This post may help those of you who are interested in verifying/digging deeper into your own self-typings.

For years I’ve considered my Socionics typing IEE, (Fi-ENFp.) My understanding of Socionics has grown up around it, e.g. my understanding of inter-type relations and other Socionics types…

Several weeks ago, several forum members made observations about how I might not be IEE… At first, I thought “who do these ppl think they are?” lol—but their observations made me curious, so soon I began to investigate.

The truth is, as long as I’ve considered myself IEE, there have been unresolved problems w/ the typing, including:

*I have never had any close Delta friends, nor have I ever been in a relationship with a Delta. Throughout my life, almost all of my friends and relationships have been with Betas, (and every now and then an Alpha...) My best friend in high school was ILI…
*The person with whom I experienced as close as I could describe as ‘duality’ was a Ti-ESTp.
*My previous company’s co-founder was IEE—his personality is very reminiscent of the actor Jude Law’s—and we had many misunderstandings. The other co-founder was LSE, and there was not a moment we got along.
* I do relate to well to forum members of other types, particularly IEIs and SEIs.
*An IRL example: my previous Co-worker was Ni-INFp and we got along very well—no misunderstandings whatsoever.

These quirks were enough to cause me to review Socionics theory. In doing so, I reviewed the traits associated with the Renin Dichotomies. To unbias my evaluations toward IEE—I admit I’d hoped to confirm my self-typing of IEE—I reviewed the info “blindly,” without knowing which traits matched up with which dichotomies. In doing so, I picked:

Asking > Declaring
Merry> Serious
Farsighted=Carefree (I agree with points in both descriptions… So much that I can’t say I agree with one over the other.)

Review: In reviewing my answers, it's become to clear to me that I disagree with many of the Renin traits associated with IEEs.

Conclusion: I still need more time to investigate... But if I am IEE, this is pretty peculiar.