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Thread: JuJu as ESE

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    Default JuJu as ESE

    I'm not interested in anything else, because he's Ne/Si (this is my own conclusion - I assure you) and he's definitely Fe ego. That leaves Alpha SF, and I'm not going to entertaining the notion myself that he's an SEI, so ESE is what I think he is.

    Now, what puzzles me is why an ESE would put across the idea that they're not a sensor because any skills related to sensing are poor. This is what JuJu has said to me. I'm interested to know what these skills are, JuJu. List them, if you like.

    If anyone thinks he is a logical type, don't bother posting. If anyone thinks he is Delta NF, state the case for it (no "he came here as IEE and people started saying he wasn't so he changed" bullshit. Not interested). I'm not here to convince you; you're here to convince me. I start with conclusion; you attack it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    I'm not interested in anything else, because he's Ne/Si (this is my own conclusion - I assure you) and he's definitely Fe ego. That leaves Alpha SF, and I'm not going to entertaining the notion myself that he's an SEI, so ESE is what I think he is.
    Why is he Fe ego? Functional strength does not mean valued. And don't forget his upbringing.

    Now, what puzzles me is why an ESE would put across the idea that they're not a sensor because any skills related to sensing are poor. This is what JuJu has said to me. I'm interested to know what these skills are, JuJu. List them, if you like.

    If anyone thinks he is a logical type, don't bother posting. If anyone thinks he is Delta NF, state the case for it (no "he came here as IEE and people started saying he wasn't so he changed" bullshit. Not interested). I'm not here to convince you; you're here to convince me. I start with conclusion; you attack it.
    I don't know what he said about the sensing thing, but it does seem odd. Personally, I've always thought EP temperament fit best for him (but IP would even fit better than EJ), due to the general energy levels. Based on his recent video, I rethought that, but you have to consider that preconception guides action quite often. I also never really saw how he was Ni/Se valuing; he always seemed to care about the physical Si continuum and feeling of harmony produced from it, than just interacting with the bare qualities of physical phenomena, merely gauging the magnitude of a given impulse and moving on (bodily movements are also much more smooth than discrete, which IMO DOES illustrate Si/Se differences). Even the way he described his (who I believe is) ISTj high school football coach, sounded like classic confliction (my impression is buttressed by the fact that my ENFp brother and father have responded IDENTICALLY to ISTj's - like my grandfather - and the beta attitude in general). Obviously this doesn't discount alpha; I'm just pointing it out. As for Fe vs. Fi, I think his ostensible behaviors merely reflect a more stereotypical version of Fe, but that the way he actually thinks is Fi. Can't pinpoint exactly why, but I just never sensed that he was tracking emotional trends/reactions/etc. dynamically like I would. And his previous talk about exploring all the possibilities in life, making the most out of experience, seemed to reflect the typical ENxp outlook. I seriously cannot see him as an ESFj. He just doesn't seem controlling (not necessarily literally, but overall psychological control), balanced (Si normativeness) and focused on external activity (dynamics of objects) or structuring it. And this probably doesn't mean too much, but the aristocratic quadra attitude fits better IMO.

    That's it for now.

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    Thank you, Nick, for doing some of the work for me... If there's one type I know I'm not, it's ESFj...

    Ezra, this is a bad typing... I know that 'reading ppl' isn't a natural strength of yours, so I will humor you here... That said, I'm upset I'm about to waste time with this.

    --I have no control over Si... I.e. I will eat, drink, smoke, sit in a weird positions to excess and have no fucking clue I am doing it... These sorts of matters do not disrupt any sort of "continuum" for me--they are the norm... Contrast with my ESE Mom, who notices every nuance of something I'd call 'comfortableness.' "Why are you sitting in that strange position..? Wouldn't it be more comfortable just to lay down like a normal person..? Isn't it cold in here..? My, there are so many dirty dishes!!"

    Also, the way she imposes her emotions--Fe leading--it's too fucking obtrusive--and I love my Mom to death--but I am not like that... I will attempt to control ppl's emotions only when I believe they need controlling--when it's necessary... Personally, I have much better control/awareness of Se than Si.

