1) It is far better to be on your own than with someone just for the sake of not being alone. That applies to friendships as wells as relationships.

The second option is definitely a concern, but this is how I actually am.

2) To proclaim my understanding and competence on a subject, and then change my mind on it because my understanding was shown to be incorrect, it’s embarrassing for me, especially in public, as I fear it makes me look stupid. I prefer to avoid this and usually wait until I am sure of my understanding and knowledge before I start talking about it.

Embarrasing, but probably not that embarrasing. Usually if I thought something was right it was with good reason, and if it wasn't, then I can make light of it.

3) There is clearly too much information and it's impossible to get all of it. If I was to get my information from the newspaper, I wouldn't buy them all, I'd get one. And I'd get The Times, but not the Daily Mail or The Guardian. So I'd take one source as basically authoritative until I have reason not to do so (e.g. a better source).

I do think one person's experience - especially mine - is too limited. I think it's always good to know what the man on the street thinks. So my way of creating government policy would be to read a good newspaper while overhearing a few conversations (i.e. an overview with a few case studies).

4)If I need to learn something quickly, my first instinct is to ask someone I see as knowledgeable on the subject, rather than find my own way through it in books, the net, etc.

I'd do both...I'd ask people if they have any experience in the matter or any insights while looking it up also. It's mostly a matter of proximity.

5) Hmm, no. I am never sure about such things.

Probably the second option. Most of the time I want to keep my head down and pretend that such things don't exist.

6) Especially in moments of crisis, I am inclined to be paralyzed by indecision and tend to wish, later, that I had acted more quickly.

This. Though when I absolutely must act, I do actually seem to respond better than other people would (i.e. because they don't know what to do).

7) On the contrary, I don’t worry too much about appearing stupid/and or ignorant – I am more likely to worry if I am being boring, inconvenient, rude etc when dealing with others, collectively or individually.
Probably this.

8) On the contrary, I usually tend to think I am already doing, or have already done, enough anyway – unless it is something that depends on a very specific standard that has to be met, in which case I meet it.

9) Sometimes I may even wish I was better in such things, but normally I think that those who take physical risks (or risk getting into physical confrontations) easily are just being silly.

10) I enjoy poetry and often wish I could write it myself.