Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
Same with me and practicing. (c: Yeah, there's certainly enough to occupy your concentration. Except if I know a piece really well ... and start daydreaming ... and I find myself at the end of it without having taken note of the mistakes. Meh. Yeah. I guess. Goal oriented? Yeah. I wouldn't say overachiever, though I'm a perfectionist. My goal is to overachieve, but I can't say I always do. :-/ Being a lazy perfectionist means I usually meet other people's expectations for me, but not my own. Meh. But my goals are pretty personal - e.g. my career goals - I don't tell anyone, because they're pretty ambitious and I don't want to have other people's expectations riding on my shoulders ... or people pressuring me. I want to be free to go at my own pace, or change my mind without feeling like I'm letting other people down.
Yes! I do my best daydreaming when playing... Happy times. Peaceful times.
Aaand... you kind of remind me of me? lol