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Thread: Signs of ESFp being genuine and really liking you?

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    Default Signs of ESFp being genuine and really liking you?

    Are SEEs fake? I really like this SEE girl but I always hold back in interacton with her cause I don't trust her? I think she is so much fun and lovely - to my face, but I am paranoid she doesn't really like me, because she just seems rather two faced and I read that SEEs can be like that =/.

    So how do you know if a SEE is genuine and likes you for real?

    Thanks <3

  2. #2
    unefille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinki View Post
    I think she is so much fun and lovely - to my face, but I am paranoid she doesn't really like me, because she just seems rather two faced and I read that SEEs can be like that =/.
    If it's just friendship, I probably wouldn't worry too much. I don't think they're ever fake, but they might be surprised at how invested you might be in their friendship - particularly if you require your closest friends to care about you with some exclusivity.

    If it's romantic, I would be a bit more wary. My SEE friend is always (surprisingly to me) surprised at how guys react to her 'mannerisms' - to me she's sending clear signals of invitation, to her, she's just being 'friendly' or 'getting to know them'.

    Generally, I would say the rule to be certain of their intentions would be: let them make all the moves, particularly for romantic relationships. Let them take the initiative. Reciporcate as appropriate, but always a degree or two more withheld than they are - which is part of never getting clingy. Imagine yourself as their dual, really.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

  3. #3


    SEE's can indeed be 2 faced, its one of our shortcomings. one test you can do is try to see if she seeks you out, play hard to get. if i dont like someone, i'll probably be polite and talk to them (even flirt a bit) if i'm put in a situation where i have to talk to them but i will avoid them the rest of the time. however, if i truly like someone, then i will make an effort to talk to them, even if i have to go out of my way to do it. don't be paranoid, thats a huge turn off for girls IME, try to focus on what you have to offer in the relationship instead of how you can make yourself worthy of her. don't try to fake her out either. if you like her, tell her you like her, then make yourself hard to contact, see if she chases you down. if she doesnt chase you down, forget her, she probably doesnt like you a whole lot and its not worth it to chase her.

    for the record i'm a male SEE, so i dont really know how much a girl will pursue you since current culture makes the man do the chasing. however, this is one test you can do and see how it goes. most importantly, good luck! SEE's are really cool and we're totally worth starting a relationship with
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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    My SEE friend is always (surprisingly to me) surprised at how guys react to her 'mannerisms' - to me she's sending clear signals of invitation, to her, she's just being 'friendly' or 'getting to know them'.
    No shit. I've conditioned myself to basically think that when a girl "likes" me, they don't actually like me. Likewise, when a girl is flirtatious, they don't like me either; they're just playing. That way, you keep your cool, don't look like an idiot, and they have their fun without having to worry about fending you off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    No shit. I've conditioned myself to basically think that when a girl "likes" me, they don't actually like me. Likewise, when a girl is flirtatious, they don't like me either; they're just playing. That way, you keep your cool, don't look like an idiot, and they have their fun without having to worry about fending you off.
    Good tactic, sounds like FUN.

    Because I do that too, what unefille says her friend does. WHOOPSSSS.

    I would say that I am not ever fake. What you see is what you get, because I have absolutely no reason to fake anything. If you fake, the person you are faking for will not know the real you and you'll have to keep faking around them all the time. Which is uncomfortable and annoying. Why would one do this to themselves? I don't know!

    I don't usually hold back my opinions. So...if I think something about you, you'll hear it. Or I'll find a way to prompt you to bring it up or bring it to your attention SOMEhow. I don't see this as a bad thing...I just like to fix issues as they come up. I expect everyone else to tell me if I'm bugging them too or doing something upsetting. Doesn't mean I'll stop, but I normally will it just depends on what you're upset about. I have a hard time with Beta sensitivity, and being....sensitive to it. lol.

    HOWEVER I'm sure there are some SEE's out there who act fake. The evil ones. Every type has those evil ones! These are to be watched out for, keep your guard up for a while no matter how inviting they are!
    SEE Unknown Subtype
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion View Post
    I have a hard time with Beta sensitivity, and being....sensitive to it. lol.
    What sensitivity? I'm one of the most hard-hearted motherfuckers I know. My best friend from uni is worse than me, and he's EIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    What sensitivity? I'm one of the most hard-hearted motherfuckers I know. My best friend from uni is worse than me, and he's EIE.
    that's just cause you need some *LOVE*.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    that's just cause you need some *LOVE*.
    You're probably right.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    You're probably right.
    you're a little shit, but a good one.

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    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    If it's romantic, I would be a bit more wary. My SEE friend is always (surprisingly to me) surprised at how guys react to her 'mannerisms' - to me she's sending clear signals of invitation, to her, she's just being 'friendly' or 'getting to know them'.
    Oh how this rings true. My ex was a blatant SEE imo and personally I wouldn't go there again, but hey, I'm hardly the right type to be dating one in the first place! I'm sure given the right person, things could be great.

