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This one is difficult for me to answer as my actions in the past and my young adult years would signify the second one, except that at that time I was also heavily influenced by a number of mental/emotional health issues at that time.

By the time I found out I was pregnant with my daughter (at age 23-ish) I was just starting to get my mind/emotions together. At the time that she was born I also took some time away from intimate relationships. By the time I was ready to start trying relationships again, I had a clearer idea of what I wanted/needed in a relationship, and what was compatible with me, and how good or bad I was for the other person. With each relationship I became more and more picky. Though I still wound up in relationships quickly…even if they didn't last long. But not for the reasons of the second option.

As for friends, I've always had a few acquaintances, but few actual close friends. Hanging out with someone was based on us both enjoying an experience/activity, or my wanting to be with this particular person, and not just because I was bored or alone. Often times this meant that there would only be one, maybe two, types of connections with any particular person.

I rarely 'proclaim my understanding and competence on a subject' anyways. More often I'm tossing around possibly ideas or possible approaches. I rarely settle on anything, and rarely have strong beliefs about anything. So that makes the few that I do feel strongly about…actually strong. And they pretty much only are strong because various experiences have somehow strengthened them over time until they actually became something akin to a belief. But I'm still open to alternatives, and may even look for ways that it might be refined…and rarely proclaim my own beliefs/ideals as being some objective "truth".

Sometimes it can seem as if I'm not open to alternatives. Generally in this case though its due to the supposed alternatives not fitting in with numerous little aspects that the other person is flat out ignoring or dismissing as 'irrelevant'. When I'm aware of these little aspects, any alternatives, including the original 'thought' need to cover these aspects as well as whatever else is being covered.

I'm constantly looking for people's experiences and adding that to my 'knowledge' base, it's information that I can draw on, and not so limited as my own abilities/experiences. However, I don't accept people's final conclusions as adding to my 'knowledge' base. I want the experiences they went through that helped them reach those conclusions. What happened, when, how did they respond, what would they have changed, were they successful, etc etc. Being able to draw on this means more to me than them telling me the conclusion they reached. It also gives me more information that I can pass on to someone else who may be going through a similar situation. Just handing them some kind of final conclusion doesn't help them. But hearing how someone else solved a similar problem, and the things that occurred as a result, etc, THAT helps them more.

My first instinct is almost always to go to a person who might have information about the subject. If a person isn't available, then I'll go to a book. I really suck at searching the internet, lol. So haven't yet been able to make that work successfully on a regular basis for me. Even books are touch and go. But I do prefer the written word…well, actually diagrams and pictures, lol…over verbalizing because then I can go back over what was said..and go back over it…and go back over it…and go back over it…until I feel as if I at least have a clue as to what they said/meant, heh. People seem to get annoyed if you keep going back to them with the same damned questions, . . .

Also, having it on paper or in a book means that I can show it to someone else who may need the same information.

I used to…when I was actually sexually attractive.
When I withdrew from intimate relationships (that time off period), I deliberately gained weight in hopes to put off guys' attentions. It turns out that that doesn't work so well unless one is really really fat. And even then it seems that guys (in general) will pretty much try to screw any girl that they think they can.

Hmmm, this one is a both kind of thing. I very often…perhaps most often…act impulsively, and of course later or almost immediately after (sometimes even during) regret that action. I used to be really great at handling emergencies though. Until I had my daughter. Now, when she's involved in the emergency, while I can reduce any life-threatening possibilities, I wind up being paralyzed by indecision. The actions I would take with myself or another adult or a stranger, somehow don't always apply to actions I need to take for my daughter. This is compounded when I don't have someone I can rely on to ensure certain needs are met.

For example, a few years ago my brother and I were watching my daughter (3yo) during her swim class. A few explosions happened not too far away, and between our location and my apartment where my dog was. The locations were close enough that I had no way of knowing how close the explosion was to my apartment. Nor of how quickly a spreading fire would reach my apartment. People were trying to leave the areas, and we didn't have a radio to hear what was actually going on. (they had been mushroom looking clouds, and I swear I stood there staring at the clouds waiting for the end to hit us. After about half a minute or so, nothing happened, so I grabbed my daughter and went for the car to get her to safety. Now, my dog had been with me for years and years. He was my absolute best friend. And now he's stuck in a dangerous situation on a second level floor with no way of jumping to safety or getting out to safety. I wanted to drop my brother and daughter off at a park, where he could watch her, she'd be safe out of the danger area, so I could go get my dog. But my brother didn't want to. Which left me pulled in two different directions: keep my daughter safe…or rescue my dog. It was a horrible situation and feeling to be in!!! I never want to go through that again. Now she's old enough (12yo) that if something similar were to happen, I could leave her at a safe place, with water, money, and cell phone, and go take care of what I needed to.

So I guess my answer would be that it depends on just how much emotion is involved. Impulsive desires leads to quick but sometimes 'rash' actions.
Contradicting desires leads to indecision.

I have such a hard time verbally communicating my thoughts that I am used to being perceived as stupid/incoherent. And since I often don't even know what I'm thinking unless I get it out of myself, it's to be expected that odd/stupid things initially pop out.
It doesn't bother me when I make it known to others that I don't know something. Or when I ask them questions about something that they might assume that everyone should already know this.
I also worry about if I'm boring the person, inconveniencing them, if they'd misinterpret what I just said as being an insult, or if they think my giggle was about one thing when it was really about another, etc.
Since I don't deal much with people collectively, and deal mostly with individuals, this applies mostly to one on one or two on one interaction. More than two and I generally won't say anything at all. Possibly because it's too hard to juggle all the ins and outs of connection making and individual interests when there is more than two people.

I think this would be situationally based. But I will say that most often, I feel as if I don't do near enough as I 'should' do.

I guess it depends on the extremes taken.
For example, I admire skateboarders because of the amount of time and energy they put into perfecting their craft/sport. And the risks they are willing to take in order to further perfect or enhance it.
I also respect people who stand up for what they believe in….even if I also dislike people pushing their ideals onto others and expecting others to abide. (yes, I recognize the potential conflicts here, heh).
But I don't admire someone who'll just keep an argument going on and on and on, without actually saying anything, without actually trying to be understood, who'll keep twisting words/actions/etc to fit some preconceived interpretations.
As well I also don't like when people will cut off a discussion without even bothering to try to actually communicate with the person.
(and yes, I'm also aware of the various conflicts the last two can be involved in)

I like songs, lyrics, but not so much poetry. I often don't get the symbolic language used. And I don't like flowery ones. (which alas, is what I used to write when I tried oh so many years ago, lol)
I do, however, like story type ones, such as beowulf, and some of poe's that had actual characters and actions and responses going on.
Also, I like ironic stuff.
However, when I'm actually trying to get information about something, I'd rather it be pretty straightforward. Though a little poetic license to help enhance the story (climax) a bit can be fun.