View Poll Results: What type is JuJu?

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  • ENFp

    15 75.00%
  • INFp

    1 5.00%
  • ESFp

    0 0%
  • ISFp

    1 5.00%
  • ENFj

    0 0%
  • INFj

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  • ESFj

    3 15.00%
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Thread: Please type: JuJu (hi!)

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    Default Please type: JuJu... (hi!)

    I’m creating this poll/thread because recently, QUITE A FEW people have suggested to me that I’m not ENFp—the type I’ve believed I am for nearly two years… I’m wondering if they’re seeing something I can’t/I’m missing..? (Please excuse this post's largess--the Chaucer sense of largess--I'm just trying to give as much info as possible.)

    I’m hoping that maybe the people who read this thread will think for a minute about what type I could be, and then write up a little something..? An opinion… Doesn’t need to be substantiated… But if it is, I will be very grateful. Honestly, any help, any suggestion—from ANYONE—will be genuinely appreciated.

    Here are a few videos of me—they’ve been posted before—for typing purposes though, I thought it’d help to compile them... Here is one I made a month or two ago for my Myspace page, (lol: )

    Here is one I made with Sean:

    A little about me: I grew up on Cape Cod. I have an undergraduate degree in art history. (I liked studying art history because I felt like it enabled me to study the liberal arts/anthropology through the lens of art, which is essentially creative analysis of history vs. straight history.) That said, as an undergrad, I transferred to different universities and changed majors frequently. Initially, I had a scholarship for theatre and writing.

    Currently, I’m a graduate student in journalism… I like journalism b/c I like storytelling—I’m worse at writing than on camera, (perhaps that's not too hard to believe, based on this little piece of b.s.) For awhile, I was involved with the Second City improv comedy troupe in Chicago, and also performance storytelling... Last year, my friend from NYU and I wrote a full-length musical screenplay, lol.

    I like to move—across the country; across the ocean—and I’ve done so quite a few times… To England, to Germany, to California, to Chicago, to Boston, etc. I go to new places as often as I can—I like doing this because I like to experience new people, new environments, new cultures—essentially to get a feel for these places, their atmospheres/vibes, and also to test myself, to see how I fair in totally new environments. 'Do I sink or swim?'

    For the same reason, I’ve liked to experiment with different drugs… (Watch out for the heroin, kids!)

    To be honest, I’m good at making friends with both guys and girls, and I converse easily… Sometimes I’ll meet someone and for a night they’ll become a friend, and then—I recognize that this is bad, but for the sake of honesty I’ll write it—I’ll just never talk to them again… Even though they’ll call me… People have said that it’s nearly ‘impossible to get a hold of me,’ especially on the phone.

    I only make an effort to communicate with people who I find personally meaningful—esp. those I find genuine, sincere—and there are NO unifying characteristics that define my friends, lol, except that they happen to know me… These are ppl from all different crowds--from Oxford graduates to street junkies to preps to punks.

    I read a lot… My favorite authors are Andre Gide, Victor Hugo, and Joseph Campbell. .. These books, I find, teach me how to live—and I believe that the instruction has been helpful/inspiring.

    I listen to a lot of music… My favorite stuff is classic rock, e.g. Bob Dylan, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty… I like lyrics that make me think/teach me how to handle situations like break-ups… Also, I like 90s shit like Alice in Chains and Nirvana—primarily b/c they write about heroin addiction and the chord progressions are good…

    My heroes growing up were Larry Bird, Allosaurus, and David Lee Roth. (I remember once Gilly wrote that your heroes say a lot about you... I'm not sure if mine do.)

    I’ve been known to have a pretty bad temper… Less so in recent years than when I was younger... I am not humble, although I admire those who are, and would like to be myself... As a teenager, I was rebellious... I went to boarding school and did stuff there that should've gotten me arrested. Regardless, I had a group of friends--as diverse as a 97% white, 200 student prep school group of friends could be... I was somewhere between a jock and a hipster, I guess.

    I have no daily routine… By that, I mean that I don’t wake up at the same time each day, or have a regimented schedule. My Dad, ISXj, thrives on that sorta thing; so does my Mom, ESFj... I find it stifling… When I’ve had jobs that have demanded regimentation, I’ve quit them. I like to work irregular hours... Honestly, the only thing that I do on a daily basis is exercise… If I don’t do this, I get very hyper and can’t fall asleep.

