Quote Originally Posted by JRiddy View Post
I know. Which is why, as I've mentioned before, I don't really care about the ontological reality of IM aspects or functions so much as I care about which perspective provides the clearest and most unobtrusive path to understanding what they are. I can see arguments for using 2, 4, or all 8 functions for this; I just prefer 4. I have specific reasons for this, but I'm kinda cramped for time right now, so I'd be glad to get into that more later.

Thanks for responding, though, Rick. I appreciate people actually debating and discussing the issues rather than pissing matches or comings-down-from-on-high. I haven't had a really good debate in...oh it seems like years. I crave it though...argument is the purest sport. Wow do I ever sound like an ENTp.
I understand now. You've got the same problem John McCain does: that which doesn't interest you is less important from an objective standpoint, in your view, than that which does. Which is objectively incorrect, because your information processing dispositions preclude you from working with the whole picture.

You're a purist.