    --Ni polr... Read anything I've ever written and tell me I have a Ni PoLR... And I will tell you to study Socionics some more... There's just no chance of it... I see how Ni PoLR impacts my Mom whenever I hear from her--excessive over-planning, over-scheduling--"we're gonna be LATE!"--and if something happens other than what she intends to happen, she is thrown for a complete loop... This is not me at all... I do not fret about such things... Schedules bother me, in fact... EJ temperament for me is a joke.

    Ni is a personal strength--and I don't want to get into defining it for you fucks b/c of all the word-mangling and poor interpretation...

    I'll just leave it at this... Stupid thread, based on nothing, which asks of my time... Poor typing based on a poor understanding of the subject.
    Last edited by JuJu; 10-05-2008 at 11:21 PM.

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    I'm beginning to realize that typing each other over this forum is, for the most part--b/c of those who usually do it--an exercise in total bullshit. A waste of time.

    Very few of us KNOW each other--we only know what each other projects online--and often it isn't particularly representative of our overall personalities.

    Threads like this should--and they arise all the time--be warning flags to ppl: very FEW ppl here--the ones who are doing most of the typing these days--have put in the appropriate amount of time to studying someone--and Socionics--to give an accurate Socionics typing of that person... (See: this thread.)

    Yet this does not stop these fools from posting their half-assed musings anyway... (I include myself in this category, as I have done it in the past... I will not anymore.)

    Ezra, you do it all the time... You have learned, presumably, enough about Socionics to go about typing ppl correctly... Yet there is not a single REASON in your above post... "This is my own conclusion" is nothing--and you should know better... Without any reasons, threads like this are just clutter...

    That said, let's make something interesting of this abortion: "you're here to convince me," Ezra Why am I ESFj?

    @ Nick, that coach was LSE--the type Bill Belechick is... Also, you've perceived something incorrectly--"tracking emotional trends/reactions/etc"--this is what I'm good at... It seems to me you may have been over-influenced by my longtime typing b/c you do not seem open-minded to a new typing, despite what you said in the other thread... Am I right or wrong?
    Last edited by JuJu; 10-05-2008 at 11:26 PM.

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    Very few of us KNOW each other--we only know what each other projects online--and often it isn't particularly representative of our overall personalities.

    Threads like this should--and they arise all the time--be warning flags to ppl: very FEW ppl here--the ones who are doing most of the typing these days--have put in the appropriate amount of time to studying someone--and Socionics--to give an accurate Socionics typing of that person... (See: this thread.)

    Yet this does not stop these fools from posting their half-assed musings anyway... (I include myself in this category, as I have done it in the past... I will not anymore.)
    I agree. I really do not like when someone comes to a conclusion on their type and then someone comes along (which it's almost always you, ezra) and plants that seed of doubt and has you questioning it all over again. It's irritating and offensive. Juju ESE? LOLZ

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    I agree. I really do not like when someone comes to a conclusion on their type and then someone comes along (which it's almost always you, ezra) and plants that seed of doubt and has you questioning it all over again. It's irritating and offensive. Juju ESE? LOLZ
    Thank you Jessica.

    It's just, I've seen this one before... Ezra or someone equally inept at reading ppl comes along and makes a thread questioning someone's type--the person doesn't defend themselves--thus allowing a bunch of idiots to latch onto to the bullshit argument by Ezra or the equally inept Socionist--and then the next step is "JuJu as ESE" is considered true by half of the idiots who post here... And I want to emphasize idiots.

