What do you guys think about this?:

I have this feeling that even if I would really concentrate and write things in detail in any specific thread concerning Delta, that the thread will eventually be forgotten and the time spent on this will be sort of wasted . The way I think (which I don't think it might shared with other people) is that there should be a single thread open to discussion in order to actually be working towards some kind of conclusion based on consensus. Having it open to critique, we would be working on removing those things that are unrelated to socionics, or simply inaccurate. The big however is that it requires people who are interested in this type of thing, which I can see how it can be labeled as "being too serious," since I think that this forum has an equal if not greater number of people more interested in the social aspect of the forum. But if it can be done, then the working conclusion can be placed as a single post sticky and updated in time, with critiques of the thread done outside the sticky so that it remains a single post. This also can apply to other threads found here in Delta btw, and also in the entire forum. If a group of people here agree, I would contribute to this project.

The outline of that sticky/single-post is of course open for discussion as well. But, the main goal is to then update it by ammendments approved by the concensus. By no means is this something where people are forced to talk about things at length, to me the most important thing is to find quality material to add and discuss about it, even if it is something very small. I don't think that there would be a problem with people actually not Delta contributing, since all perspectives are open to disagreement. But I for one would be completely against descriptions involving stereotypes, such as "xxxx are usually cold, boring, judgmental, emotional," because I find them to be useless.

I'm just throwing this idea out there to see if there is some rebound with enough people who would be involved in this.