I've got to heavily disagree with Curious on the Linus Torvalds typage as INFp. INTp possibly, INTj more likely. I'm sorry, you don't write a computer operating system kernel without logic in your ego. It just doesn't work at all. I've used his programs and looked at his computer code for over 8 years, starting when I was 13. Let me describe INTjs and INTps in technical fields and their strengths in them.

INTjs are excellent and quick troubleshooters, due to their introverted logic. They are very quick to understand a computer system(considering it's introverted logic nature, 0 or 1) or program. They are good at copying, reverse engineering, etc.
INTps are excellent at building computer systems, because of their ability to see the usefulness of such over time. They are good at starting from scratch and building something complicated and reliable.

Linus Torvald's operating system kernel was a clone of another kernel, called minix, created by his teacher(i think). Which was a clone of the great ol UNIX/POSIX family of operating systems which now underly Macs, Novell, and are basically your other choice besides Microsoft.

Now while Microsoft might be stereotypical ENTj, I think you may be on to something with Bill Gates being INTp. He is definately NOT ENTp or INTj. His company shocked the computer market by commercializing hobbyist software which was traditionally shared for status and ... well... hobby among the community. The gist is here:
I can't imagine an ENTj being a terribly good hacker although an INTp telling Big Blue(IBM) a huge fucking lie about having software he didn't have is also hard to imagine. I don't know, it's not my quadra.