    The reason Ezra made this thread is b/c he read something in Delta written by strrng, in which strrng threw question marks on mine, unefille's, and idolatrie's types... (Just previous to that--also today--Ezra had made a post about how the three of us--me, unefille, idolatrie--were "mature" enough to reach a decision about our respective types by ourselves.) When Ezra saw that strrrng did not agree..! (Ezra has come to regard strrng as some sort of authority figure on what's beta, which is pathetic, but fodder for a different thread.) Thus, within a few minutes, this forum is graced by his bullshit thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Yet this does not stop these fools from posting their half-assed musings anyway... (I include myself in this category, as I have done it in the past... I will not anymore.)
    Half-assed musings are how some people learn, and the (supposed) purpose of this forum is to provide an outlet for people to learn about Socionics.
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elro View Post
    Half-assed musings are how some people learn, and the (supposed) purpose of this forum is to provide an outlet for people to learn about Socionics.
    You are missing the point... This is a thread questioning someone's type--my type... It was ill-thought out.

    Half-assedly muse all you want about other bullshit... I agree--some of it has been educational.

    Just don't bring someone into it who doesn't want to be brought in. Fair?

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    You are missing the point... This is a thread questioning someone's type... It was ill-thought out.

    Half-assedly muse all you want about other bullshit... Just don't bring someone into it who doesn't want to be brought in. Fair?
    That could be construed as being considerate of other people... it's obvious that this can never happen when it comes to certain poster here, it's not in their DNA, much less their types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    You are missing the point... This is a thread questioning someone's type... It was ill-thought out.

    Half-assedly muse all you want about other bullshit... Just don't bring someone into it who doesn't want to be brought in. Fair?
    On the one hand I agree that it's not exactly great to discuss someone if they don't want to be discussed, but on the other, by choosing to post in a Socionics community you're effectively putting yourself out there to be discussed, and I don't see why it's so personally insulting to have your type questioned anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

    Retired from posting and drawing Social Security. E-mail or PM to contact.

    I pity your souls

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    Is this what SLEs do when they get bored? Screwing around with others? I'll repeat that it's tottaly irritating, offensive and generaly misleading, in case Ezra is blind to realize. (Not that he would care anyways. Perhaps that's his purpose after all)
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka View Post
    That could be construed as being considerate of other people... it's obvious that this can never happen when it comes to certain poster here, it's not in their DNA, much less their types.

    Rather than "fairness"--I've come to realize that's the 'the impossible dream'--I'm asking that these ppl actually THINK a little before they post, and in their posts, explain what exactly it is that they've thought. (I.e. the opposite of the original post.)

    Otherwise, posts--such as "JuJu as ESE"--are a mish-mash of speculation based on either nothing/another person's influence, and/or personal sentiment... Not Socionics.

    Ezra's my friend, so I know he's not 'out to get me' in this situation... Regardless, this is a trend--one that needs to be stopped, i.e. posts created to cultivate controversy and/or swing public opinion about a person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elro View Post
    On the one hand I agree that it's not exactly great to discuss someone if they don't want to be discussed, but on the other, by choosing to post in a Socionics community you're effectively putting yourself out there to be discussed, and I don't see why it's so personally insulting to have your type questioned anyway.
    You're missing the point again... He could have proposed SEE (or any other type he wanted for that matter) for Juju and present it with the same confidence and passion and create unneeded doubts and controversy around (based on basically nothing), not just in Juju but in other people as well. And I am not overly certain that his purpose is what it superficially appears to be, either.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Otherwise, posts--such as "JuJu as ESE"--are a mish-mash of speculation based on either nothing/another person's influence, and/or personal sentiment... Not Socionics.

    Ezra's my friend, so I know he's not 'out to get me' in this situation... Regardless, this is a trend--one that needs to be stopped, i.e. posts created to cultivate controversy and/or swing public opinion about a person.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elro View Post
    On the one hand I agree that it's not exactly great to discuss someone if they don't want to be discussed, but on the other, by choosing to post in a Socionics community you're effectively putting yourself out there to be discussed, and I don't see why it's so personally insulting to have your type questioned anyway.
    Elro, again, you are missing the point... What's insulting is to have your type questioned without any Socionics info whatsoever underlying the questioning...Furthermore, what's the reason for the type questioning..? Those two factors together = the response I gave.

    Do you understand?

