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Thread: Determine type

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    Default Determine type

    I'm not sure of my type so I have listed a couple of statements describing me as a person. I've tried to encompass the bad aspects of myself also.
    What type would I be?

    General aspects of myself:
    - I think in substances. Everything has an exact unique shape in my mind. Ideas, concepts, thoughts, all of my mind is made up of clearly defined elements whose relation I try to comprehend. It is very difficult for me to express my thoughts so that others may understand them. I always strive for perfect expression, consistency of words in relation to my thoughts. Yet I can never fully present my thoughts because there always sees to be something lost in the translation or my expression hasn’t cover everything or has covered too much and so on. Only time I get my thoughts through is with people who think like me. You could say one has to think like me in order to understand me.

    - I write all of my posts in microsoft word, to eliminate spelling errors, to rephrase wrongly phrased sentences, and then after I check everything I double check some more just to eliminate my paranoia. Then I put it in a new post, already finished, where I continue with several successive detailed inspections and tweaks of my post before posting it. Some final inspection is required after I post to guaranty that my post has been worded properly.

    But I do none of this when I’m in a playful mood. Then I stop making mistakes (At least I think I do), I express my thought with crystal clarity and do not concern myself about it being misunderstood or wrongly phrased.

    - With the people I care about all I want is to give them a reflection of perfection, because it is only the best for them, from me, they should expect. And get.

    - I have extreme self-control where I can dictate my feelings. I can neglect them or turn them of for the time being. When I get depressed I simply reset my emotions.

    - I cannot write, discuss insufficient, undefined stuff so I never get into a discussion of opinions. But on the other hand, I cannot tolerate something being undefined, imprecise so I always get into a discussion of definition. This way I discuss absolutes with no personal involvement in a discussion. Sole goal is to refine thoughts, definitions.

    - I love to flirt. Actually, love is an understatement. It's practically my operating mode. But that's as far as it goes. I just like to play like that.

    - I like to look myself in mirrors. A lot. I do this every chance I get.

    - I kick thing and touch walls, fences, plants an so on as a go along my way.

    Now for what I thing are bad aspects of me:
    - I’m living my life in state of temporary satisfaction of my needs and desires. A life void of context. I feel as if there is no past, present or future. People are not real and are only means to satisfy my needs. Desires are scarce and needs dominate my life. I generally feel no emotion and when I do there sole purpose is to satisfy my ego. There is no pity, compassion, remorse, guilt, shame, respect and so on. Compromises are solely based on possible repercussions, not on a realization that other human beings have a right. My core is a dogma that I am superior to other human beings.

    - I never have no problems with people and they generally adore me and my *charming* personality (Which is an illusion). Like-minded individuals are scarce and the ones I find are inaccessible. Individuals I like are mystified to an unrealistic ideal which I cherish. When the image is broken the individual loses all of my admiration and ceases to exist as an equal. This will inevitably happen, being that I am superior to others. It’s only a matter of time. Then I have no use for them and break friendships while never looking back or thinking twice about it.

    - I do not show off and none of my inner beliefs are ever exposed. Actually, the word opinion should be used being that I have no beliefs. I completely orientate myself to that which is correct when dealing with others. What I have is inside me is a truth declaring apparatus. I only reveal what I know to be positively correct.

    - I observe and adapt to my surroundings to be accepted. I stand out by being different and am a very ‘special’,’ goofy’, 'weird', 'fun' person. This, off course, merely being just a lie to have them accept me and perceive me as not a threat so I could have a peaceful environment.

    - My ego dominates my personality and a fear of breaking the status-quo my external world. Largely irresponsible (When able) and introspective. Extremely pacifistic and non aggressive (Fear of repercussions and loss of control). Unbelievably unproductive (Unless it suits my needs or am forced). Never act out my plans for the fear of disrupting the status-quo. Luckily am regularly put in my place. Have no real identity. Delude myself about not being this way. Well actually, I don't delude, I just don't care. Never have.

    - Lonely due to my idealistic view of the world (And a fear of losing security). Unsatisfied with my life. Striving, but really only wishing, for a better existence. Never sacrifice my passions. Would fake if my life (Or existence) was in jeopardy. Incapable of forming deep bonds.

  2. #2


    Your description reminds me of the ISFp description, especially wanting peace etc.

  3. #3
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    You sound - strangely interesting, to me.

