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Thread: If I could choose my own talent

  1. #41


    See that's the thing datteybayo, because when I think of things I like doing or would like to do, I don't really have to be excellent at them, it's just that I enjoy doing then that matters. Being really good at something doesn't mean enjoyment. Like for instance i've seen someone I know who was excellent pianist and violinist and was made to practice as a teenager but she didn't enjoy it. So unless I choose some sort of super power, maybe I could say if I could choose a talent it would be the ability to enjoy everything I do?

  2. #42

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    of course I'll be your imaginary friend! The clown dance is much easier to do in theory.

    I've only had a few ENFp friends, but we did end up going to random things. I actually have taken all kinds of random classes...salsa dancing, belly dancing, swing dancing, tango...and had terrible attendance in almost all of them!

    Thanks for the ISTp tips. Yeah, I remember a female ISTp saying she wasn't the type to like, put her head on a guy's shoulder and giggle. but she didn't come across as masculine to me. Just more, independent I guess. Not that ENFps aren't independent, but we have moments where we get gushy.

    Yeah I've noticed when other people talk to ISTps (who are strangers) the ISTps are really friendly and confident back, which always surprises me, as they intimidate me a bit still! Must work on that...

    And I expect you'll have that clown dance down by the next time you post!

    Quote Originally Posted by dattebayo View Post
    ha, reading this made me really want to know a female enfp irl I can just imagine how we would take all kinds of wacky classes all the time. The classes would prolly only hold interest for a couple of weeks though, but so what. It would still be fun

    Jewels, be my imaginary friend! We could soo master the clown dance - in our heads at least, ha ha

    oh on a more grounded note I'll tell you how I spot a SLI. I don't know if you can use this, or if it's strictly me that work this way:

    girl SLI: the kind of person that make me think "I wish I was more like her"
    It's something about the way they they don't let anything dictate them other than themselves. I like that. Plus they are way cooler than I will ever be
    also they don't look or dress like other girls. I dunno what it is but there is clearly a difference. It's not that they look masculine or anything. They are not 'cute' I guess

    boy SLI: these I have noticed come in various forms (or maybe just moods). Some are more shy than others. The first kind can seem cold. Not hostile (at all), but concentrated and active in doing what they might be doing. They seem to not take interest in what goes on around them, and quite contempt in themselves.
    The other kind is a bit harder to spot, as I don't notice them straight off. They are very quiet and unconsuming. No one seems to notice them, but they notice EVERYTHING! Their eyes may have a shy look to them, but they will see everything that's going on around them LOL.
    Both types are really friendly, once you start talking to them
    oh and even if they like u they won't show it. Not in a 'nomal' or 'aggressive' way at least. They might say a couple of words to you and maybe come with some other subtle hints (do stuff for u), but they won't likely make a proper move on you or try to draw attention to themselves, which would prolly either creep u out or turn u off anyways
    So it's ur job as an IEE to befriend them, once they have indicated their interest in all but obvious ways LOL
    This all sounds weird but I swear it feels completely normal. Sort of the SLI-IEE chain of action, I guess

    oh, and all I know tend to be tall and lanky. They walk *extremely* slow or at least very leisurely. Others think they are really cold but I always saw them as 'friendly'? go figure
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  3. #43


    Sometimes I wish I had the talent to imitate other people (real or not) almost perfectly and to sing in any style.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Outsider View Post
    Sometimes I wish I had the talent to imitate other people (real or not) almost perfectly and to sing in any style.
    youre doing a good job of imitating yourself, rooster ferret. you're not a very good actor.

  5. #45
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    Music. I love music and I'd love to be able to create it. I have my daughter in piano lessons, which she LOVES, and she wants to take voice lessons too. It brings me as much joy to see her learning it as it would bring me if I could do it myself.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  6. #46
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    There are ways of practicing such....

    Start with yoga, maybe.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DeAnte View Post
    Shit like this is what happens when you open up the flood gates to superpowers.
    i was just about to say something similar to jrid.. it's like whoa, wait a minute.. i think you'd have to check into rehab for exhaustion. isn't there a conservation of resources problem? etc

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    smashing Nobel-winning fiction writer

    musician perhaps (not necessarily something pop ...)

    fashion designer


    mby surgeon

    interior designer

    scientist in technology (actually inventing stuff)

  9. #49
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    I want to absorb information like a sponge. I learn it once and never forget it.

    I want to be a savant of some sort minus the autism. Kind of like those people who can multiply huge, huge numbers in their head. It's not the most practical of skills, but it's still impressive.

    I want to be able to eat and type and smell with my feet.

    I want to be able to see behind me without having to turn around.

    Quote Originally Posted by dattebayo View Post
    I would like to be able to draw. Anything that was in my head. All these extremely cool things. That would make me happy
    Drawing has always eluded me.

    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    I'd like to be able to eat anything I want 24/7. Is that a superpower? I think so.
    Sorry, it's not. Unless you can do it without gaining an ounce and not die from heart attack.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    I'm suprised so many people said they want to have the ability to draw. I was born being able to draw, so I don't see it as anything special. It's hard to make good money as an artist.

    I'd want to have the talent of being super charismatic, or being a math wiz Who can do advanced equations in my head.
    I wanted to be a artist... give me your ability...

  11. #51
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    Anything else I'd rather learn through trial-and-error and build callouses to, or I don't give enough of a shit about. There's no point if it comes easily, and being a shitty photographer isn't as inherently emotionally depriving.

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