Paraphrasing ...
I think of everyone I meet in terms of being potential contacts. Not necessarily consciously ... but it's like no one stands alone. No situation stands alone. I could talk to someone about a project I'm working on, and if I leave on a good note, then he'll have positive feelings towards me ... and even though there may be nothing he can directly help me with, he could mention it to someone else who can - just because he thinks I'm a good guy. You just never know. I think of interactions with people as expanding my network, no matter who they are. If I do right by everyone, keep on good terms with people - then ... the image in my head is like a silvery web connecting people, conversations etc. Or like getting the ball rolling with one conversation that seems insignificant, yet causes a domino effect in terms of opportunity. If you don't put a little effort into getting people "on your side", establishing a connection with them, then you could be losing out on opportunities in the long run. It's nice to think of achieving something purely on your own steam, but realistically - if you look around you at all the people who've risen to the top - it's mainly about who they know.