Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post
Some ppl disagree with his type, but he's a pretty obvious SLE imo.
Agree. He may mistype others, but at least he's got his own type right.

Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
To see the degeneration due to crisis, confusion, and partial recovery of an SLE, and how a person starts to use his inferior function to act like his dual when his top two functions no longer are working to solve his problems, go to this page
click on "load more" several times, until you get to his vids of about a year ago, when he was grounded and really funny and relaxed. A great one to watch is "How to pick up the types". It is both hilarious and totally true. The guy is on the ball. But then, scroll up to ten months ago to "Humbled" and "Hobo update", when things are going wrong in his life. Next, scroll back up to 5 months ago and watch "I'm an INFJ update", "Rant: My stupid zombie slaves" and "Goodbye". Finally, after he got some support (from me, his Benefactor), watch "Perfect Relationships".
Regardless of whether people like EJArendee or not, he obviously is (sadly) a good example of a person starting to (try to) act like his dual, which basically is just an indicator of him losing his mind. I think the videos where he is talking about his "visions" are the most telling regarding his messed up Ni use.
Finally, I wonder what you mean with "support" he got by you. Do you actually know him personally, irl?