Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
I find both of them describing me quite well.
In that case you know that have some serious work to do, because you don't understand the functions yet. Of course there is no point in trying to determine which functions you are using before you understand what they refer to.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
This is very true:
-types pay close attention to the way people say things, the way they talk, their facial expressions, their choice of words, their gestures, and all other external manifestations of one's internal emotional state.
This is how I would have described myself. The actual words people use are of less importance than the “feel” people give me when they talk. I know the real truth, and people often perceive me a “mind-reader”. When I typed myself IEE, I thought of this as Ne (taking in information and making a picture)
This is also very true:
What is characteristic of the thinking of - types is the ability to make connections between things that might not seem related at first glance.
I consider this one of my strongest sides. I have heard many times that I seem to have psychic powers, as I know exactly what's going on just by intuition. I seem to need very little information to see a clear picture of reality.
So we have established that you are an NF type and not an NT.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
Personally, I'm almost 100% certain I'm NF.
Me too.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
(I have been labeled NT by people at work, but I think it might be caused by my "professional mask".)
If I met you in real life, I would be able to tell you for sure which it is, but based on what you say here we know the truth anyway.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
I still struggle with the I/E.
That phenomenon is much more common in E types than in I types. It is probably the influence of your intuition that makes it somewhat harder for you to see clearly that you are an extraverted type. You are most likely an E type, but study the dichotomies until you are certain which it is. View the problem from every angle you can think of, but don't brainwash yourself along the way.

Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica
I think I'm irrational.
So IEE is still your most likely type. The case for IEE is much, much stronger than for any of the other possible types.