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Thread: type the author of this blog entry

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    Default type the author of this blog entry

    this is an interesting little philosophical quandary by this author, which i posted on the workshop but which nobody seems especially interested in.


    I never have anything to write about myself and I never really have in my life. It makes me feel really stupid to even try. What times I've had to, I made up stuff because I didn't know what else to do. There are faint times it occurs to me to wonder who I am or what I'm doing, why am I here and how I got there. But whatever sporadic sparks of self-awareness I have crackle into oblivion before they can cohere into anything I'd care to express. I guess I'll start babbling.

    I have no life story or sense of personal history, and I don't want one. Not that I don't remember events - I do with crystal clarity, but I'm simply not connected to them. I never have coherent plans for the future, only reckless gambles. I can't recall any major decision I've made in the last 20 years that I actually reasoned out, instead I make them on whims which only make sense to me as they occur. In the blink of an eye I've ended significant relationships and shifted job plans without any real prior thought. Sometimes I don't even make the decision persay, but quite simply wake up one day with a whole new outlook and mentality to everything. I can attach to nothing it seems, despite trying to force myself to at times - or at least I pretend to myself that I am attached... until I am sufficiently bored, naturally. In a way I envy those who can, since attachments seem to make their life more real. But I always know the truth, that none of it is real (at least for me), and so I never can take it seriously. I feel like my mind has long since become a graveyard of these playthings.

    "Out of sight, out of mind" applies to me well. Within the awareness of the moment, my experiences are vivid and often enthralling as they are happening, only to be discarded without trace once they are past. And I need something again. I've probably seen a good deal between the spectrums of transcendental beauty and unspeakable nightmare; yet nothing lasts, nothing impacts, nobody influences. Not love, friendship, family, tragedy, triumph, guilt, desire, fulfillment, or regret. All fades into shadow, everyone and everything is invariably forgotten.

    When I tell people irl some of these things, it's very perplexing and upsetting to them. On many occasions, people even start crying and it baffles me. I find it ridiculous because I figure that most people too are actually like what I described here, and that they just don't know it.


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    my actual first guess was maybe ENTp. EP/irrational/thought maybe Ne valuing based on the basic gambles and lack of planning or want for it. idk. lack of introspection or sort of knowing who one is, or having a sense of self, seems weak Fi, so i'll guess logical type, not willing to bet my life on any of this. befuddled at the reactions of others (weak/devalued Fi again,) so more of the same i think.
    Last edited by implied; 09-12-2008 at 02:56 AM. Reason: used wrong word, using right word!
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    E7. As for socionics, what I get from this, overwhelmingly, is very weak (inability to form meaningful attachments, lack of inclination to introspect personal feelings/motivations, inability to understand other people's emotional reactions) and Ne/Si quadra (lack of attachment to the past or investment in the future, present-oriented). He also seems to value - when he mentions things he experiences and is enthralled by in the present, they all concern overt and performative emotional 'displays'. At the moment, I would be inclined to say ILE.
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    EII; E6(w5)

    i am flakey

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    Quote Originally Posted by ephemeros View Post
    me too .

    what is E7?
    The author's Enneagram type.

    I think the author is INFj. It's very, very clear in the writing.
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    My guess would be ENTp for the reasons stated above.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    The author's Enneagram type.

    I think the author is INFj. It's very, very clear in the writing.
    that was my second guess

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    This is very similar to stuff I wrote when I first came here:

    - I’m living my life in state of temporary satisfaction of my needs and desires. A life void of context. I feel as if there is no past, present or future. People are not real and are only means to satisfy my needs. Desires are scarce and needs dominate my life. I generally feel no emotion and when I do there sole purpose is to satisfy my ego. There is no pity, compassion, remorse, guilt, shame, respect and so on. Compromises are solely based on possible repercussions, not on a realization that other human beings have a right. My core is a dogma that I am superior to other human beings.

    - I never have no problems with people and they generally adore me and my *charming* personality (Which is an illusion). Like-minded individuals are scarce and the ones I find are inaccessible. Individuals I like are mystified to an unrealistic ideal which I cherish. When the image is broken the individual loses all of my admiration and ceases to exist as an equal. This will inevitably happen, being that I am superior to others. It’s only a matter of time. Then I have no use for them and break friendships while never looking back or thinking twice about it.

    - I do not show off and none of my inner beliefs are ever exposed. Actually, the word opinion should be used being that I have no beliefs. I completely orientate myself to that which is correct when dealing with others. What I have is inside me is a truth declaring apparatus. I only reveal what I know to be positively correct.

