With my brother and his best friend. Both of them are Ne/Si valuing, while I'm Se/Ni valuing. What happened was just another example of my despising Ne, while coming up against people who value it. They take my Ne-devaluing as complete arrogance and confidence in my own opinion. Which it is, really. But I simply can't deal with it; that is, it's very hard for me to like these kind of people and respect them and their opinions. I get the same from cracka, from Jem, and from BurntOrange.

The worst thing is, it would all be okay if only I could stick to my guns and actually believe what I'm saying the whole time. But I just... can't. I start out thinking I'm right, but by the end of my attack on them, I know that they're right. I know that I shouldn't be imposing on their way of life, but I just can't help it. They always come back with something like "well, why are you any more right? You do whatever you're doing, and leave us be". It's unfair that I should show my outright problem with what they do, and it's unfair that I should say "you're too materialistic; you obsess over the slightest things" or "you need to do this" or "you must consider these phenomena as I have already done so". I want everyone to be like me in their train of thought, because I think they're wrong and I'm right. It's not so much what they do that I end up approving of (because I really, really don't), but their opinion that I shouldn't be going on the offensive when it comes to how they're living their lives. Especially when I preach (see my thread on Having a "Life") the same.

This is probably one of the first issues in my life about which I have NO IDEA how to deal with. Please help. Everyone.