    I'm positive they know exactly what they are doing when they behave as described above. It's almost like a coy, saccharin sweet "Oh I have no idea what you're talking about look at me I'm so innocent" thing, and underneath it seems so obvious that they are just brimming with excitement over successfully pulling the wool over your eyes, proud of their acting skills in an IRL environment. I see right through it and it is not an attractive prospect.

    After 7.5 years with the guy it had become so glaringly obvious when he was lying and backchatting, and yet he continued to do it....this is what really puzzled me. He would lie about things that were just completely pointless and obvious things to lie about and when I became so frustrated that I tackled him on it he would act as if he had been wronged in some way and become very aggressive about whatever it was- to the point where he had a tantrum over being caught about lying about breaking a coffee cup.

    He also had a tendency to whine to his parents about me, who would then attack me in turn, with him then acting as if he understood how I felt and being very sympathetic, without actually defending me. It was very frustrating. I tolerated this behaviour for a good 6 years, as he could also be very sweet and thoughtful and caring. then just over a year ago he got physically violent with me so he was out the door about 6 months later.

    Obviously there's more going on than just type conflicts here, but no, given the opportunity to date a SEE again (even a mentally stable one), I'd almost certainly decline. Nothing personal against the type, they have some great strengths too, but it isn't for me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    you're a little shit, but a good one.

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    What sensitivity? I'm one of the most hard-hearted motherfuckers I know.
    Whatever Ezra. You're a campy closeted gay man. You are NOT hard-hearted. Anything but actually. You are not fooling anybody. Other people see you better than you see yourself.

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    OK, B&D. You are right.

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    Of course I am. Btw you should come on Stickam later.

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    No. It is a time-wasting website.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion View Post
    Good tactic, sounds like FUN.

    Because I do that too, what unefille says her friend does. WHOOPSSSS.

    I would say that I am not ever fake. What you see is what you get, because I have absolutely no reason to fake anything. If you fake, the person you are faking for will not know the real you and you'll have to keep faking around them all the time. Which is uncomfortable and annoying. Why would one do this to themselves? I don't know!

    I don't usually hold back my opinions. So...if I think something about you, you'll hear it. Or I'll find a way to prompt you to bring it up or bring it to your attention SOMEhow. I don't see this as a bad thing...I just like to fix issues as they come up. I expect everyone else to tell me if I'm bugging them too or doing something upsetting. Doesn't mean I'll stop, but I normally will it just depends on what you're upset about
    . I have a hard time with Beta sensitivity, and being....sensitive to it. lol.

    HOWEVER I'm sure there are some SEE's out there who act fake. The evil ones. Every type has those evil ones! These are to be watched out for, keep your guard up for a while no matter how inviting they are!
    My mom is an SEE and this is pretty much how she is. Very much a "what you see is what you get" type of person. Don't see her as being fake. We've often talked about how much we dislike fakeness and hypocrisy, which we seem to notice somewhat frequently in other family members (probably Fe valuers, no offense). Of course her and I express ourselves differently, given her strong Se and weak Ne and vice versa for me. She seems a lot harsher and direct than me, but ultimately we both value not being two-faced, which I absolutely hate (two-faceness, that is).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    but ultimately we both value not being two-faced, which I absolutely hate (two-faceness, that is).
    so do i. one of the worst things to me. that might just be why we like each other too sirena.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    so do i. one of the worst things to me. that might just be why we like each other too sirena.

  19. #19


    "I would say that I am not ever fake. What you see is what you get, because I have absolutely no reason to fake anything. If you fake, the person you are faking for will not know the real you and you'll have to keep faking around them all the time. Which is uncomfortable and annoying. Why would one do this to themselves? I don't know!"

    "My mom is an SEE and this is pretty much how she is. Very much a "what you see is what you get" type of person. Don't see her as being fake. We've often talked about how much we dislike fakeness and hypocrisy, which we seem to notice somewhat frequently in other family members (probably Fe valuers, no offense). Of course her and I express ourselves differently, given her strong Se and weak Ne and vice versa for me. She seems a lot harsher and direct than me, but ultimately we both value not being two-faced, which I absolutely hate (two-faceness, that is). "

    Any type can be two faced/fake at times. I strongly empathize with both of these posts and i am known as someone who will tell you the truth if asked. however, i can also look back on my life and see times where i was definatly being two faced (mostly when i was younger). I think that the way those situations panned out taught me the value of telling the truth and being upfront which is the way i try to live my life now. so i guess the way i would answer the original question is: yes SEE's can be fake, just like any other type, it depends on the person, their maturity level, and their life experiences.
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    Quote Originally Posted by timeofurlife42 View Post
    yes SEE's can be fake, just like any other type, it depends on the person, their maturity level, and their life experiences.
    Yeah SEE can certainly be very sincere at times. But there are also times when they throw compliments at you just for kissing up, I guess. Those compliments really sound fake.
    SEE also sometimes lie at their own convenience.

    But all in all, they are not to be labeled fake, certainly not in comparison to other types.

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    No. It is a time-wasting website.
    And this isn't?

    ps: Come out.

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