Quote Originally Posted by mpiazza000 View Post
YOu need to teach me how to write more TI. when I write, as I am already horrible with my writings, lacks of thoughts, too flowy, not structure is all my problems in writing.
It will be a long and arduous journey, my friend, but ultimately you will reach true enlightenment. It will make you cry and tear your hair out. But at the end, you will discover the beauty of inner structure and logic and ye will be saved. Well, and bald. But you can't have everything.

Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
Says the emotionally retarded being that hasn't met a feeling yet that doesn't confuse her! Oh! Emotions! How ALIEN! Whatever do I do with them?! Oh, I guess I'll just, NOT DEAL.
*wards against the emotions* Hey, I've got you to deal with those things. I just bring out your inner frat boy.