1) First. It's a common issue between myself and my mother. She finds it unfathomable that I would reject readily available company just because I don't really like the people in it. I think she thinks it should be about the company I'm in, not the individual people comprising it. Not sure.

2) I agree with the part about usually waiting until I am sure of my understanding and knowledge before I start talking about it, as I try to be sure that the information I am passing is valid, but not the rest.

3) Both. I am skeptical of second-hand information precisely because of mine and others narrow and limited perspective. I cannot trust others but ultimately I cannot trust myself as well. In essence, even through I search hard to have the truth any information I have is limited by either mine or others perspective and this cannot be circumvented.

4) Disagree. My natural impulse is to do it myself. I turn to others only if necessary.

5) The second, but it's not insecurity as much as complete indifference. I am completely disinterested in whether anybody finds me sexually attractive.

6) The second. I never freeze, I always have an idea of what to do.

7) Second. I am always paying attention to whether I am discomforting other people. And to whether other people are discomforting other people. I tend to try to control that aspect of the environment, make sure that I am in a pleasant, comfortable environment, that my stay there is enjoyable. I talked about this long ago when I was describing how I tend to use my Ni to direct Fe, to control the atmosphere of an environment over a period of time. That boat analogy you had.

8) First. And this is one of those things where I am surprised, not to say shocked, when other people are not like this.

9) The second one is actually an understatement of what I actually think. I find both the people under the first option and those who do that kind of stuff insane. I think they have no place in society and having people like that is dangerous and if there weren't any people like that the world would be a much, much better place. I think a lot of societies problems would be solved if such people were expelled or in their entirety inhibited. Simply their impact on society removed.

10) Neither really. I can enjoy poetry, but I don't care about it.