    So yes, you probably are ISFp.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  4. #4
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    A lot of what you have written sounds like me and the rest like , so I would guess ISFP aswell.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    For one thing, I could identify with next to zero of what you wrote. I was all the time thinking "how can anyone be like that"? which is my usual reaction to ISFps.

    EDIT (caused by role function): by the way, that is not being "typist" or ISFp-bashing -- I see it as a natural reaction to your conflictor.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  6. #6
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    Well I too think I'm an ISFp, but there seem to be so many inconsistencies. Fist, I have a good ENTj friend. 4 years now. Never had a conflict with him. We go to school everyday. The one thing I like about him is how sane his is. When other people overreact they do so from illogical conclusions but he never. He can always logically and sanely justify his actions. He knows how to put me in my place with a cold shower when I get carried away which I always do. I always get enthusiastic about things. I like him too.
    Second, every time I take that rmcnew test I get as my highest function and no . Here are some of my tests:

    Can I be an ISFp and not have a conflicting relation?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    For one thing, I could identify with next to zero of what you wrote. I was all the time thinking "how can anyone be like that"? which is my usual reaction to ISFps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    EDIT (caused by role function): by the way, that is not being "typist" or ISFp-bashing -- I see it as a natural reaction to your conflictor.
    No offence taken. I thought it was funny and cute.

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    Yes, I remember your tests.

    What you told about yourself here has references to strong rather than . So your high results in the test may be a misunderstanding of what is about, or you may exaggerate the strength of your role function for some reason.

    As for your friend, I'll take the easy way out and suggest that he's not ENTj, but probably ENTp, ESTp or even ESTj.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  9. #9
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    O good lord. I wanted to take the test once again, but this time to be particularly careful when answering in hopes of getting a better assessment of my type.
    Well, have a look for yourself ....

    new test results

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    I can't give any explanation for that.

    Either you totally misrepresent yourself in your description, or when doing the test.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  11. #11



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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Yes, I remember your tests.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    What you told about yourself here has references to strong rather than . So your high results in the test may be a misunderstanding of what is about, or you may exaggerate the strength of your role function for some reason.
    I don't really do the test in a which function is my strongest kind of way. I do it in a how much does this answer correlates with what I do. And what answer feels right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    As for your friend, I'll take the easy way out and suggest that he's not ENTj, but probably ENTp, ESTp or even ESTj.
    He's no ExTp. He's no or dominant. ESTj perhaps, but unlikely. He has that NT geek vibe. Also the ENTj kindness. I find male ENTj-s to be kind and nurturing people.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat

    I can't give any explanation for that.

    Either you totally misrepresent yourself in your description, or when doing the test.
    So either my life is a lie or I have some kind of a problem.
    Oh yeah ...

    Or perhaps, could I be type switching?

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    I am agreeing with some of you, I think there are some problems with the test I have up now. It needs to be revised somehow.

    I am actually considering rewritting the questions if I am going to keep that test up with this format. I think the main problem is that the current questions were designed for the last format, and this format is not giving the complex information that the last test did and actually limits you to certain information.This is actually something I did not want initially, but I thought I would try a simplier format.

    Well, I am actually thinking about replacing everything with a smaller compat test that relies on 60 or so questions, but is written in such a way that a person can only choose options that are realitive to a type description. So in the end, a tester would basically be writting his or her own type description by doing the test and asking if they agree with it in the end and what type that correlates most with.

    I am not sure if that will be any more accurate, but that is an option is I want to have tests up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    O good lord. I wanted to take the test once again, but this time to be particularly careful when answering in hopes of getting a better assessment of my type.
    Well, have a look for yourself ....

    new test results
    Well, I don't know about that test. I tried to be really accurate and honest with mine too, and this is what I got

    The test probably isn't very reliable. If from the descriptions and everything you feel like ISFp is the best fit for you, then go with that I'd say.
    What type do you consider yourself to be?

    You function groups seem to be pretty evened out. Unlike mine ....

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    I know things in advance. But I mean concrete things. I can feel things that are to come. I know which path to take, which product to buy, which bus to go on. I can sense the future.
    Here is one of my posts describing this.

    I also have a very strong need to be unique, am secretly proud of it but portray it as a "terrible burden". The truth is that I wouldn't want it any other way.

    EDIT: These are some things that make me doubt being ISFp.
    And the intertype relations.