    P.S. Exactly what Winterpark said

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    Quote Originally Posted by Carla View Post
    Ezra is LSE.
    I encourage you to go ahead and start a thread about that.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Carla View Post
    Your encouragement has been accepted.
    Well you've clearly shown in your previous post that you've done a good amount of socionics-related analysis and that your hypothesis is well grounded.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post

    I'm beginning to realize that typing each other over this forum is, for the most part--b/c of those who usually do it--an exercise in total bullshit. A waste of time.
    I disagree. If one examines shit closely and actually listens to the person, they can offer valuable insight and knowledge.

    Very few of us KNOW each other--we only know what each other projects online--and often it isn't particularly representative of our overall personalities.
    This is inaccurate IMO. What do you think, people fake shit over the internet? If anything, people feel more comfortable and open behind their keyboard. And this is socionics - it's about inferring underlying trends in peoples' behavior, so even if someone projects some image, a knowledgeable socionist should still be able to detect the latent patterns present in that person.

    Threads like this should--and they arise all the time--be warning flags to ppl: very FEW ppl here--the ones who are doing most of the typing these days--have put in the appropriate amount of time to studying someone--and Socionics--to give an accurate Socionics typing of that person... (See: this thread.)
    I agree. It's mostly ego-driven, compensatory bullshit, lol.

    Yet this does not stop these fools from posting their half-assed musings anyway... (I include myself in this category, as I have done it in the past... I will not anymore.)

    Ezra, you do it all the time... You have learned, presumably, enough about Socionics to go about typing ppl correctly... Yet there is not a single REASON in your above post... "This is my own conclusion" is nothing--and you should know better... Without any reasons, threads like this are just clutter...

    That said, let's make something interesting of this abortion: "you're here to convince me," Ezra Why am I ESFj?
    lol @ him

    @ Nick, that coach was LSE--the type Bill Belechick is... Also, you've perceived something incorrectly--"tracking emotional trends/reactions/etc"--this is what I'm good at... It seems to me you may have been over-influenced by my longtime typing b/c you do not seem open-minded to a new typing, despite what you said in the other thread... Am I right or wrong?
    Ok, the attitude just seemed stereotypically beta. And yeah, I concede to falling prey to my preconceptions about you.

    Thank you Jessica.

    It's just, I've seen this one before... Ezra or someone equally inept at reading ppl comes along and makes a thread questioning someone's type--the person doesn't defend themselves--thus allowing a bunch of idiots to latch onto to the bullshit argument by Ezra or the equally inept Socionist--and then the next step is "JuJu as ESE" is considered true by half of the idiots who post here... And I want to emphasize idiots.
    Yeah, aristocracy works for you, lol.

    The reason Ezra made this thread is b/c he read something in Delta written by strrng, in which strrng threw question marks on mine, unefille's, and idolatrie's types... (Just previous to that--also today--Ezra had made a post about how the three of us--me, unefille, idolatrie--were "mature" enough to reach a decision about our respective types by ourselves.) When Ezra saw that strrrng did not agree..! (Ezra has come to regard strrng as some sort of authority figure on what's beta, which is pathetic, but fodder for a different thread.) Thus, within a few minutes, this forum is graced by his bullshit thread.
    Huh? I believe the people I said were delta were winterpark, jessica and luis. Or are you referring to another thread? And lol, I remember him saying that about you three. lol, I should be an authority on beta. Can you link that thread?

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    for the record, this is not ezra's idea. i've thought juju was ESE for a long time. i think this is an entirely reasonable and fairly well documented suggestion. here's the relevant section of the IM convo in which i brought the matter up, for anyone interested.

    winterpark/jessica/lokivanguard/bionicgoat/etc and strrrng/allie/dolphin/etc need not bother responding.

