I recently came in contact again with an old friend, and I'm a bit perplexed about her type. I had considered her Gamma SF, but neither of those really fits. She's almost certainly Se/Ni and Te/Fi valuing. This much is apparent in her relationships with the people around her. Unfortunately, it's really difficult to tell which functions are ego and which are super id.

As for temperaments, I'd say EJ is the least likely. Problems with the other temperaments:
EP: Doesn't have the stereotypical EP energy expenditure habits. She especially lacks the enthusiasm, positivity, and light-heartedness of your average SEE. She doesn't smile and laugh a lot like most of the SEE's I've known do, even when she's enjoying herself. She also lacks the social prowess and confidence about relationships that SEE's typically have.

IJ: Seems more like an irrational type than a rational type, overall. Lacks the self-discipline that IJ types usually have. Less "self-contained" in her habits of conversation. (See below.)

IP: No real problems here, except that her demeanor is more similar to your typical xFxp type (and again, she's definitely Fi/Te valuing).
What I mean when I say that her demeanor is more like that of an xFxp type is that while she's not particularly emotionally expressive, you pretty much always know how she's feeling. She'll come right out and say things about how she's feeling that would embarass a lot of people, and she never makes any effort to disguise her facial expression to hide what she's feeling. It seems almost involuntary. Again though, her expressiveness is not that of your typical ExFx type. She usually just has a bored expression on her face, even when she's enjoying herself. And unless she's in a really good mood, her tone is usually pretty flat. Fe/Ti types complain that she's gloomy/sullen/depressive. When people criticize her for this, she seems to feel like there's really nothing she can do about it, that they're asking something unreasonable of her.

She's so open and sincere about what's on her mind if you tell her something that you wouldn't want other people to know, you have to make sure she knows that she's not supposed to talk about it. Otherwise she'll tell people private things about you without even considering that you might not want people (or certain people) to know about them. It really bothers her when she finds out that she's done this though. She never means to, she just doesn't think about it until after the fact. She also has poor volume regulation. She'll talk too loudly without realizing it. She hates being criticized for this, too.

Another trait that I had attributed to xFxpishness is her tendency to adopt silly, grammatically improper, nontraditional, and even trendy sayings and mannerisms from people around her. She doesn't seem to feel silly using phrases that personally I would feel too embarrassed to say.

Gotta go for now. More later.