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Thread: I for one am voting for Barack Hussein Obama

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    Ezra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe View Post
    100 years of war + mortgaging our children's future by selling bonds to China + no one can afford health care and women can't kill babies anymore get real america.

    let's nationalize oil
    Barack will take America in a new and better direction. One McCain could only have nightmares about.

    Yay for Barack. He'll probably get assassinated or something; imagine if JFK had stayed president. America would be different. But no, along comes LBJ and a bucket of napalm.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    Barack will take America in a new and better direction. One McCain could only have nightmares about.

    Yay for Barack. He'll probably get assassinated or something; imagine if JFK had stayed president. America would be different. But no, along comes LBJ and a bucket of napalm.
    Unfortunately Obama will not fix a thing. If you remove debt from the US GDP the US has been contracting for about a decade. The basic problem the US (and Europe) has is that it cannot really finance it's vast debt apart from printing new money in various forms.

    The US will turn to that old foreign policy tool for empires that feel the ground shift beneath it's feet. War. Both McCain and Obama will bring more war, and more war brings more debts that cannot be financed. And so it goes. Eventually the system will break, it is already very very close to breaking point if it hasn't already broken down with the Fannie & Freddie Mae takeover being the largest and latest sign.

    50 % of the housing bond market is gone now compared to a year ago. At that rate there won't be much left soon. And we are only in the beginning stages of the recession still.

    If your sea chart does not match reality, go with reality (Old mariner saying)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wittmont View Post
    Unfortunately Obama will not fix a thing. If you remove debt from the US GDP the US has been contracting for about a decade. The basic problem the US (and Europe) has is that it cannot really finance it's vast debt apart from printing new money in various forms.

    The US will turn to that old foreign policy tool for empires that feel the ground shift beneath it's feet. War. Both McCain and Obama will bring more war, and more war brings more debts that cannot be financed. And so it goes. Eventually the system will break, it is already very very close to breaking point if it hasn't already broken down with the Fannie & Freddie Mae takeover being the largest and latest sign.
    My my you know I heard another INFp talk about that exact same thing a few years ago. You might want to ask him about it because it seems the two of you would really hit it off. Good luck finding him though, because he's been missing now for like... 7 years? The last time anyone saw him, that I recall, was at Tora Bora....

    Close in Enron loophole, and the economy will rebound.

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