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Thread: Question for introverts

  1. #1
    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    Default Question for introverts

    Some introverts alternate between two states: "dormant" and "launched". An ISTp I know can be pretty inactive for a long time (reads, plays computer games, watches TV). Then suddenly he decides to do something, like learn to play the guitar, and then he practises for hours and hours...

    What's it like for you?
    Is that a general thing, or is it limited to ISTps?

  2. #2


    I think that's more of an SP thing. Though it may look like they are practising for hours and hours, they often do it because they enjoy it. They are hedonists, so they are more impulsive. They like the sensation of doing something like playing an instrument, I think.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Wagner
    I think that's more of an SP thing. Though it may look like they are practising for hours and hours, they often do it because they enjoy it. They are hedonists, so they are more impulsive. They like the sensation of doing something like playing an instrument, I think.
    If only I was an SP

    schrödinger's cat, I'm exactly the same!

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    That depends. Sometimes, I get really restless and want to do something. As opposed to the "Extravert stereotype", that restlessness can be cured by going out and buying an ice cream, however.
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    Default Re: Question for introverts

    Isn't that just a continuation of this

    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    reads, plays computer games, watches TV
    but with a different activity? I can do one thing for a long period of time.

  6. #6
    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    So, is there any truth to the stereotype that Introverts need less variety? That they can focus longer on one task?

  7. #7

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    depends on how much stimulation we receive but yes in low-stim environments imo

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    Then I must be extraverted, since I find it impossible to focus on one thing for more than two hours, usually even less than that. However, I can stay "inactive" for hours at a time, if by inactive you mean a task such as reading, but I must change books every hour/half-hour or so. I think this is because I think too much, or rather that I find it impossible to ignore any source of information.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darklord
    That depends. Sometimes, I get really restless and want to do something. As opposed to the "Extravert stereotype", that restlessness can be cured by going out and buying an ice cream, however.
    I'm with Darklord on this one. Yes I think I know exactly what you mean. The same thing I get restless when I'm too much time by myself, but rarely I do anything new, like taking up the guitar or whatever unusual hobby.

  11. #11


    I can be like the ISTP you mention. I can be really afraid of people and have no desire to do anything but stay in my corner then Ill wake up and act kind of aggressive and really open to the people around me.

    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    So, is there any truth to the stereotype that Introverts need less variety? That they can focus longer on one task?
    Not to my awareness. It just appears that way because have less variety in the acticity we direct outward.

  12. #12
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    I can be like the ISTP you mention. I can be really afraid of people and have no desire to do anything but stay in my corner then Ill wake up and act kind of aggressive and really open to the people around me.

    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    So, is there any truth to the stereotype that Introverts need less variety? That they can focus longer on one task?
    Not to my awareness. It just appears that way because have less variety in the acticity we direct outward.
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    So IxxPs seem to have a kind of rhythm to their introversion. You need to "introvert" in order to recharge your batteries, then something launches you and you're off. Or perhaps I'm over-generalizing. Or perhaps IxxJs are also like that. Hm. Input appreciated.

    Is this rhythm (if there is one) influenced by your other functions? Probably yes. If so, how? I'd expect Feelers to oscillate between a need for company and a need for solitude. Just a stereotype, or correct? And what's it like for Thinkers? And for rational vs. irrational types? Are rational introverts more introverted because their first function draws them out into the real world?

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    I think the recharging the batteries then relaunching process might be typical of IxxPs. Im not sure though, but it seems they have more inconsistency in their energy than IxxJs.

    I oscillate between a need for solitude and relationships, but often Im not aware of my need for relationships until its too late, and I realize I've separated too much from family, friends etc. Sometimes I get too uncomfortable with people or just get tired of their behavior and do nothing to change that except withdraw from them, then I realize I did kind of like them after all, and that Id rather not be a hermit, etc.
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    Default Re: Question for introverts

    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    Some introverts alternate between two states: "dormant" and "launched". An ISTp I know can be pretty inactive for a long time (reads, plays computer games, watches TV). Then suddenly he decides to do something, like learn to play the guitar, and then he practises for hours and hours...

    What's it like for you?
    Is that a general thing, or is it limited to ISTps?