    - I observe and adapt to my surroundings to be accepted. I stand out by being different and am a very ‘special’,’ goofy’, 'weird', 'fun' person. This, off course, merely being just a lie to have them accept me and perceive me as not a threat so I could have a peaceful environment.

    - My ego dominates my personality and a fear of breaking the status-quo my external world. Largely irresponsible (When able) and introspective. Extremely pacifistic and non aggressive (Fear of repercussions and loss of control). Unbelievably unproductive (Unless it suits my needs or am forced). Never act out my plans for the fear of disrupting the status-quo. Luckily am regularly put in my place. Have no real identity. Delude myself about not being this way. Well actually, I don't delude, I just don't care. Never have.

    - Lonely due to my idealistic view of the world (And a fear of losing security). Unsatisfied with my life. Striving, but really only wishing, for a better existence. Incapable of forming deep bonds.
    I'm very curious of people's idea of this person's type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca View Post
    This is very similar to stuff I wrote when I first came here:

    I'm very curious of people's idea of this person's type.
    a fascinating parallel, which may merit a closer analysis than what is being given here.

    i'll reveal more about this person in a day. i'd like to see more responses first.

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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca View Post
    This is very similar to stuff I wrote when I first came here:

    I'm very curious of people's idea of this person's type.
    your self description sounds just like my EIE-Fe sociopath sister

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    yeah i changed my mind from iee to eii.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ephemeros View Post
    what makes me doubt for ENTP is the "vivid experience", i doubt an ILE can be so aware in the present. my second guess now would be ESTP.
    yeah, perhaps the ego guess is not ultimately something i'd want to stand by, but i didn't pick up on a high awareness of the present like you did (not that it isn't there, just that i didn't see it on reading it the first time.)
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    i get the feeling allie is not being entirely truthful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
    your self description sounds just like my EIE-Fe sociopath sister
    Well currently the situation has improved, now I'm with people who do not demand Fe from me so things referring to being fake don't apply as I don't have to pretend, put up a persona, to be left at peace anymore.

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    ENXp 7 seems to make the most sense to me. Judging by this:

    I can attach to nothing it seems, despite trying to force myself to at times - or at least I pretend to myself that I am attached... until I am sufficiently bored, naturally. In a way I envy those who can, since attachments seem to make their life more real. But I always know the truth, that none of it is real (at least for me), and so I never can take it seriously. I feel like my mind has long since become a graveyard of these playthings.

    "Out of sight, out of mind" applies to me well. Within the awareness of the moment, my experiences are vivid and often enthralling as they are happening, only to be discarded without trace once they are past. And I need something again. I've probably seen a good deal between the spectrums of transcendental beauty and unspeakable nightmare; yet nothing lasts, nothing impacts, nobody influences. Not love, friendship, family, tragedy, triumph, guilt, desire, fulfillment, or regret. All fades into shadow, everyone and everything is invariably forgotten.
    I'm more inclined to say ENTp. How someone can read that and think Fi ego (or even Fi-leading) makes no sense to me. Even the fact that this way of thinking was enough of a focus to include in a blog where you discuss the fact that you have nothing to share about yourself seems to say to me Fi-PoLR.

    Personally, I feel like I could have written the quoted bit myself. Stylistically, I feel I write similarly when approaching personal subjects. Generally, the sentiments here seem very much like my own when forced to write something personal like a journal or blog. It probably isn't a good idea to type using yourself as a benchmark, but I honestly think I could have written this thing. For a second I wondered if niff had dug up something of mine, until I realized that there were a couple of stylistic points in the writing that were not characteristic of my style.

    That being said, certain pieces of kinship could be the 7 relation. Still, my attention is drawn to that quoted bit...
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    Some questions:

    1. Is this a fictional blog (that is, is someone writing in a first person persona) or is it a 'real' blog (me writing as me).
    2. Is this person healthy/normal (in the conventional sense of the word)?

    I feel certain of the Ne/Si quadra values and if not ILE, then Delta.

    Some further thoughts: The narratorial voice is off - a lot of what is said explicitly in the words is contradicted by the writing that follows. For one thing, it starts off with the caveat that this person is not good at contemplating their life, yet the rest of the writing gives a very clear (if possibly false) picture of this person's life and character. There is definitely a sense of detachment from the narrator, but reading it a second time, the detachment seems to be from the narrator and their interactions with the external world. Things seem to 'happen' around the narrator, as opposed to the narrator taking an active part in them. Even the 'sudden shifts' in the narrator's life seem to just 'happen'.

