I’m creating this poll/thread because recently, QUITE A FEW people have suggested to me that I’m not ENFp—the type I’ve believed I am for nearly two years… I’m wondering if they’re seeing something I can’t/I’m missing..? (Please excuse this post's largess--the Chaucer sense of largess--I'm just trying to give as much info as possible.)

I’m hoping that maybe the people who read this thread will think for a minute about what type I could be, and then write up a little something..? An opinion… Doesn’t need to be substantiated… But if it is, I will be very grateful. Honestly, any help, any suggestion—from ANYONE—will be genuinely appreciated.

Here are a few videos of me—they’ve been posted before—for typing purposes though, I thought it’d help to compile them... Here is one I made a month or two ago for my Myspace page, (lol: )

Here is one I made with Sean:

A little about me: I grew up on Cape Cod. I have an undergraduate degree in art history. (I liked studying art history because I felt like it enabled me to study the liberal arts/anthropology through the lens of art, which is essentially creative analysis of history vs. straight history.) That said, as an undergrad, I transferred to different universities and changed majors frequently. Initially, I had a scholarship for theatre and writing.

Currently, I’m a graduate student in journalism… I like journalism b/c I like storytelling—I’m worse at writing than on camera, (perhaps that's not too hard to believe, based on this little piece of b.s.) For awhile, I was involved with the Second City improv comedy troupe in Chicago, and also performance storytelling... Last year, my friend from NYU and I wrote a full-length musical screenplay, lol.

I like to move—across the country; across the ocean—and I’ve done so quite a few times… To England, to Germany, to California, to Chicago, to Boston, etc. I go to new places as often as I can—I like doing this because I like to experience new people, new environments, new cultures—essentially to get a feel for these places, their atmospheres/vibes, and also to test myself, to see how I fair in totally new environments. 'Do I sink or swim?'

For the same reason, I’ve liked to experiment with different drugs… (Watch out for the heroin, kids!)

To be honest, I’m good at making friends with both guys and girls, and I converse easily… Sometimes I’ll meet someone and for a night they’ll become a friend, and then—I recognize that this is bad, but for the sake of honesty I’ll write it—I’ll just never talk to them again… Even though they’ll call me… People have said that it’s nearly ‘impossible to get a hold of me,’ especially on the phone.

I only make an effort to communicate with people who I find personally meaningful—esp. those I find genuine, sincere—and there are NO unifying characteristics that define my friends, lol, except that they happen to know me… These are ppl from all different crowds--from Oxford graduates to street junkies to preps to punks.

I read a lot… My favorite authors are Andre Gide, Victor Hugo, and Joseph Campbell. .. These books, I find, teach me how to live—and I believe that the instruction has been helpful/inspiring.

I listen to a lot of music… My favorite stuff is classic rock, e.g. Bob Dylan, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty… I like lyrics that make me think/teach me how to handle situations like break-ups… Also, I like 90s shit like Alice in Chains and Nirvana—primarily b/c they write about heroin addiction and the chord progressions are good…

My heroes growing up were Larry Bird, Allosaurus, and David Lee Roth. (I remember once Gilly wrote that your heroes say a lot about you... I'm not sure if mine do.)

I’ve been known to have a pretty bad temper… Less so in recent years than when I was younger... I am not humble, although I admire those who are, and would like to be myself... As a teenager, I was rebellious... I went to boarding school and did stuff there that should've gotten me arrested. Regardless, I had a group of friends--as diverse as a 97% white, 200 student prep school group of friends could be... I was somewhere between a jock and a hipster, I guess.

I have no daily routine… By that, I mean that I don’t wake up at the same time each day, or have a regimented schedule. My Dad, ISXj, thrives on that sorta thing; so does my Mom, ESFj... I find it stifling… When I’ve had jobs that have demanded regimentation, I’ve quit them. I like to work irregular hours... Honestly, the only thing that I do on a daily basis is exercise… If I don’t do this, I get very hyper and can’t fall asleep.

I have what my Mom calls “serial interests,” i.e. things with which I’ll become virtually obsessed for weeks, months, and then just drop… I’ve been like this since I was really little.

I get along really well with my INTj brother, although we don’t communicate much, (he keeps to himself, pretty much.) I like that he’s honest and sincere. I get along with my ESFp brother—he's a professional musician--generally, when we get together, we party. I like that he’s fun-loving, and intent on life to the fullest… I don’t relate to my ISXj Dad, whose entire life IMO seems to be defined by how much money he makes, (although I do respect that he does a lot of things for his community—and, of course, for his family, inc. me.) My ESFj Mom—my favorite person in the world

One of the descriptions of ESFjs is very accurate—I can only stand my Mom's emotional charge for so long before getting worn out… Still, she’s saved my ass so many times in so many circumstances—it’s amazing... I love her so much.

If there’s anything else I can answer that would help you to type me, I would be happy to provide any info… Nothing is off-limits.

Thank you for reading all of this. *whew*