    I think, for me, it is relative to how much utility I can derive from something. If I have more capacity for doing other activities, I'll multitask. However, if there is one thing that I am really into, then I won't be deterred from it.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  17. #17


    Hmm, I seem to have misread or something, sorry. So yeah, I think all introverts need time alone to "recharge their batteries". They get exhausted when they spend too much time around people. I hear introverts need to spend at least half their time alone for good mental and emotional health. And... when introverts are under stress, they withdraw. When they have spent enough time alone, they'll feel energized, ready to go, and go do whatever they desire. I think all introverts all oscillate between a need for company and a need for solitude. You get lonely, everybody gets lonely. I get energized both from company and solitude... but I prefer solitude a bit more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    So, is there any truth to the stereotype that Introverts need less variety? That they can focus longer on one task?
    Reminds me of I chess game I played that lasted 5 hours, straight.
    Ended in a draw, man what a game!

    But about the question, I dont seek solitude that much unless something is realy bothering me, like when I am under a lot of stress I just forget myself in my room to the extend that my parents have to sit down with me and talk because I would just lock myself away almost not talking to anyone.

    But whenever feeling just fine which is I feel the majority of time I still kinda keep to myself but still remembering to talk to people and help out and stuff.

    I'm not sure I do it for any kind of recharge because I dont have that many friends (dont get me wrong, I'm fine with it) and i dont go to partys unless it's like a birthday party or just very few people....or...I dont know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    So, is there any truth to the stereotype that Introverts need less variety? That they can focus longer on one task?
    no i need more variety. i just don't need a lot of people. you won't catch me at a bar or dance hall.

    not sure about the one task thing, since i don't know what i'm comparing it too. i can stay on the computer for hours. the sun was in the sky when i started, i never noticed it setting.

    i can enter another world while doing boring tasks. one half of my mind does the thing. the other the fantasy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    So IxxPs seem to have a kind of rhythm to their introversion. You need to "introvert" in order to recharge your batteries, then something launches you and you're off. Or perhaps I'm over-generalizing. Or perhaps IxxJs are also like that. Hm. Input appreciated.

    Is this rhythm (if there is one) influenced by your other functions? Probably yes. If so, how? I'd expect Feelers to oscillate between a need for company and a need for solitude. Just a stereotype, or correct? And what's it like for Thinkers? And for rational vs. irrational types? Are rational introverts more introverted because their first function draws them out into the real world?

    I find this exciting. A whole new world uncovered.
    i think it boils down to: we don't like groups and commotion. but if we do something we like, we can do it with passion.

    for me, i like taking pictures, translating pretty scenes into something other people understand. maybe i'm using a feeling function in some way, who knows.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    So IxxPs seem to have a kind of rhythm to their introversion. You need to "introvert" in order to recharge your batteries, then something launches you and you're off. Or perhaps I'm over-generalizing. Or perhaps IxxJs are also like that. Hm. Input appreciated.
    There are a lot of exciting things which involve engaging the outside world but being an introvert I am like a scuba diver who needs to resurface before oxygen runs out (unlike the extroverted fish who breathe the stuff ). Once I recharge I can get excited all over again.

    Is this rhythm (if there is one) influenced by your other functions? Probably yes. If so, how? I'd expect Feelers to oscillate between a need for company and a need for solitude. Just a stereotype, or correct?
    This is true for me, see above .

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Question for introverts

    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    Some introverts alternate between two states: "dormant" and "launched". An ISTp I know can be pretty inactive for a long time (reads, plays computer games, watches TV). Then suddenly he decides to do something, like learn to play the guitar, and then he practises for hours and hours...

    What's it like for you?
    Is that a general thing, or is it limited to ISTps?
    If the "inactive" means physically inactive then yes I meet this description. But I can't be mentally inactive for longer than a second. And I usually keep going until I fall asleep. I have problems with too "slow" mental activity especially TV. It always seems as if it moves in slow motion. Reading is usually too slow too. Maybe because it takes too much time to understand what I'm reading but the pages just don't move fast enough. Computer games rock! The sensory data they produce is AwEsOmE!!! But I get bored in a game pretty fast and need new...For some reason reading wikipedia or these forums doesn't bore me at all. Chatting in webchats and irc is usually very fun too and I can hang in there for hours.

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    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    @everyone who answered my questions: thanks. It's one thing to read a dry, theoretical description of introversion, and another thing to read what people themselves say about it. Thanks for taking all that trouble.

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