Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
I was surprised no one actually said anything against this - as if they ignored it - besides Mimosa Pudica saying "Betas are creepy..." for the third time in a row.

FTR, I was half attempting to stir up controversy with that statement.

Honestly though, it wasn't so much seeing the family terrorised that I gained pleasure from; more watching these two very entertaining Betas basically baffle a Delta family. They had no idea what these kids were about; their very ideals (or lack thereof) blew them out of the water. I think it's the principle that I enjoyed (and Pitt's acting), which I noticed as soon as I saw a trailer for it a while ago.
I can understand getting a kind of sick pleasure out of seeing certain types of sadistic imagery, (I think the Hostel and Saw movies are hilarious) but the whole point of Funny Games is to be hateful, and I couldn't derive any pleasure out of seeing these innocent people getting abused in such a nasty way, and I thought the two antagonists were pussies.