    I have what my Mom calls “serial interests,” i.e. things with which I’ll become virtually obsessed for weeks, months, and then just drop… I’ve been like this since I was really little.

    I get along really well with my INTj brother, although we don’t communicate much, (he keeps to himself, pretty much.) I like that he’s honest and sincere. I get along with my ESFp brother—he's a professional musician--generally, when we get together, we party. I like that he’s fun-loving, and intent on life to the fullest… I don’t relate to my ISXj Dad, whose entire life IMO seems to be defined by how much money he makes, (although I do respect that he does a lot of things for his community—and, of course, for his family, inc. me.) My ESFj Mom—my favorite person in the world

    One of the descriptions of ESFjs is very accurate—I can only stand my Mom's emotional charge for so long before getting worn out… Still, she’s saved my ass so many times in so many circumstances—it’s amazing... I love her so much.

    If there’s anything else I can answer that would help you to type me, I would be happy to provide any info… Nothing is off-limits.

    Thank you for reading all of this. *whew*

  2. #2
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    Out of the options you've provided, the types I think you ARE NOT are: ESFp, ENFj and INFj.

    I guess that leaves ISFp, ESFj, INFp and ENFp.

    I'm not comfortable with narrowing it down any further than that at the moment (sorry, not much help am I?), though I might tentatively say that I think you're not ESFj.

    A lot of the description wasn't very useful for me, I'm afraid. Would you mind maybe explaining some of your motivations? What did you dislike about your background that made you inclined toward rebellion? A lot of people are rebellious during adolescence: I think the reasons why might be more type indicative. Would you also mind talking about why you like the authors you do? What is it about their writing that captures you? Is it the style, the subject matter, the historical period, etc etc.

    I also find the idea of 'sinking or swimming' really interesting. Do you see life as a challenge? A maze? A battlefield? A park? I know these questions sound weird, but they're pretty indicative of how I think and might illuminate some things for me.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    I also find the idea of 'sinking or swimming' really interesting. Do you see life as a challenge? A maze? A battlefield? A park? I know these questions sound weird, but they're pretty indicative of how I think and might illuminate some things for me.
    also curious about this. juju, is it having completed some task/goal that you previously thought was unattainable that you enjoy?

    can you briefly talk about what you think is missing from your life? what sorts of people piss you off?

    edited: also, why did you think you were E2? why E3 now?
    Last edited by implied; 09-03-2008 at 06:52 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    edited: also, why did you think you were E2? why E3 now?
    because strrrng told him he was E3.

  5. #5
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    Here is the second part, featuring some great questions by Implied, among others.

    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    lol. you're cute in the myspace video (good song btw.)
    Thank you…

    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Another bisexual druggie that wants real love. DIME A DOZEN. NEXT! You wanna be something special but you're really just another common, liberal whore. =p j/k you're okay juju
    Guilty..! Guilty on all counts.

    Quote Originally Posted by macysmama View Post
    You are sweet in that adorable Delta way… I'm just an older, female version!
    Thank you And I agree with you—I’ve noticed similarities in our posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17 View Post
    i'd say ESE > SEI, but i'm really not sure about that at all.
    Thanks for responding, Niffweed—I’m genuinely glad that we’re getting beyond that thing last month I’m wondering though—if you don’t mind explaining, what you’re seeing/reading that’s leading you to ESE..? IMO, irrationality is one of the most obvious characteristics, Socionically speaking.

    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    yeah, although i was considering SEI based on what looks like irrational behaviour, he seems kind of EJ-hyperactive. the description is largely hedonist i think, but i think an ESE can be (brian wilson as an example.) i'm really boggled that some have said he can't be anything but NF. i think SF club is very reasonable.
    SF club is definitely plausible… FWIW, Brian Wilson is one of my heroes.

    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    also curious about this. juju, is it having completed some task/goal that you previously thought was unattainable that you enjoy? ?
    Definitely, I would! Although to be honest, I don’t consider any of my current goals “unattainable.” (That is to say, in retrospect, I don’t believe I’ve ever completed a goal I’d considered unattainable—honestly, everything has always seemed very possible to me… Perhaps that’s just naivety on my part..?)