  17. #17



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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    leaning towards INFj -- the more even numbers happened when I clicked on the short save link -- here's yours after I clicked that:
    Yes, I know that, but still they are uneven.

    Ne vs Si = 75
    Ni vs Se = 350
    Te vs Fi = 285
    Ti vs Fe = 195

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    I definitely think you're ISFp, snegledmaca. I can relate to so much of what you say.

    I took rmcnew's test and got these results:

    I read a tiny bit of what you wrote on the other forum (I don't have much time right now) but it made me think of how ISFps use their fifth function. I remember Rocky writing about it once. Something about having a tendency to blow things out of proportion (kind of like what you said you did when you were 8 and afraid to leave the house.)

    I copied this from rmcnew's site and it talks some about how ISFp's use their 5th function.

    Ne: The fifth function of the ISFp is Ne, by which the essence of ideas arrive and insights into their development arise. Though be this a weak, unconscious, and influential function, it should find itself most active within the presence of one whose dominant function coincides, for it it seeks to be strong and may pretend to be such. At other times, an expression of this function may find itself in place of the weak and conscious Ni function. Manifested bahaviours expected of this function should include waste too much energy in activies that are obviously unprofitable, prone to forming childishly compulsive ideas about the possibility of various concepts, neglecting good or bad possibilities only to place faith into bad or worse ones, try very hard at the most minute task only to receive a very small profit if any, and tendency towards being a workaholic.
    ISFp, SiFe, , or SEI....whatever we're calling ourselves these days.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elizabeth
    I read a tiny bit of what you wrote on the other forum (I don't have much time right now) but it made me think of how ISFps use their fifth function. I remember Rocky writing about it once. Something about having a tendency to blow things out of proportion (kind of like what you said you did when you were 8 and afraid to leave the house.)
    Oh, no-no-no-no-no that was no blowing out of proportions. I really *was* going to die if I had no sense for it. Never in my life has my sense failed me.

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    I remembered one difference I can think of between Si and Ni. Ni types don't see themselves in relation to the "objects". Si can manipulate the objects, because it's still Introverted, but it is still connected to the objects in some way.

    If an Ni type looks at a car, they start to think about things like where the car was made, how it was made, where it came from, but without relating it to themselves at all. An Si type looks at the car and makes all sort of associations about how they see the car relating to them, and past associations that the car reminds them of.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    I'm not sure if I understood that. A question, a Si type and an Ni type were asked to write a topic on a subject. A car for instance. Would the Ni type then write without ever relating to the subject while the Si type would write but would, to some extent, relate to the subject?

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    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I remembered one difference I can think of between Si and Ni. Ni types don't see themselves in relation to the "objects". Si can manipulate the objects, because it's still Introverted, but it is still connected to the objects in some way.

    If an Ni type looks at a car, they start to think about things like where the car was made, how it was made, where it came from, but without relating it to themselves at all. An Si type looks at the car and makes all sort of associations about how they see the car relating to them, and past associations that the car reminds them of.
    I would like to point out the fact that Rocky has written the part of this from an perspective, which is why he made the contrast between and as being experiential and non-experiential.

    He explained it alright, but I think it is a little biased, one-sided, and misleading by making the statement that is not used in a way that is self-relating, because it is a self-relating function. Ni is a self-relating function is an abstract fashion and Si is a self-relating function in a concrete fashion. Hence, is focused on how something relates to a person spiritually and is how it relates to a person physically.

    An dominant person will think about how the car relates to them in terms of quality, with consideration to what parts it was made out of and how long the car will function without needing to be worked on. This might even include a consideration to the cost of gas milage and the cost of parts if it needed to be fixed or even the perceive quality of the workmanship of the company that made the car. Essentially, considerations are always abstract and in the past or future. Things that are familiar and can be considered trustworthy.

    An dominant person will think about how the car relates to them in terms of quality, with considerations to other cars that have been driven by the person and how they are similar and dissimilar. Usually, an dominant person will want a car that has a personal familiarity, and could reproduce within him or her old experiences that have been shared and cherished with another car. They might want a car that has a beeping horn like another car or one that steers similarly, or has a similar body shape that he or she enjoyed. Essentially, consideration are always concrete and in the past or future. Things that are familiar and can reproduce cherished experiences.

    I think that is a better way to describe them; may have been similar to rocky's explanation, just reclarified.

