Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
I did not mean that Alpha is Marxist, it was an example. Would you say you do not identify with Marx's ideal, government-free communist state?
Not particularly.

First, I am inclined to type Jefferson as EII. But whether he was EII or LII is relatively unimportant. The point is that you are confirming the point that he was theoretically against a strong centralized government (never mind that he acted unconstitutionally as president). That can be seen as Delta and Alpha - -devaluing - instinct.

Which brings us (or maybe not, but I will mention that anyway) to the Beta and Gamma approaches to government.

Beta's is clear: they use to enforce to the full a structure.

Gamma's is more ambiguous, or let us say, hypocritical: in principle Gamma is free-market-focused, so against government intervention from a perspective, but when in power, Gammas are eager to use but from a and perspective.
He was actually quite conscientious of this himself.

If we are playing with theory here, I would say that Alphas and Deltas would be more concerned with the more abstract qualities while still participating fully in it (i.e. John Stuart Mill), which would include rights and what I suppose could be called governmental apologetics.