1) It is far better to be on your own than with someone just for the sake of not being alone. That applies to friendships as wells as relationships.

2) Agree. I usually don’t say anything unless I feel I have at least a moderately solid understanding of the issue at hand; until I am sure, I will put forth very few [or no] strong opinions, because it is almost like I don’t feel I have a right to express them unless I really understand the issue at hand.

3) I think any one person’s experience – including mine – may be too narrow or limited, and I prefer to broaden it by getting as much second-hand information as I can.

4) Disagree. I am constantly looking things up online, in books, etc. I will ask people if I feel they have some specialized knowledge that I couldn’t get another way, but in general I don’t like to bother people with questions that I can find answers to on my own.

5) Hmm, no. I am never sure about such things.

6) I don’t really relate to either of these. In moments of crisis I usually feel and act quite level-headed, and I just do what needs to be done, without being indecisive or rash. [FWIW, it’s in day-to-day life that I am more likely to be “paralyzed by indecision.”]

7) I don’t worry too much about appearing stupid/and or ignorant – I am more likely to worry if I am being boring, inconvenient, rude etc when dealing with others, collectively or individually.

8) I usually tend to think I am already doing, or have already done, enough anyway – unless it is something that depends on a very specific standard that has to be met, in which case I meet it.

9) Sometimes I may even wish I was better in such things, but normally I think that those who take physical risks (or risk getting into physical confrontations) easily are just being silly.

10) In general, I would go with the latter. But there is some poetry that I really enjoy [though it does tend to be the poetry that is actually communicating something without being convoluted, and that is beautiful and thought-provoking without being overly-sentimental.]