Here in Ohio, Bob Taft (descendent of the former president) was caught up in an ethics scandal over gifts he recieved from friends on Capitol Hill. He ended up with a rebuke by a judge after pleading no contest to the charges.

Sarah Palin has broken the law in a different way: she abused the power of her own office to deliberately harm the career of a state trooper, and all so that her family could label that trooper unfit for visitation rights with her sister's children. The larger issue is, if you cross Sarah Palin then you can expect her administration to come after you: the executive branch puts a big target sign on you. Nor will she admit fault; in fact, she is ready to do these kinds of things whenever she thinks they will serve her ambition.

If she were to get into national office, then the Valerie Plame leak would look like a tarte in comparison. Can you imagine what she would do to abortion rights clinics? She might order the Secret Service, or somebody, to investigate every single abortion provider in the nation, to harass them. She's a lose cannon ready to let loose with reckless abandon. And do not think that she would, in fact, directly attack the careers of anyone who did what Plame's husband did, like questioning the rationale for war with another country. And if we were to go to war with somebody, you would probably see the most vocal opponents of the conflict getting rounded up and put into jails.

She's a tyrant, plain and simple.... And she could be your president if you vote the wrong way in November.