    I mean, it’d be different if my goal was to be the King of Holland, you know? But to be a journalist, meet a fun girl and then go from there..? Seems doable. That said, it’d be very satisfying to exceed all expectations and become a very prominent journalist… With a very excellent girl.

    Accomplishments are very important to me—to be honest, if I’m not en route to some accomplishment, I feel off-track.

    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    can you briefly talk about what you think is missing from your life?
    1) Accomplishments, (large scale.)
    2) People whose friendship is unconditional—not based sexual attraction, neediness... Currently, I have a bunch of ‘friends,’ but I sense that many of them have angles, e.g. sex, needs, expectations, and thus there’s tension in many of the relationships… I dislike this… One of the reasons I like talking with ppl from this forum is, I don’t sense any angles.

    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    what sorts of people piss you off?
    People who ‘fake-smile’ and ‘fake laugh’ (e.g. Kathy Lee Gifford.) People who seem to believe that their opinions are infallibly correct, (Bill O’Reilly comes to mind.) People who aact like ‘hard-asses’ or ‘meat-heads’—my prep school football coach comes to mind... People who don’t think at all—about how their actions impact others… People whose emotions are too heavy, imposing, e.g. my last realtor (who came across like Mary Tyler Moore on PCP.) People who don’t forgive, (everyone makes mistakes,) e.g. my ex. People with ill-motives who use ppl with good motives—same ex, lol… People who aren’t curious about the world, who make no effort to better themselves... Ppl who swindle money from ppl, i.e. hucksters.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    SF club is definitely plausible… FWIW, Brian Wilson is one of my heroes.
    yeah, i like him a lot as well. (:

    Definitely, I would! Although to be honest, I don’t consider any of my current goals “unattainable.” (That is to say, in retrospect, I don’t believe I’ve ever completed a goal I’d considered unattainable—honestly, everything has always seemed very possible to me… Perhaps that’s just naivety on my part..?)
    i don't know, really. what i meant really was that are you into proving to yourself that you can do something that you didn't think you could do. as in, sort of outdoing yourself or pushing yourself forward. but then from this i might imagine that you like to set realistic goals for yourself or things that you feel confident that you can achieve.

    I mean, it’d be different if my goal was to be the King of Holland, you know? But to be a journalist, meet a fun girl and then go from there..? Seems doable. That said, it’d be very satisfying to exceed all expectations and become a very prominent journalist… With a very excellent girl.
    right. (:

    Accomplishments are very important to me—to be honest, if I’m not en route to some accomplishment, I feel off-track.

    1) Accomplishments, (large scale.)
    2) People whose friendship is unconditional—not based sexual attraction, neediness... Currently, I have a bunch of ‘friends,’ but I sense that many of them have angles, e.g. sex, needs, expectations, and thus there’s tension in many of the relationships… I dislike this… One of the reasons I like talking with ppl from this forum is, I don’t sense any angles.
    this to me seems different than my current perception of ENFps (point #1, some of the other stuff you've written in response seems -ish.) and i could buy into it being a sort of thing. don't take too much from that, though.

    People who ‘fake-smile’ and ‘fake laugh’ (e.g. Kathy Lee Gifford.) People who seem to believe that their opinions are infallibly correct, (Bill O’Reilly comes to mind.) People who aact like ‘hard-asses’ or ‘meat-heads’—my prep school football coach comes to mind... People who don’t think at all—about how their actions impact others… People whose emotions are too heavy, imposing, e.g. my last realtor (who came across like Mary Tyler Moore on PCP.) People who don’t forgive, (everyone makes mistakes,) e.g. my ex. People with ill-motives who use ppl with good motives—same ex, lol… People who aren’t curious about the world, who make no effort to better themselves... Ppl who swindle money from ppl, i.e. hucksters.
    this actually does remind me of some descriptions i've read of ENFps. as in, being sort of gullible and winding up with crappy people, etc. i can't at the moment find the description where i read this (for some reason i just read this stuff and memorize it, then forget where i read it,) but i do think it makes sense.
    Last edited by implied; 09-05-2008 at 01:09 AM.
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    unefille, you ask some really great questions here—I had to think awhile to answer each of them Awesome. Thank you. (Hopefully, they'll help a bit more in figuring things out..?)

