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Thread: INTp or INFp?

  1. #41

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    Hi, ,

    uum I was just joking hehe
    No worries. I was kidding too.

    "just be yourself"
    Don't seem to have much choice (not be myself), after two years "hard work" to change to be more F, but still here wondering. But I must say there is little progress with my effort though, just a little, you see...

    Yup. But one can seldom see INFp outside of its circle of close friends showing its emotions to the max.

    optimistic - yeah we are =)
    Believe you!! :wink:


  2. #42
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Hi Viv. I had forgotten about this thread due to the fact that the subject had switched from me to Linus Torvalds. Thanks for brining it back to me. :wink:

    Ive decided now that Im probabaly INTp. Thats because Im alot more secure using thinking than using feeling. I may not be insecure using feeling when Im alone or with relatives... but whenever it becomes possible for me to get negative feedback, then I fall back on my logic. I find Im much more comfortable communicating my knowledge and my logic then my afftecion. It seems that analyzing situations comes alot more naturally for me than taking care of a relationship problem. So all in all, under pressure, its often my logic that I find alot more comfortable and easy to fall back on.

    Hope that helps.
    Join my Enneagram Discord:

  3. #43

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    Default Explanation

    Sorry Cheerio, I did kind of hijack your thread. Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds are interesting personalities and socionics specimen though. You should always read all the threads! Otherwise you never know what you are missing.

    I thought you had read through all the basics already, if not you should, it gets a bit frustrating to repeat the same basic points. For example:

    From the Socionics Type Assistant "Decider" section:

    If your type is INFP...
    You may often pay too much attention to your thinking-logical side, which in return leads you to believe that it is as strong as your feeling-emotional side. However in reality, you find it much easier to show up your love and affection rather than to demonstrate your knowledge and erudition.

    If your type is INTP...
    You may often pay too much attention to your feeling-emotional side, which in return leads you to believe that it is as strong as your thinking-logical side. However in reality, you find it much easier to demonstrate your knowledge and erudition rather than to show up your love and affection.

    I think it is worth reading through all the information on at least. It is a reasonable amount, and should not take far too long. If you want to ask questions it is always worth being as specific as possible. Vague and general questions are difficult to answer since we may easily miss your point and end up answering a completely different question...

  4. #44

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    Hi, Cheerio,

    Cheerio wrote:
    Hi Viv. I had forgotten about this thread due to the fact that the subject had switched from me to Linus Torvalds. Thanks for brining it back to me.
    No problem. I am glad that you are back here.

    Ive decided now that Im probabaly INTp. Thats because I am alot more secure using thinking than using feeling. I may not be insecure using feeling when Im alone or with relatives... but whenever it becomes possible for me to get negative feedback, then I fall back on my logic. I find Im much more comfortable communicating my knowledge and my logic then my afftecion. It seems that analyzing situations comes alot more naturally for me than taking care of a relationship problem. So all in all, under pressure, its often my logic that I find alot more comfortable and easy to fall back on.
    Thanks for sharing your experience with me. Yes, it does help a lot. In many ways I am like what you described about yourself. I have also read CuriousSoul's last message (about INTP and INFP), which makes sense.

    After communicating with several people on the board, I think I am also/still an INTP (of MBTI). But with Socionics test, I am an INTJ. So this is kind of confusing.

    Which test did you take to get INTP? MBTI? Did you also take Socionics Test? If yes, did you get a different result/type, such as INTJ? Just curious.

    Thanks a lot for your response and help!!


  5. #45

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    I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.


  6. #46

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    Hi, ,

    You are probably right. I have just posted another message at

    The result says that I am an INTJ (i.e. by MBTI model: introverted Intuiting and extraverted Thinking), which is, in fact, an
    INTP by Socionics model (Socionics seems to have different function definitions from MBTI for some types, you see).

    But as I said in the message, I don't quite understand the test result "chart", so don't know if I have misinterpreted this.

    I also said in this other message that:
    Ah, I thought ususally MBTI tests would tell me that I am an INTP! Kind of a surprise.
    Maybe I shouldn't be surprised after all, because of what I have just said (about the differences between MBTI and Socionics)- I mean, maybe I am indeed an INTp, God knows!

    Hey, you are pretty INTUITIVE here!!


  7. #47

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    Hey, ,

    You know what? I am going to take Socionics (word selection) test again to find out what the hell I am - an INTP or INTJ?