    (12:53:44) > you think juju is IEI?
    (12:57:05) < why would he change
    (12:58:01) > i agree that IEE makes little sense
    (12:58:07) > but he changed primarily because he's a dumbass
    (12:58:11) > and i certainly don't think he's IEI
    (12:58:21) > if you want to argue EIE, maybe
    (12:58:34) > but the suggestion that juju has Se DS is remarkably demented
    (12:58:53) < ok
    (12:58:57) < ne/si quadra is more likely
    (12:59:04) < but there are two things rattling my mind
    (12:59:05) < firstly
    (12:59:13) < that he is not an IEE
    (12:59:25) > i agree with that
    (12:59:29) < secondly, that he tells me he is a "shit sensor"
    (12:59:32) < which annoys me
    (12:59:33) > i think there's no possible way he's anything but an Fe type
    (12:59:35) < not because i don't agree
    (12:59:46) < yeah ok
    (12:59:47) < fe
    (12:59:54) < so he is alpha sf then
    (13:00:04) < but then he says he's got bad sensory stuff
    (13:00:15) < and when people say things like that in that manner, i tend to believe them
    (13:00:19) > well
    (13:00:21) < because i think some convictions are worth trusting
    (13:00:28) > i take what he has to say with a definite grain of salt
    (13:00:40) < if an individual who doesn't know his type feels THAT strongly about an aspect of a type, i feel compelled to trust him
    (13:00:41) > partially because he seems remarkably inclined to agree or disagree with anyone else's conclusions at whim
    (13:00:50) < no
    (13:00:53) < i have talked to him
    (13:00:57) < he has disagreed with me
    (13:01:02) > i'm sure he has
    (13:01:09) > it doesn't mean that
    (13:01:16) > he's actually thinking for himself in any means whatsoever
    (13:02:32) > the very distinct impression i get from juju is that
    (13:02:34) > um
    (13:02:44) > very similarly to someone like dbmmama
    (13:02:48) < oh god
    (13:02:48) < her
    (13:02:56) < yeah, i understand your sentiments exactly in that case
    (13:03:03) < she is attached to what others think i swear
    (13:03:03) > he's inclined to sort of try to agree with people at random and try to present himself as making far more rational conclusions than he's capable of
    (13:03:20) < yeah
    (13:03:25) < so he's clearly ethical; understandable
    (13:03:34) < i wouldn't for a second think he was logical
    (13:03:40) > well i say he's clearly Fe from that sort of thing
    (13:03:47) < right
    (13:03:48) > just as far as
    (13:04:00) > i think he's really similar to dbmmama in a number of ways
    (13:04:22) > he very very closely plays the part of peacemaker
    (13:04:28) > he initially tried to not do this
    (13:04:34) > with smccosker motivating his behavior
    (13:04:42) > and he ended up sort of
    (13:04:47) > feeling terrible about himself
    (13:04:54) > for having precipitated a great deal of conflict
    (13:05:02) < he didn't get on with smc him after a while
    (13:05:04) > which is obviously much more appropriate-sounding to ESE
    (13:05:08) > i know
    (13:05:10) > and this is why
    (13:05:23) > but juju now has sort of
    (13:05:28) > stepped back from the sort of
    (13:05:44) > high horse of claiming he's right and everyone else is wrong
    (13:06:13) > which he was only motivated to do when he was dealing with a Ti type (his benefactor, in fact)
    (13:06:22) > and now he tries to paint himself as
    (13:06:40) > "i listen to everybody and appreciate everybody's feedback, and i want to hear from all of you so i can learn from you"
    (13:06:51) < come to think of it, i can draw certain parallels with cracka
    (13:06:52) > which certainly is reminiscent moreso of someone like dbmmama than
    (13:07:01) > cracka is by far the easiest person to draw parallels with for him
    (13:07:05) > but like
    (13:07:15) > the way he tries to get lots of new input is sort of
    (13:07:22) > very very different from the way that some EIEs might operate
    (13:07:31) > even "sane" EIEs like unefille are sort of
    (13:07:35) > far more discriminatory
    (13:07:37) > i think
    (13:07:51) > compare him to the other end of not-so-sane EIEs
    (13:07:56) > such as jadae or bulletsanddoves
    (13:08:03) > and you have night and day
    (13:08:21) > and i suppose importantly when he says
    (13:08:27) > "i'm objective... i want your feedback"
    (13:08:39) > my immediate, subjective reaction is "yeah right. go back to your sandbox."
    (13:08:48) > like it's really clear to me that
    (13:09:00) > that's not even remotely his game
    (13:09:33) > he's just really totally clueless
    (13:09:53) > and whether he believes something is not a function of whether it's sane so much as
    (13:09:59) > he needs something to believe
    (13:10:03) > something concrete
    (13:10:07) > and he'll take anything