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    Well, this is how it is for me. Ever since childhood I've had a distinct problem at school. One that I think could point to a preference and could be described by those distinctions. I've always had a severe problem with my creative writing. So bad that it has threatened my education even though I was an A pupil. The problem is a lack of personal involvement in my writings. I'm completely distant from the subject at hand. Almost always it turns out to be a philosophical POW. That coupled with my horrific writing. She puts something like "Walking on a distant shore" and gets a quantitative analysis of dreams, a discussion on what they are, a progressive dissection of the concept and all of its aspects and if I have the time I develop and refine a philosophical POW. I am physically unable to put myself into anything I write and *always* give an analysis. But I have no problem writing sick and disturbing stuff and that comes easy to me. Also no personal involvement.

    Would this say anything about my type?

  26. #26


    I write sick and disturbing stuff but it is much more abstract than your Red Riding Hood. You'll never catch me saying anything explicitly!

    I don't know if it's type related.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ishysquishy
    I write sick and disturbing stuff but it is much more abstract than your Red Riding Hood. You'll never catch me saying anything explicitly!
    I don't quite understand you. What do you mean by more abstract or not saying things explicitly?

  28. #28


    It doesn't follow a storyline, it's never graphic, usually an ambiguous dialogue. If only I didn't destroy everything I create, I might be able to link you...

    I don't say things explicitly because I talk/write how I think and I never think explicitly . But now you're asking me to explain something more explicitly and I'm all confused and tripping over my own thoughts...

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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    Also the ENTj kindness. I find male ENTj-s to be kind and nurturing people.
    That is one "secret" side of ENTjs that most people don't see.

    I don't know whether that is an indication that your friend is not an ENTj or that you're not an ISFp. I always get the impression that ISFps don't get ENTjs at all.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by ishysquishy
    I write sick and disturbing stuff but it is much more abstract than your Red Riding Hood. You'll never catch me saying anything explicitly!

    I don't know if it's type related.
    Abstract porn!

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    Quote Originally Posted by ishysquishy
    It doesn't follow a storyline, it's never graphic, usually an ambiguous dialogue. If only I didn't destroy everything I create, I might be able to link you...
    Do you mean like this:
    “A person walks by. He says hi. Ok. A next one walks by. He too says hi. Well, ok now. Another person walks by ... yeah he says hi. Yeah, uhum WTF? Here’s another, and another, where are they all coming from? I gotta get away, argh, they’re everywhere, go away, go away ...


    they went away. It’s quite now. “
    “Look around. What do you see?”
    “Nothing, ...”
    “Look closer”
    “Yes I can see it. It’s a little fire. A bond fire. In the wilderness. The children are playing around it. A father is holing a son by his hand. It’s night.
    I don’t want to do this anymore.”
    “Well, what do you want to do?”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    Also the ENTj kindness. I find male ENTj-s to be kind and nurturing people.
    That is one "secret" side of ENTjs that most people don't see.

    I don't know whether that is an indication that your friend is not an ENTj or that you're not an ISFp. I always get the impression that ISFps don't get ENTjs at all.
    I understand this one just fine. He's a good friend of mine. A really, really good person.

  33. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    Quote Originally Posted by ishysquishy
    It doesn't follow a storyline, it's never graphic, usually an ambiguous dialogue. If only I didn't destroy everything I create, I might be able to link you...
    Do you mean like this:
    “A person walks by. He says hi. Ok. A next one walks by. He too says hi. Well, ok now. Another person walks by ... yeah he says hi. Yeah, uhum WTF? Here’s another, and another, where are they all coming from? I gotta get away, argh, they’re everywhere, go away, go away ...


    they went away. It’s quite now. “
    “Look around. What do you see?”
    “Nothing, ...”
    “Look closer”
    “Yes I can see it. It’s a little fire. A bond fire. In the wilderness. The children are playing around it. A father is holing a son by his hand. It’s night.
    I don’t want to do this anymore.”
    “Well, what do you want to do?”
    Not quite like that. There are no quotation marks for one

    I don't really know how to explain it. Your story was written in a way that one could imagine it, it was more tangible. Mine are not tangible. You couldn't ever picture them in your head.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ishysquishy
    Not quite like that. There are no quotation marks for one

    I don't really know how to explain it. Your story was written in a way that one could imagine it, it was more tangible. Mine are not tangible. You couldn't ever picture them in your head.
    Well actually, I have to make mine consistent. I suck at creative writing because I can either write stuff that is so random that it make someone on drugs seem coherent or so defined there is no room for interpretation and is unbelievably boring.
    Funny you should mention the not being able to picture it part because that is one of the things people constantly critique me for. I sometimes have to spend hours just explaining myself.
    I think it's more of rational, slash, irrational thing.

