Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
Honestly, I am certain I'm not a 3. I just like to hear what other's have to say.
Bad idea. What's the point of letting them get trapped in delusions when you know the truth? This is not funny. If you know for a fact that you are not a 3, then you should explain clearly and distinctly why you are not a 3 and state it as a fact. People's opinions are totally irrelevant here. You are withholding the real truth with that kind of behaviour. I don't like it.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
Have you met me? You should ask someone who has met me, and you'd be surprised. Of course you'd see through my E3-mask, but you'd see it as well. You would be surprised how much Se I can bring out if needed.
You see through your mask. So don't waste my time with talk about your mask. It is totally irrelevant and should be dismissed as such.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
Not true.
Don't flatter yourself. You don't know your type, so you don't have a say in this matter.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
So you know that you have an IP temperament now? That means that you know that you are not an ENFp or some other non-IP type.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
Maybe. But you have to agree that since people who know me well, and whom I have asked to read type descriptions, all type me IEI and then the same people say I'm behaving Ep>Ip, there is inconsistency somewhere?
No. There is no inconsistency. There is only a bunch of people incompetent at typing. You cannot trust your friends on this. They are totally clueless.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
I agree they are not experts on socionics, but they know ME well.
Irrelevant. People have the strangest misconceptions of other people, that's a very normal pattern. Most people cannot describe other people objectively and accurately. You must know the types, and neither you nor your friends do that.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
I have also asked people who DO know socionics, who says I seem to be IEI, but my temperament confuses them. The way I feel and the way people describe me is consistent. But it doesn't suit theory. I think I know why, but I am no specialist, so I don't want to say I'm 100% certain.
You don't understand the difference between extraversion and introversion yet. When you do, you have found your type.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
Probably not. Type me then!
If I met you in real life I would. Over the Internet I have to rely on your descriptions of yourself, and they must be logically consistent.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
I am. I just don't want to make the same mistake I made when I typed myself IEE E1w9. (that is to misunderstand theory)
Correct. But if you had listened more to me in the first place, you would have known immediately that you can't be an IEE E1w9. You would never have typed yourself as such type. It's an impossible constellation, and I told you so. But you, like so many others, insisted on your prejudices, you insisted on having the right to your own opinion despite the fact that I knew that you were wrong.

You haven't studied the types enough, and yet you are arrogant enough to think that you are right. Such an attitude is wrong and extremely irritating to me and other people who are so much more competent at typing correctly.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
This time I want to check my assumptions until there can be no more doubt. The descriptions are good, just not perfect. See?
The descriptions are not perfect but they are good enough -- if you understand the types.