    If I think about how and what is written about, rather than what is actually said, then what the first paragraph seems to indicate is devalued , since the narrator seems to indicate he will just 'babble' and sees what emerges from that - there is no awareness of what the narrator wants to say specifically nor does he see any need to structure his writing or give definition to what he wants to convey overall. Instead of though, the narrator chooses to talk about his relationships (or inability to form attachments) and his relationship with the external world through 'feelings' rather than give any actual factual details about his life. I initially leapt to the conclusion that this indicated weak , but on second thought someone with PoLR would probably not be so concerned about the need to be attached (or aware of the need for attachment in that sense) - the preoccupation with bonds between people and heightened awareness of that (even if the awareness is that the narrator fails at forming them) probably indicates in the ego. Just from the way the lack of attachment is described (and also the clear, constant awareness of the narrator's inability to do anything about these bonds aside from knowing them), seems to indicate as a base function, rather than a creative function.

    If this person is EII, I really want to know: What's the context of this writing?
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    Some questions:

    1. Is this a fictional blog (that is, is someone writing in a first person persona) or is it a 'real' blog (me writing as me).

    2. Is this person healthy/normal (in the conventional sense of the word)?
    um... no comment. you decide.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17 View Post

    um... no comment. you decide.
    Hmm. It would have made a lot of sense to me if this was someone with strong and valued Fi writing as though they were ILE.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

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    Quote Originally Posted by mn0good View Post
    Personally, I feel like I could have written the quoted bit myself. Stylistically, I feel I write similarly when approaching personal subjects. Generally, the sentiments here seem very much like my own when forced to write something personal like a journal or blog. It probably isn't a good idea to type using yourself as a benchmark, but I honestly think I could have written this thing. For a second I wondered if niff had dug up something of mine, until I realized that there were a couple of stylistic points in the writing that were not characteristic of my style.

    That being said, certain pieces of kinship could be the 7 relation. Still, my attention is drawn to that quoted bit...
    I said this same thing to Allie and maria on stickam yesterday. That I could actually see you writting something similar, but I think it may have to do with the fact that you are probably 7w8 and I think this person is too.

    Still unsure of socionics type of the blogger, but enneagram type seems clearly 7w8 sx.
    EII 4w5

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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    Some further thoughts: The narratorial voice is off - a lot of what is said explicitly in the words is contradicted by the writing that follows. For one thing, it starts off with the caveat that this person is not good at contemplating their life, yet the rest of the writing gives a very clear (if possibly false) picture of this person's life and character.
    No, it really doesn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    There is definitely a sense of detachment from the narrator, but reading it a second time, the detachment seems to be from the narrator and their interactions with the external world. Things seem to 'happen' around the narrator, as opposed to the narrator taking an active part in them. Even the 'sudden shifts' in the narrator's life seem to just 'happen'.
    I disagree here too. I think the author is only externally attached and it bothers them. It seems more seeking to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    If I think about how and what is written about, rather than what is actually said, then what the first paragraph seems to indicate is devalued , since the narrator seems to indicate he will just 'babble' and sees what emerges from that - there is no awareness of what the narrator wants to say specifically nor does he see any need to structure his writing or give definition to what he wants to convey overall.
    Yes, devalued certainly makes sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    Instead of though, the narrator chooses to talk about his relationships (or inability to form attachments) and his relationship with the external world through 'feelings' rather than give any actual factual details about his life. I initially leapt to the conclusion that this indicated weak , but on second thought someone with PoLR would probably not be so concerned about the need to be attached (or aware of the need for attachment in that sense) - the preoccupation with bonds between people and heightened awareness of that (even if the awareness is that the narrator fails at forming them) probably indicates in the ego. Just from the way the lack of attachment is described (and also the clear, constant awareness of the narrator's inability to do anything about these bonds aside from knowing them), seems to indicate as a base function, rather than a creative function.
    You jumped from possibly PoLR to ego? Have you considered weak and valued ? The fact that the author focuses on it makes me think they seek it. Probably LXE.