    also of note is that this conversation does not really address the sensory aspect that juju claims to be bad at. while i don't totally take him on his word for that, there are a couple of things that make me not entirely sure; Si is not about aptitude in house cleaning or washing dishes necessarily so much as the overall character of one's ability to perceive and take care of aspects (to their standards) of their surrounding environment. i don't know juju, and his claims that he's inattentive towards his sensory surroundings might serve to introduce some ambiguity to this typing. two factors, however, might suggest otherwise: juju's demonstrated aptitude for hedonism and the overall feeling of "homeliness" that juju presents in his videos, as though he were very comfortable and unperturbed, and perhaps inviting of other people to make use of his social space. juju's demonstrated role of playing the extrovert (ie with smccosker) and managing the overall interaction from a social standpoint seems more fitting from an Si creative standpoint than from that of a victim.

    it is noted that neither of juju's hedonism nor social role of extroversion especially detracts from EIE, but to me they seem an overall more appropriate fit with ESE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I believe the people I said were delta were winterpark, jessica and luis. Or are you referring to another thread? And lol, I remember him saying that about you three. lol, I should be an authority on beta. Can you link that thread?
    Ezra's post about "successful conversions."

    Strrng's post about "highly doubting:"

    @Nick: I took your post as a tacit undermining of all of Ezra's conclusions... Not so?

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17 View Post
    it is noted that neither of juju's hedonism nor social role of extroversion especially detracts from EIE, but to me they seem an overall more appropriate fit with ESE.
    Niffweed, please think about this: how can you make such SWEEPING generalizations about someone/their way of life/the way they interact with their environment and how the person's interaction w/ that environment 'seems'? When Niffweed: you know NOTHING about me... NOTHING... We've never even spoken via IM (!)

    You call the "suggestion" of me being ESE "well-documented" however, it's ONLY BEEN DOCUMENTED BY YOU... That is to say, NO ONE ELSE HAS DOCUMENTED it... no one... Just b/c you say it's well-documented does not make it true.

    This is what's obvious from your above post: you have very little info applicable to typing me ESE and you're trying (very hard) to fit it into a coherent typing... You've chosen a type b/c it's your 'conflictor,' (it's obvious in the thread that you do not respect/like me,) and you conflict with me personally... Trust me, the feeling of dislike is mutual--but to use that feeling as the primary basis of your typing..? (and you call ME a "moron" lol)
    Last edited by JuJu; 10-06-2008 at 02:06 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Ezra's post about "successful conversions."

    Strrng's post about "highly doubting:"

    @Nick: I took your post as a tacit undermining of all of Ezra's conclusions... Not so?
    Oh, I was only referring to the ISTps.

    Niffweed, please think about this: how can you make such SWEEPING generalizations about someone/their way of life/the way they interact with their environment and how it 'seems'? Niffweed: you know NOTHING about me... NOTHING.
    It's called Ne with a rigid-ass Ti framework, lol.

    You call the "suggestion" of me being ESE "well-documented" however, it's ONLY BEEN DOCUMENTED BY YOU... That is to say, NO ONE ELSE HAS DOCUMENTED it.
    Ti self-appointed arbiter of objectivity lol.

    You have very little info and you're trying to fit into a coherent whole... You have no idea what you're talking about--at ALL... (And you called ME a moron... lol.)
    It's called Ti molding reality to it's preconceived premises and assumptions, lol.

    lol @ this Ti:

    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed
    winterpark/jessica/lokivanguard/bionicgoat/etc and strrrng/allie/dolphin/etc need not bother responding.
    Nice demarcation, lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Niffweed, please think about this: how can you make such SWEEPING generalizations about someone/their way of life/the way they interact with their environment and how the person's interaction w/ that environment 'seems'?

