1) On the contrary, very often I need to be with someone as loneliness is unbearable. On such occasions, I can’t be too picky about who the “someone” is.

2) Agree

3) On the contrary, I think any one person’s experience – including mine – may be too narrow or limited, and I prefer to broaden it by getting as much second-hand information as I can.

4) Disagree

5) Hmm, no. I am never sure about such things.

6) Especially in moments of crisis, I am inclined to be paralyzed by indecision and tend to wish, later, that I had acted more quickly.

7) For some reason I couldn't decide.

8) It is a very common state of mind for me to feel that, whatever I have done with regards to a task, or when doing something for someone, I could have done just one bit more.

9) Sometimes I may even wish I was better in such things, but normally I think that those who take physical risks (or risk getting into physical confrontations) easily are just being silly.

10) Poetry may be nice and all, but it’s ultimately pointless – I prefer writings that actually communicate something in a more straightforward language.