Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
without feelings and personal respect ("intellectual intimacy" in your terms) people are not attracted enough for such relations, in general. a pair of Si types would not be an exclusion. variety would be in case the need in it
Sure, personal differences can attract people together and motivate them to develop more feelings and respect for one another. And caregivers can have feelings and respect for one another, even if they both are Si egos.

However, feelings and personal respect are not what I meant by 'intellectual intimacy'. What I was getting at is that you are both too focused in your bodies (at least during sex) to have much coherence in your minds, which lessens the mental connection.

Idk, maybe this is not how it is for all caregiver/caregiver sexual relations. I'm just going off my personal experiences.

Intuitives (both childlikes and victims) were always better at helping me feel the mental connection between us two. I was more conscious of us as two personalities meeting together, affecting each other in mental or spiritual ways, instead of only two bodies meeting together and making each other feel pleasure.

Hope this makes some sense. It's kind of hard to explain because it's an abstract (read: intuitive) concept to begin with.