Does anyone have any idea if there is some kind of emotional/information exchange during sex? (not that I never had sex before or anything, don't want you to get the wrong idea.)
Does anyone have any idea if there is some kind of emotional/information exchange during sex? (not that I never had sex before or anything, don't want you to get the wrong idea.)
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Why didn't I make the announcement earlier! :-) I think its cool how in the movie cast away, tom hanks does information exchange with a volley ball.... Sex seems as if there is some kind of special information exchange going on because of all the feelings involved, and all the different types of fettishes which seem to also match up with duals.
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Hahahah actually i was telling my friend how it would be cool to sell porn of specific types. People would deff go for that, and ... statistics can then be done.
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did you read sexual compatibility within the quadras?
ESTP and ISFP.. that makes sense. One thing I've noticed about ESFP women is they are usually incredibly flirtatious will come on very strong to whoever they like at first and then can sometimes withdraw a few minutes later, seeming to think they've come on too strong. ESFP is the only type I've seen do this so obviously.
ESTJ though? aren't ESTJs supposed to be somewhat conservative? I don't think I've even met an ESTJ female, but I could definitely see ENTJ women up there..
Any type can be "slutty", all they need is frequent emotional abuse and have a difficult time reaching orgasm. Those are the two most frequently reported reseasons for sexual promiscuity.
In any case, I think that sex is generally just an execessive release of serotonin(or whatever homrone is released during sexual contact) which cause a sense of euphoria. That's it; I don't believe there is any "special" information metabolized during it.
"In any case, I think that sex is generally just an execessive release of serotonin(or whatever homrone is released during sexual contact) which cause a sense of euphoria. That's it; I don't believe there is any "special" information metabolized during it."
What about the intimacy involved? What causes this intimacy? It can't just be due to simultanious serotonin dosing. People seem to expose their deepest desires during sex, like fetishes.
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Why can't it be just hormones? Besides, all of my "feitshes" are sexual in nature, and therefore would only arise in sexual activities.
And the intamacy issue can be explained off very easily, albeit hypothetically. The release of these hormones enforces the relation in the mind between "happiness" and "individual x", which would then lead to a burning desire to be with the person.
Yeah, the seritonin release is what makes sex the "easy jump" to intimacy for most people. Kissing on the mouth as well. That's where people's true information metabolism and personalities become apparent...when the relationship gets knocked into close range(intimacy). Intimacy can certainly be achieved other ways(and in parallel with) than sex, but it's the obvious mostly used quickest way. That's why just having sex will change any relationship.
Its kind slike how its much easier to make friends when you smoke with people. An intense life experience. When you see an aesthetically mismatched couple it is most likely they met in a high adrenaline situation.
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ESTPs are slutty because they see sex as the logical means to their horny ends, the orgasm. Also because they need to feel wanted and loved. ISFPs are sluts because they have difficulty understanding the future consequences of their actions.
Funny! It's only about physical lust to which any person/type can submit.
Lust is about sexually wishing other person's body. Being "bitchy"/"slutty"/"easy" manifests itself in various sideeffects which any type expresses differently. It's nothing of importance.
I wonder, if those Oldham's classifications of socionics types according to behavior in sex (Victim, Agressive, Infant, Careful) are true.
What I originally meant was... during sex partners give each other what the other wants. One might wanna dominate the other and there has to be a compatibility in what they both want. This is why sex is an intimite act... because it is the most deepest expression of the personality, and if not fully compatible it won't be experienced to its fullest. So I was wondering what kind of exchange occurs in terms of what psychological needs are satisfied for each dual pair.
I would say you are right on that ISFp thing as you see this type lacks intuition what is suited into types subconciouss as the suggestive function so it has not got usually any glue where it is going and further more how usufull its contacts are for itself so the ISFp usually has a lot of people around in its life who it doesn not need actually and opposite, ISFp may find into its life some usufull people, but it does not recoginze that and it igonores the person who might actually be the one it really is needing at the moment.ESTPs are slutty because they see sex as the logical means to their horny ends, the orgasm. Also because they need to feel wanted and loved. ISFPs are sluts because they have difficulty understanding the future consequences of their actions.