    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    Would you mind maybe explaining some of your motivations?
    Career motivations: This may sound corny—I’ve written this phrase many times in my journal: to become the best storyteller (e.g. broadcast journalist) in America, and to make a positive difference for people… Also, to earn enough to pay my rent. I feel like I can help ppl using my talents, and concurrently lead an adventurous, meaningful (i.e. helpful to others) life.

    I’m not as focused on money as some… E.g. my Dad has spent much of his adult life trying to accrue as much money as possible (he’s a banking executive,) and despite his success, I know that deep down he’s unsatisfied… I mean, I’d love to make a lot of money, but not at the expense of my sanity/soul.

    Dating motivations: I’d like a partner in crime, so to speak—someone with whom to go on improv adventures… But if a person supported me through thick and thin, through ups and downs, (this hasn’t happened yet,) I would go to the ends of the Earth for that person… I would be as loyal as (fill in the metaphor, hehe.) I would marry them if they wanted.

    In the past, I’ve been in relationships where I’ve felt used for various reasons—emotionally, financially etc. In those cases, I’ve felt that I’ve given more to the other person than I ever got back… I’m glad that I used a lot of drugs back then b/c I’ve forgotten many of the grim particulars

    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    What did you dislike about your background that made you inclined toward rebellion? A lot of people are rebellious during adolescence: I think the reasons why might be more type indicative.
    This is my background: one side of my family—very old—for America, that is, i.e. to Boston from England in the 1600s. They’ve been kickin’ around Mass/Vermont/NY for a long-ass time. They’re stodgy.

    In my early teens I disliked my Dad/his fam so much that I asked my friends/classmates to call me a different name—and for a few yrs, they did. (Weird, huh?)

    I grew up around a lot of rich ol’ bastards. (Not my immediate fam, I should point out.) As I grew older, (teens,) I began to find them pretentious and fake, e.g. I hated having to pretend to care about conversations that were DESPERATELY DULL, i.e. about golf and horses and beauty pageants… The most interesting topics of conversation/ activities were usually off-limits. Also, I had to dress/act in a preppy way—it wasn’t me.

    While at boarding school, my older bro was in a rock band out in San Francisco—at the time, they played around the country (e.g. with Dave Matthews, at New Orleans Jazzfest.)To me, this offered an escape—at that age, I began to follow in his footsteps: drugs, sex, and music… During summers, I would go out to Cali and hang out with musicians. (By contrast, the preppies I knew were golfing at the country clubs near the Cape.)

    Four weeks before graduation from prep school, I got the boot b/c I was “acting up” (wtf? lol!)

    Ultimately, back then, I didn’t like that ppl were imposing their idea of what I ‘should be’ on me… So in response, I snorted of drugs and had sex with, well, quite a lot of ppl haha—not to prove a particular point, but in retrospect… Hindsight’s 20/20, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    Would you also mind talking about why you like the authors you do? What is it about their writing that captures you? Is it the style, the subject matter, the historical period, etc
    I’ll write about Gide, because to go into each of them, we’d be here for awhile, (I imagine reading to this point, it already feels like awhile!) Gide writes about freeing himself from constraints/obligations/possessions, the need to follow his impulses and to express whatever is within him—I relate strongly with these themes… I admire his outlook re: how to make the most out of life, and enjoy his farcical take on ppl in general… Gide was a major influence on me, (along with Hugo, Cocteau, H. Miller, Brecht, W.S. Burroughs, and Balzac,) all of whom helped form my worldview.

    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    I also find the idea of 'sinking or swimming' really interesting. Do you see life as a challenge? A maze? A battlefield? A park? I know these questions sound weird, but they're pretty indicative of how I think and might illuminate some things for me.
    “Love is a battlefield” No, to be honest, I don’t view life in Nietzschean terms, i.e. ‘as something to be overcome…’ To continue with a metaphor, I guess I see life more as a bazaar where there are too many choices It's so hard to choose!

