Quote Originally Posted by ifmd95 View Post
There is plausibly a limited number of ways for a woman to get an unlimited supply of men. However, there is also something to be said of quality (although varying kinds of qualities. "Overtness" may be preferred by some, and on either side of the gaze.) It might at least be said that Ezra's advice isn't advisable universally.
If the aim is an 'unlimited supply of men' (the thought boggles the mind, in more ways then one), then behaving differently and altering one's behaviour is probably necessary.

I don't think Ezra's advice is universally applicable and the way in which women attract men will vary according to the individual and particularly, since this is a socionics forum, according to type. Therefore, it is arguable that acting 'out of type' (what's your flavour?) is unadvisable if you want to attract a compatible type. I'll leave the sexually aggressive behaviour for the aggressors for now, though of course, I took what Ezra said in the spirit of well-meaning. It's always fun to role-play and change it up anyway.

This conversation makes me lol.