What do you look for in a partner?

Wow. I am a rather picky person when I chose who I want to be with the rest of my life. But here goes:

1. Intelligence - he needs to be smarter then me because if he isn't I won't be able to respect him as much as I should.

2. Gentle - whether this comes naturally or not - when a man displays to me that he cares about how I feel - and then that he is trustworthy he gets HUGE bonus points!

3. Kinda reserved - Yes, I like introverts - in fact; I like INTJ's. So maybe I should just leave it at that.

INTJ's are irresistable to me. Maybe it's because I like my opposite. A LOT! :wink:

How do things start?

A friendship - I want to know the guy well before I fall for him.

How does the relationship progress?

As we get to know each other better I would hope that he would spend more and more time with me and that I would want to be with him as well.

Who shows initiative at which points?

Judging that I like INTJ's - I usually initiate more then he does.