It is far better to be on your own than with someone just for the sake of not being alone. That applies to friendships as wells as relationships.

Yes, there has to be a reason for me to be with someone. Anxiety is not a good reason.

To proclaim my understanding and competence on a subject, and then change my mind on it because my understanding was shown to be incorrect, it’s embarrassing for me, especially in public, as I fear it makes me look stupid. I prefer to avoid this and usually wait until I am sure of my understanding and knowledge before I start talking about it.

Yes, this situation is embarrassing.

I am naturally skeptical of second-hand information and whenever possible prefer to trust my own experience to reach a conclusion about something.

I have to investigate for myself.

If I need to learn something quickly, my first instinct is to ask someone I see as knowledgeable on the subject, rather than find my own way through it in books, the net, etc.

It depends on how trustworthy the source is. If I want to know about physics, asking Isaac Newton to help me understand is a good idea.

I have a very good idea about my level of sexual attractiveness (or lack thereof) in relation to others around me.

Oh yes. I am sexy.

6) On the contrary, I am far more likely, on such occasions, to act impulsively and to later regret my decisions taken so rashly.

I do not hesitate, but I have not regretted my actions. In hindsight, I always agree with my decision.

I worry far more about appearing stupid and/or ignorant among others than I worry about being awkward when dealing with people.

I don't have social anxieties, but if I had to choose, being stupid would be it.

It is a very common state of mind for me to feel that, whatever I have done with regards to a task, or when doing something for someone, I could have done just one bit more.

I realize how things could be better, but don't really stress about it. I file it away for the next time I perform the task.

9) Sometimes I may even wish I was better in such things, but normally I think that those who take physical risks (or risk getting into physical confrontations) easily are just being silly.

I think it is stupid to confront someone physically. Anyone can do it and be successful. It takes skill to actually control and manipulate.

I enjoy poetry and often wish I could write it myself.

Yes. Poetry communicates multitudes.