Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Hi, Amber.
Well, I like him. We're really different, and he shows really bad judgement, but I like him. That's Benefactor for you. I just can't help it.
I think you and a lot of others have a different reaction to him, and truthfully, I'm not blind to his aggression and instability and would never go into business with him, but I don't think we can help liking whom we like. Just as I read some of your posts and watch as other people get offended and pissed off and misinterpret what you say, and all I can think is "What Amber said makes sense, and she is funny and true, and I like her."
Can't help it.
The trick is to come to respect and admire someone, but that's happening, too.
First off, you don't even understand what the Benefit relation is about - the Benefactor is supposed to find the Beneficiary a dull, helpless, and uninteresting person due to the lack of "suggestive" in them (which the B_actor allegedly craves). It's an unequal relationship in theory ... with the Benefactor in a superior position while the B_ary finds them awesome due to their creative. That isn't happening. You're posting and promoting links of dude ...so it's kinda the other way round. You'd have an excuse if you had any clue other than socionics on why you like the person anyway.

Secondly, if you compare me to this moron, your senses and your methods of assessing ppl totally suck. You should post on the ENTJ perCaf forum .. it wouldn't be visible there.