Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
Actually, I identify with Ne more than any of the other functions. It's just that I have a hard time seeing it in a leading role, as in always looking for opportunities and seeing the potential in things.

Interesting. I am always afraid that I will become distracted or misled by it; and for most matters it doesn't serve as a substitute for motor-sensory experience. I fear that if I let it run wild I will be inconsistent and redundant, and that I will lack purpose and direction. I am also hesitant to use it extravertedly, since I doubt that anyone would relate to it and even if they did they would not be relating to me because I don't relate to it when it is used on me (my intuition is about as extroverted as is Plato's trapped prisoner watching shadows alone in his cave, and is almost never involved in any social interaction). I use Ne for short periods of time, to supplement and develop my Ni in short, self-consistent spurts, which is what I mainly rely on.