    Niffweed: you know NOTHING about me... NOTHING... We've never even spoken via IM (!)

    You call the "suggestion" of me being ESE "well-documented" however, it's ONLY BEEN DOCUMENTED BY YOU... That is to say, NO ONE ELSE HAS DOCUMENTED it... no one.

    This is what's obvious from your above post: you have very little info applicable to typing me ESE and you're trying (very hard) to fit it into a coherent typing... You've chosen a type b/c it's your 'conflictor,' (it's obvious in the thread that you do not respect/like me,) and you conflict with me personally... Trust me, the feeling is mutual.
    Fe much?

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17 View Post
    winterpark/jessica/lokivanguard/bionicgoat/etc and strrrng/allie/dolphin/etc need not bother responding.
    Is there something you wanna say in our face, asshole? Perhaps you need not bother responding. Juju is a fool for talking to you at all.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17 View Post
    Fe much?
    Cause any ostensible emotion = Fe, right? That gives you an excuse to be a completely callous dick, right? Stop cherry-picking shit; it only demonstrates your Ti preference. Just because JuJu got angered by your fallacious bullshit and expressed it, doesn't mean he's Fe-valuing. The selectivity of your responses and choice of interpretations never ceases to amaze me.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    Probably not.

    what's funniest in reading the conversation btw. Niffweed and Ezra is the NERVE I seem to have struck with Niffweed... (I can tell his frustration has built over time and now it's boiling.) Also, how Niffweed is attempting to influence Ezra.

    If anyone has been taking Niffweed's Socionics opinions seriously lately--the way the wind's blowing, I'm guessing fewer and fewer--let them read the history of Niffweed's conversation with Ezra here.

    Ladies and gents, this is how Niffweed types ppl... This is the info he uses to come to those 'insightful' typing on his userlist, (3-5 typings/person...) What a fucking joke.
    Last edited by JuJu; 10-06-2008 at 02:34 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Also, how Niffweed is attempting to influence Ezra.
    Pretty obvious and pretty pathetic.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Carla View Post
    What the fuck are you talking about?
    This is WHAT THE FUCK I'm talking about, Carla Niffweed's wikisocion userlist:

    *For DiscoJoe, Niffweed has listed a full 1/4 of the Socion as potential types.
    ** The above is NOT Niffweed's 'joke' list... These typings represent his actual beliefs.

    A niffweed typing paraphrased for truth...

    "Name: JuJu

    Description: JuJu is an idiotic twat. He
    reminds me of a
    person I once saw on TV and
    found disgraceful and/or
    Cracka, who I'm pretty sure is
    at least half-retarded... I've 'conflicted'
    with JuJu on an internet msg board. Since
    my world is so small, i.e. strictly internet forums, and thus my
    self-worth is at stake in this situation--I'm intent on getting
    out the word: JUJU IS BAD! Given my objectives, I'm leaning
    toward four or so types... None of which pertain
    to the reality of JuJu's type; conversely, I'm listing them to
    assuage my extraordinarily fragile sense of self-worth.

    Types: ESE (b/c me and JuJu 'conflict' -- I mean, duhhh)
    SEI (b/c it's like ESE, but kinda different... Ya know?)
    EIE (b/c I categorize everyone I hate as either Alpha or Beta--and
    I do hate JuJu--let there be no misunderstanding. I HATE HIM.)

    P.S. Take me seriously... Pleeeeeeeeeease... I'm Niffweed... I've been here forever... Pleeeeease???"

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    lol @ niffweed
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    JuJu is strong in Fe and Fi, and I think he's also strong in Ne. Ni is a trickier one to pin down but if he's strong in Ne he's strong in that as well. So I'd say the only thing really obvious is that he's some NF type. I could see ENFp but he could certainly be another NF type. I don't have a sense as to how he responds to Se and Si, and Te and Ti, but that would resolve the Beta or Delta thing. If he says he feels like he's Beta, I'm not going to argue with him - I've only really read one or two threads and a few PMs.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    I think he's just a spoiled, overly-educated bisexual white boy that uses his homoerotic charms and bureaucratic sensibilities to make people do whatever he wants them to do and then when he really has to step up he can backpeddle and just act cute, because he's intelligent enough to enjoy people while also protecting and maintaining his own distance.


