite interesting and its easier to reason with them. I have more confidence in their conclusions.
I find that many ST type men have lots of emotions and things they would like to say and do but suppress their desires for fear of being seen as unmanly. On way they get around that is by drinking lots of alcohol In a supportive environment they become much more expressive. Doing those things don't make a person less manly just more human.