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    Does anyone think I could be a T type?

    EDIT: Judging by everything posted here.

  36. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    Does anyone think I could be a T type?

    EDIT: Judging by everything posted here.
    You don't come across that way. Not overwhelmingly so, anyway.

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    Elizabeth wrote:
    I read a tiny bit of what you wrote on the other forum (I don't have much time right now) but it made me think of how ISFps use their fifth function. I remember Rocky writing about it once. Something about having a tendency to blow things out of proportion (kind of like what you said you did when you were 8 and afraid to leave the house.)

    Oh, no-no-no-no-no that was no blowing out of proportions. I really *was* going to die if I had no sense for it. Never in my life has my sense failed me.
    Here's the topic I was talking about earlier: http://oldforumlinkviewtopic.php?

    What you wrote about on the other forum reminds me of how Si dominant types use their fifth function, .

    I really do think you're ISFp, and a very intelligent one. Perhaps you've been able to see through some of the ISFp hang-ups and therefore are thinking you may be some other type.

    What rmcnew said here is really good:

    An dominant person will think about how the car relates to them in terms of quality, with considerations to other cars that have been driven by the person and how they are similar and dissimilar. Usually, an dominant person will want a car that has a personal familiarity, and could reproduce within him or her old experiences that have been shared and cherished with another car. They might want a car that has a beeping horn like another car or one that steers similarly, or has a similar body shape that he or she enjoyed. Essentially, consideration are always concrete and in the past or future. Things that are familiar and can reproduce cherished experiences.
    As for writing, I think that's probably a little different. I think some people have a talent for it and some don't. There are good writers of every type. Perhaps some types are more prone to being good writers, but a person could be a good writer despite their type.

    Concerning intertype relations, I have a very difficult time using intertype relations to determine a person's type because I can be somewhat chameleon like. I can bend myself and try to be what I feel that the other person is needing, or I can supress certain parts of my personality that I feel would conflict with another person. I have to get to be pretty close to a person before I can see the different qualities of the intertype relations.

    Does anyone think I could be a T type?

    EDIT: Judging by everything posted here.
    No, I don't think you're a T type. I thought I might be as well at one point, but I'm not. When I look back to my interactions with people I see where I use .
    ISFp, SiFe, , or SEI....whatever we're calling ourselves these days.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elizabeth
    Here's the topic I was talking about earlier: http://oldforumlinkviewtopic.php?

    What you wrote about on the other forum reminds me of how Si dominant types use their fifth function, .
    Introverted Sensing.

    His unconscious is distinguished chiefly by the repression of intuition, which thereby acquires an extraverted and archaic character. Whereas true extraverted intuition has a characteristic resourcefulness, and a 'good nose' for every possibility in objective reality, this archaic, extraverted intuition has an amazing flair for every ambiguous, gloomy, dirty, and dangerous possibility in the background of reality. In the presence of this intuition the real and conscious intention of the object has no significance; it will peer behind every possible archaic antecedent of such an intention. It possesses, therefore, something dangerous, something actually undermining, which often stands in most vivid contrast to the gentle benevolence of consciousness. So long as the individual is not too aloof from the object, the unconscious intuition effects a wholesome compensation to the rather fantastic and over credulous attitude of consciousness. But as soon as the unconscious becomes antagonistic to consciousness, such intuitions come to the surface and expand their nefarious influence: they force themselves compellingly upon the individual, releasing compulsive ideas about objects of the most perverse kind. The neurosis arising from this sequence of events is usually a compulsion neurosis, in which the hysterical characters recede and are obscured by symptoms of exhaustion. [p. 505]
    Hmmm, I have this a lot, but .... well, ever since I was I child I notice that my way of thinking is not that good and have tried to change it. Every time I would get that way I would stop, and consciously alter my thinking. I think all those weird paranoid things but I stop because I do not want to be like that. The same goes for every other undesirable aspect of my behavior. And especially with my emotions.

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    You got isfp on my test which compared with and you got

  40. #40
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    I don't know why, but I find that soooo creepy.

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