    That will be $200 please.

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    Oh ugh and I still love everybody even though I understand their dark sides too well so don't be getting all overly sensitive on me now like some people did in the past. Please.

    Don't you get it now? I'm too lonely cause I understand people too much. =(

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Description: JuJu is an idiotic twat. He
    reminds me of a
    person I once saw on TV and
    found disgraceful and/or
    Cracka, who I'm pretty sure is
    at least half-retarded... I've 'conflicted'
    with JuJu on an internet msg board.
    I didn't see this anywhere on there, well, the part where niff said I'm "at least half-retarded"
    Though I do have little doubt that niffweed may think this, I'd just like to see where he actually posted it? If he didn't, there's no reason to paraphrase something in this way, correct?

    Niff mentions me in his wiki a few times and I can't say I really care. He's told me I'm stupid on cam before and I didn't really care either, I don't respect him so I can't respect his opinion on the matter, so due to that... I don't really care what HE actually says, posts, or blogs. Our definitions of intelligence are considerably different and that I do respect... For the most part niffweed and I never even interract on any level and I'm sure we're both ok with that.
    I do however, take issue with the fact that him calling someone a dumber version of me somehow insinuates myself as half-retarded without a reference to it? Which is all I read on his wiki about JuJu.
    Care to clear this up?

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    @Cracka my paraphrasing Niffweed was meant to be a joke on Niffweed... I certainly do not feel that way about you. Let me explain.

    I wrote it b/c he's referenced you in reference to me numerous times, e.g. on his wiki: currently JuJu is "a dumber version of cracka." Also, you have been mentioned in relation to me in his conversation with Ezra, (posted earlier in this thread.) Furthermore, I've had conversations on AIM with forum members who have told me he's attempted to draw this same parallel (without any Socionics backing) to push for an ESFj typing for me.

    Obviously, he thinks poorly of me--on my part, it 100% mutual--so I'm not sure that, when he compares us, these are compliments he's leveling, i.e. "Cracka, you're like JuJu (who I fucking hate and think is completely retarded.") I believe he thinks at least slightly better of you than me, thus "half-retarded."

    But it was a joke, ya know? And not meant to be on you... Thus I'm really sorry if your feelings were hurt in any way... I do not feel that way about you, personally---to be honest, the opposite.

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    lol @ B&D's analysis of Justin's motivations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    I think he's just a spoiled, overly-educated bisexual white boy that uses his homoerotic charms and bureaucratic sensibilities to make people do whatever he wants them to do and then when he really has to step up he can backpeddle and just act cute, because he's intelligent enough to enjoy people while also protecting and maintaining his own distance.


    That will be $200 please.
    Only if that $200 goes toward a marraige license. So you pick: Mass or Cali.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    lol @ B&D's analysis of Justin's motivations.
    like he's been reading my diaries!

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    Hmm. This socionics stuff really seems to be working. We're acting like Identicals. Or maybe, we're just forming our own behaviors based on calling ourselves IEIs and we're all being duped by some big government conspiracy. Perhaps the only reason why we get along is because we're both cute and sexy and white. You don't really like me at all. I'm just falling for your act because I know it too well but it doesn't stop me from becoming victim to it myself. My is getting out of control again. It's like I can ironically be both self-confident but self-doubting all at once. =(

    I already know we're loveable. But I think it's so hard for us to be loving. I think you, Gilly, Sean and I should join a support group for white boys that are too pretty and smart for their own good. And then we can all cry about our distant fathers and overbearing mothers and strong need to know stuff instead of just playing kickball like normal boys. It can be just us with an emotional awkwardness of pure beauty and oh shit-isms.

    Male narcissism is so underrated. That will be our first topic of discussion.

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