Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
I elaborate with another far more subjective impression, but it is something I did notice.

It has nothing to do with their actual size since they are of similar heights and build (although Fabio, not surprisingly, seems to be in better shape). Fabio makes a more benevolent impression than Ezra. Meeting him, it's hard to see him as any kind of threat - not because he could not, but it's hard to see him wanting to be one. Ezra does have the aura of being a "potential threat". One way to put it is "easy-going". Fabio is thoroughly easy-going and at ease with himself. Ezra is more tense.
ahah, right, I don't even really think I could be a threat to anybody, except to deers when I bike downhill

That depends on how you look at it. From this point of view, I would argue that SEE is closer to LIE since both are Gamma extroverts.
Eh but you know I like the temperament ring theory...