    Oh and btw, Niffweed's right. I was being sarcastic with INFj. I apologize to those who agreed with me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post

    Have you considered weak and valued ? The fact that the author focuses on it makes me think they seek it. Probably LXE.
    Ya. I agree. Seems to value Fi, but have some troubles with it since they focus on it so much. Which to me would point to LXE as well.
    EII 4w5

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    Deleted due to unfounded insensitivity and speculation.
    Last edited by unefille; 09-14-2008 at 12:36 AM.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

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    this thread is a great example of how the entire forum is lost in babble

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
    this thread is a great example of how the entire forum is lost in babble
    How? Why?

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    I'm not sure if what the blogger is saying about him/herself is something that would be considered as true from an external, objective obsever standpoint, in the sense that this entry seems to be written in a moment of discomfort/unhappiness and thus might not describe the actual personality of the writer.

    I would tentatively type this writing as ISTp, with a longing for Fi rather than a disregard for it (the author, to me, seems to feel the need for it yet he/she is unable to understand how to get it). I personally don't feel a lot of connection to what's written here, but perhaps I may in a moment of depression.
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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    What ruled out weak and valued for me was that that would imply ego and I can't see any in the passage. It's possible that the narrator is fixated on their dual-seeking or hidden agenda though, as in 'my life sucks and this is why', but it seems unlikely that this would affect both the subject matter and the way in which it is described.
    His whole manner of speaking seemed to me. Sure, he talks about but only in a detached, completely external way. It makes sense that he would seem "fixated" on his dual-seeking function. Also, if the author was ego, I think it would be more natural, and he wouldn't be so focused on it.

    But tbh, this blog seems more to do with his Enneagram type than anything. I agree with Christy. He's probably a 7w8 sx.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    I'm not sure if what the blogger is saying about him/herself is something that would be considered as true from an external, objective obsever standpoint, in the sense that this entry seems to be written in a moment of discomfort/unhappiness and thus might not describe the actual personality of the writer.
    This is most likely the case.
    maybe a saint is just a dead prick with a good publicist
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    Quote Originally Posted by ephemeros View Post
    snegledmaca, implied, what are your types?

    I'm not sure of my type, but for now I'd say delta ST.

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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca View Post
    How? Why?
    because everyone disagrees on whether they are reading subdued Fi or dominant Fi. we have people saying everything from ESTp to INFj. It's ridiculous how people on this forum can have so much babble justifying something which is completely wrong. You see it all the time when someone accuses you of self-typing wrong, then going off on how they just saw a bit of ..."Ti dual seeking", or some bullshit like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    Some further thoughts: The narratorial voice is off - a lot of what is said explicitly in the words is contradicted by the writing that follows. For one thing, it starts off with the caveat that this person is not good at contemplating their life, yet the rest of the writing gives a very clear (if possibly false) picture of this person's life and character. There is definitely a sense of detachment from the narrator, but reading it a second time, the detachment seems to be from the narrator and their interactions with the external world. Things seem to 'happen' around the narrator, as opposed to the narrator taking an active part in them. Even the 'sudden shifts' in the narrator's life seem to just 'happen'.
    This entire paragraphs seems totally predictable of role specifically and static thinking in general

    If I think about how and what is written about, rather than what is actually said, then what the first paragraph seems to indicate is devalued , since the narrator seems to indicate he will just 'babble' and sees what emerges from that - there is no awareness of what the narrator wants to say specifically nor does he see any need to structure his writing or give definition to what he wants to convey overall.
    Again, I think this is something more generally characteristic of ENXp than devalued Ti. That and static thinking, which demands that you build on yourself. Ti, IMO, is more a matter or true/false, yes/no, and logical opinion. The idea of Ti as structural logic doesn't really mean clearly structured thinking (especially on something of a personal nature), rather it is a matter of building on the sense of true/false. So EXTp takes in external observations via Se or Ne and then uses logical principles to make something out of it. But the structural aspect, I feel, comes into play in conjunction with Ne/Se and directed in an external fashion rather than dealing with personal issues. If asked to personally evaluate something I'm equally full of babble until I've had enough time to struggle to some kind of abstract blathering.

    Instead of though, the narrator chooses to talk about his relationships (or inability to form attachments) and his relationship with the external world through 'feelings' rather than give any actual factual details about his life. I initially leapt to the conclusion that this indicated weak , but on second thought someone with PoLR would probably not be so concerned about the need to be attached (or aware of the need for attachment in that sense) - the preoccupation with bonds between people and heightened awareness of that (even if the awareness is that the narrator fails at forming them) probably indicates in the ego. Just from the way the lack of attachment is described (and also the clear, constant awareness of the narrator's inability to do anything about these bonds aside from knowing them), seems to indicate as a base function, rather than a creative function.
    I have to totally disagree here. I can't remember who talked about this (it may have been smilingeyes?), but some people have made the case that you will often have a bit of a fixation on your PoLR because you're so incapable of seeing that way.

