Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
I've noticed a couple things:

- 1) A large number of people on this website are unsure of their type.

- 2) A large number of people have changed their type over time.

I thought that this might have to do with the fact that, unlike the MBTI, socionics has no official way of determining one's type. However, neither does the Enneagram, and yet, from my experience, I haven't noticed the same degree of confusion amongst its users.

My question is, why is it so difficult? Is it the fact that there are inconsistent interpretations of the types? Is it that the descriptions are not down-to-earth enough? Or is it something else?

Answering these questions is useful, because it can improve how the descriptions are written. It would be especially useful if the people who fit one of the categories mentioned above would respond, so we have people who are actually experiencing this problem tell us why they are having (or have had) trouble.

I will say that I had trouble, because a lot of the INTj descriptions described things that are difficult for me to see in myself. I think I do use Ti a lot in my thinking, but not in the way it's usually described.

Here's something that contributes to it... I don't think you're INTj