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Thread: Poking PoLRs and Is It Intuition

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    Memory of Tomorrow Reuben's Avatar
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    Default Poking PoLRs and Is It Intuition

    What is a PoLR? As in what does it stand for and why. And how does it feel when your PoLR get's poked. Hmmm. And how do you poke one. That's the first question.

    I've been feeling some strange feelings for quite a while now. It is some sort of pull, or push, or resistance, or, or attraction. I can't really tell but it manifests physically but is probably something psychological. Is it intuition? I feel very uncomfortable with such feelings, I don't know if I should listen to them or not. I push them away with pragmatism and comfort and then feel a little guilty after that. That's because listening to this seemingly groundless intuition makes me betray my dominant function. When influenced by this feeling I do things in a round-about manner and I don't even know why. It has become habitual for me to fight/accept this instructive feelings as it comes and goes, but most of the time I don't really see how it works and what it serves to do. Its kind of painful. Any help to clarify? That's the second question. Thank you

  2. #2

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    PoLR = place of least resistance = 4th function which for istps would be Fe.

    you don't have to try to poke a polr you just do it by being you. for example i think when i criticize enfp statements it pokes their polr though i did not intend to like what i said to schroedinger's cat in the is kim an esfp? thread. which is a shame because i find him to be one of the more insightful persons on this forum and thus i am going out of my way to compliment him now. lol damned intjs...

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    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    Thank you . I'm a she, but no problem. But your statement didn't really poke my PoLR, because that was done thoroughly by someone else a few weeks ago in another thread: "I thought you'd post something ignorant yet unassuming, as usual"... ouch. That sort of desensitized me a bit. If that guy ever saunters down our street, I will dump a soiled nappy on his head. Hah.

    That probably answers the question "how do you feel when your PoLR gets poked". It's a function you don't have much control over, so when someone criticizes it you feel helpless, and that's what is so annoying. Sometimes you can't even tell whether the criticism is justified or not. You might feel they're right, and only afterwards you realize that they were wrong and you were really doing well. You might obsess about the thing for a while, and that makes you usually either depressed or angry.

    When someone criticizes other functions, you either
    -- feel it's none of their business - they've got their way of doing things, you've got yours
    -- or you realize they're dead wrong and should keep their trap shut
    -- or you go "whoops, you're right! OK, I'll just change a few things. There, fixed it",
    -- or you go "well, you're right, but who cares? I've got better things to do than to worry about that kind of thing."

  4. #4


    Thanks. I've always had the impression that you were a he. But then thanks. Pedro was right about the insight part. hmm someone tell me about introverted intuition please. I'm really sleeping now.

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    i am not sure how i got the impression that you were a he. must be confusing you with someone else. why did you post such a long response as if goaded to action?

  6. #6
    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    I found the subject of this thread interesting, that was all. One thing reminded me of another, so I wrote them all down.

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    the correct answer is three hundred forty-seven million six hundred and twelve thousand eight.

  8. #8
    Topaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    Thank you . I'm a she, but no problem. But your statement didn't really poke my PoLR, because that was done thoroughly by someone else a few weeks ago in another thread: "I thought you'd post something ignorant yet unassuming, as usual"... ouch. That sort of desensitized me a bit. If that guy ever saunters down our street, I will dump a soiled nappy on his head. Hah.

    That probably answers the question "how do you feel when your PoLR gets poked". It's a function you don't have much control over, so when someone criticizes it you feel helpless, and that's what is so annoying. Sometimes you can't even tell whether the criticism is justified or not. You might feel they're right, and only afterwards you realize that they were wrong and you were really doing well. You might obsess about the thing for a while, and that makes you usually either depressed or angry.

    When someone criticizes other functions, you either
    -- feel it's none of their business - they've got their way of doing things, you've got yours
    -- or you realize they're dead wrong and should keep their trap shut
    -- or you go "whoops, you're right! OK, I'll just change a few things. There, fixed it",
    -- or you go "well, you're right, but who cares? I've got better things to do than to worry about that kind of thing."
    Good post SC. Its good hearing from you again. Whats been up?

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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