    Something to consider: most people who write personal blogs are somewhere in their teens or into their early twenties. In sociology and anthropology you learn that there is anthropological evidence that we have a natural instinct to make bonds and find a mate in our late teens and early twenties. This is also the anthropological explanation for the functioning of melanin in the brain in young adults that makes them want to stay up later and sleep in later. Again, in anthropology it's argued that due to the social structure of hunter/gatherer tribes, we're trained to want to socialize at night in order to find our mates. Okay, that last part was only vaguely relevant. But now imagine that you're an Fi PoLR at a time in your life where you're expected and naturally driven to try and find a mate and make social connections. Don't you think you might fixate a little on the fact that you suck at developing attachments? Or you might question why it is that you can't seem to develop the same kinds of bonds as others do?

    Though I don't like to quote the wiki, I think their description of PoLR matches my own understanding:

    Quote Originally Posted by wikisocion
    The element in this function creates a feeling of frustration and inadequacy. A person does not understand the importance of this element entirely, and it can easily lead to painful consequences if not adequately considered. Despite having an intellectual understanding of it and its associated imperatives, he will often act naively when it comes to actually using it in practice.
    7w8 so/sp

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    edited due to temporary insanity
    Last edited by strrrng; 09-13-2008 at 09:32 PM.

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    I think I may have an idea on why the person wrote what they wrote and their socionics type.

    I think they are a delta ST. I think the post was an example of poor Ni and Fe, that is, an example of a complete lack of ability in assessing their internal dynamics. And a cry for help from Ne and Fi with the slaughter of their character and their inherent potential.

    I think they are projecting the blame for an unfulfilled need for Ne and Fi in their life onto themselves. That is, they are in an environment void of Ne and Fi and are taking responsibility for it themselves. If they are anything like myself they will blame inadequacies in the functioning of their environment on themselves. Even if it is a result of objective conditions. Actually, especially in such cases. An inability to do something here would be seen as a failure of their ego, a failure of being able to influence Si with their Te.

    Also, they would be unable to recognize the dissatisfaction building up inside them. Through their poor Ni and Fe they would be almost oblivious to this internal dynamics that was going on. They would not realize the real motivations and aspirations behind their decisions and actions. That thinking and saying things like in that segment is really a cry for help, not an objective analysis of a situation.

    Which is how they see things, as an account of things, of how things really are. They are trying to explain and view things from a Te + Si view point of external dynamics. How their life has played out, how they have gone through it, what has happened, how. A dispassionate, inanimate, mechanical view of their life.

    I think the end result is that they see themselves as unworthy of their dual, unworthy of Ne and Fi. That coupled with poor Ni and Fe, an inability to recognize the internal dynamics that are inside them, the dissatisfaction, causes them to try to slaughter their character and inherent potential. To view themselves as monsters. And they present this self image in a dispassionate, inanimate Te + Si way, as a functioning of a mechanism, as a report on their own, broken, functioning.

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    huh ... it couldn't be LSE could it

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    This thread is all over the place.
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

    Retired from posting and drawing Social Security. E-mail or PM to contact.

    I pity your souls

  40. #40
    snegledmaca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
    because everyone disagrees on whether they are reading subdued Fi or dominant Fi. we have people saying everything from ESTp to INFj. It's ridiculous how people on this forum can have so much babble justifying something which is completely wrong. You see it all the time when someone accuses you of self-typing wrong, then going off on how they just saw a bit of ..."Ti dual seeking", or some bullshit like that.
    I fail to see how you point is relevant. If they are wrong in saying what they are saying then they are wrong. I see no inherent problem with people being wrong. I also think it is unrealistic to expect everyone to be correct all the time, or to share the same opinion regarding something. I think you have far to high expectation for the quality of discussion on a public internet forum.

    And on a personal note, why do you say that people questioning your type is accusation of your self type being wrong? Why not see it as an invitation to establish validity? I have seen the behavior you describe several times on the forum and I fail to understand why people get defensive to people questioning their type and are so resistant to considering alternatives.

    And why is people disagreeing on their interpretations being lost in babble? Yes, only one is correct, but why are multiple points of view, different interpretation, all coexisting at the same time, and some of their being contradictory to each other, babble, that is, a bad thing?

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