Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
Same with me and practicing. (c: Yeah, there's certainly enough to occupy your concentration. Except if I know a piece really well ... and start daydreaming ... and I find myself at the end of it without having taken note of the mistakes. Meh. Yeah. I guess. Goal oriented? Yeah. I wouldn't say overachiever, though I'm a perfectionist. My goal is to overachieve, but I can't say I always do. :-/ Being a lazy perfectionist means I usually meet other people's expectations for me, but not my own. Meh. But my goals are pretty personal - e.g. my career goals - I don't tell anyone, because they're pretty ambitious and I don't want to have other people's expectations riding on my shoulders ... or people pressuring me. I want to be free to go at my own pace, or change my mind without feeling like I'm letting other people down.
Jem, you sound so much like my dad! Wow.