    Last time when I took the Socionics Assistant test was more than a year ago. Info. may not be "fresh" anymore.

    But it will take me a while to re-do the test, I need to FOCUS well this time!

    Will let you know the result.


  8. #48

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    Are you ready??

    Don't jump!

    I just did the Socionics Assistant test again (as I said, after more than a year since I last did it, which resulted as INTJ). You know what??

    I am an INTP!!

    Have I changed, or the world??? :wink:


  9. #49

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    I used to test as INTP you are probably influencing the test with what you have learned over the past year *shrugs*
    Am I? Let me think....

    Uhm.... I doubt it. I do have strong P traits, this is why I am still here at my computer "playing" other than working (got tons papers to do within today for tomorrow's business, you see. I know, I know, tomorrow is Sunday, but this is Hong Kong...). You know what? I actually hate this "unstructured" life of mine, but I can't seem to change it.

    So, I think I am a P, although some tests do say that I am J. I really wish I were. But maybe you are right, there are still some suspicions...

    By the way, is this (what I just said "play first and work later") a typical P trait in your opinion?
    The ENTp Chinese Roast Duck

  10. #50

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    Hey, Pedro-the-Lion,

    Forgot to tell you that I think I know what I've changed (from last year) on the test:

    1. I changed the words related to "tough-minded/hearted" to be "softer/kinder", as I realized I was only looking and sounding "cold" sometimes, but actually and probably the opposite most of the time (once people get to know me).

    2. I changed some words sounding "highly/very responsible" to be "less" so - I had to face the reality that, for example, yes, I am responsible, and would always get my work done "properly" and seemingly on time, but not many people know that much of the time I would leave my work/duties to the very last minute when doing them. Shh... don't tell anyone, especially my boss! :wink:

    and etc etc... tons of weak points on my personality!! hehe...

    (By the way, Item 2. changes from time to time, depending on how interesting the things I am doing or have to do)
    The ENTp Chinese Roast Duck

  11. #51

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    My main point is that you are most likely T not F. The fact that you are a woman means that you often have to "F" more than your male counterparts.
    Thanks for the note.Well, something interesting here, I "F" a lot more when writing, I mean I am a lot more friendly and even more "polite" when writing, probably because I have more time to be "conscious" about it, knowing that this may be one of my weaknesses (of not always remembering its importance in real life when I first meet people). Funny?

    Also the way you think seems inverted from the way I think (ie you put perceptive evidence above arbitrary analysis). I can't quite explain it but you seem like an "irrational" (in the jungian sense of the term) personality rather than a rational one. Your goal self perception your means thinking. Whereas for me the goal is analysis and the means is self perception.
    I sort of understand. But what is "an "irrational" (in the jungian sense of the term)"? Could you give me some ideas, or some references about it?

    Thank you.

    About the whole not doing work thing, I have lots of work to do today and instead of doing it I decided to read and play Halo today
    Whew!! I am so relieved (and happy!) to hear that! So I am not alone! Have a good play! hehehe...

    I'm not sure if I'm making this clear but it is highly evident to me that you are probably not INTJ.
    If not INTJ, but still a Thinker, what can/should I be then? Any ideas? (maybe INTP?)
    The ENTp Chinese Roast Duck

  12. #52

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    Oh, sorry, Pedro,

    When I said (in my last message) that I "F" a lot more, I didn't mean anything bad! I am not a native English speaker, so I keep on forgetting!

    **OK, finally, need to get some work done now, it is 7:00 in the morning here (have been playing on the internet the whole night!)

    "See" you.
    The ENTp Chinese Roast Duck

  13. #53

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    Default Last Post Resent.

    OK, Pedro, I forgot to Loggin when posting the last message. Here I am resending my last post:

    Hi, Pedro,

    I am back!

    Thanks so much for the link reference. I have read it quickly for the first time (will read again carefully soon). It is GREAT! Now I understand the basics of Jungs Rational and Irrational types, ok, just a little, still have tons to catch up with you guys.

    One thing I do realize (more) now, after reading the site, is that: there is so much difference between each pair of seemingly similar types (e.g. INTP & INTJ; ENTP & INTP) due to their different components of functions, also, on this site, the descriptions of the differences and the way how these functions work are really accurate and feels so "real"! Okay, I suppose Jung was the original one who got all these ideas. Jung was indeed a genius.

    I suppose this is just a long way of me saying THANKS to you.
    The ENTp Chinese Roast Duck

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