    The idea of ‘sinking or swimming’—I like to go into non-familiar environments with very little preparation/packing, (e.g. I moved to Germany without knowing the language,) and then see if I can come out of it better/stronger, (i.e. have a meaningful, life-altering experience.) To me, that is swimming.

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    On the videos, you remind me somewhat of an Se type at first, but then you reminded me a lot of my ENFp brother. Sean is very IP, probably ISxp. I really like your descriptions of driving differences in the second video. Perfectly describes how I drive vs my ISTp friend. I took a road trip with an ENFp recently who was CRAZY. Chick would randomly jump out of the car and run around at stops, and when she was driving I would catch her with cruise control on and BOTH feet pulled up on the seat, just chilling out. CRAZY person!

    I can totally see ENFp. My brother is very into artistic things; I could totally see him doing art history or journalism. He's also all about new experiences and random hobbies. While we both imagine things to do, he actually is able to take on and commit to hobbies and projects more readily than I am.

    Socially, ENFps amazing. I get jealous from time to time. The ones I know meet new people very easily and interacts with them very naturally. My brother is extremely insecure at first about whether they like him, but then he wins them over and is fine. What you said about meaningful people, I could hear my brother saying that word for word. It's that whole Fi thing.

    The ENFps I know can have bad tempers as well. They're very expressive at times, similar to an ESFp but not as forceful.
    ILE - Ti.

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    No other type makes sense.

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    lol. you're cute in the myspace video (good song btw.) i still don't know about ENFp though or where it's coming from.
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    Another bisexual druggie that wants real love. DIME A DOZEN. NEXT!

    You wanna be something special but you're really just another common, liberal whore. =p

    j/k you're okay juju lol but umm I don't really know what to think of you yet. It honestly takes me a long time before I form an opinion on somebody. At least a year of just talking with somebody. As a result I only know very few ppl but you seem okay. I don't know what type you are based on that.

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    You are sweet in that adorable Delta way. You are EP. You care about the harmony of relationships, so that leaves ENFp. It's really that simple with you! That is one of the thing I like best about you Juju.

    I personally have been torn between ISFp and ENFp for myself, and after watching these videos, I must be ENFp as well. I'm just an older, female version!

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    Haha well all types care about the harmony of relationships, just in their own way. I'm not sure that's a good logical arguement, but I do not know juju enough to type him. The best answer I can give is 'I don't know, don't give a shit and does it really matter?'

    *sigh* I'm being a hypocrite though. lol I'll probably be wondering what my fucking type is on my deathbed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Haha well all types care about the harmony of relationships, just in their own way. I'm not sure that's a good logical arguement, but I do not know juju enough to type him. The best answer I can give is 'I don't know, don't give a shit and does it really matter?'

    *sigh* I'm being a hypocrite though. lol I'll probably be wondering what my fucking type is on my deathbed.
    Oh, BandD, I'm an NF, this is my type of logical argument.

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    @JuJu: are you always like in these videos? I'm only like that after I pulling of one of my unintended stupid stunts, such as grabbing a microphone and screaming "WRRRROWWWW!" into it in a company cafetaria with 200 people having lunch, not realizing upfront the thing might be switched on and connected to a PA system. Fortunately, people can laugh about that.

    You guys are cool
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    i'd say ESE > SEI, but i'm really not sure about that at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17 View Post
    i'd say ESE > SEI, but i'm really not sure about that at all.
    yeah, although i was considering SEI based on what looks like irrational behaviour, he seems kind of EJ-hyperactive. the description is largely hedonist i think, but i think an ESE can be (brian wilson as an example.) i'm really boggled that some have said he can't be anything but NF. i think SF club is very reasonable.
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  19. #19


    I think you're IEE JuJu, although sometimes (for instance in some of your videos) i've felt you've used a little more Fe than what I think I normally see from IEE's. Reasons for that could be many, like spending time with you're ESE mum for instance (accomodating and learning from her dominant Fe and carrying that into your interactions.)

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    juju i think you are enfp. the Ne just kinda comes off ya.

    and i have to say i think expat nailed it on the interaction between you and mccosker...clear superego relation (not that that is what you're asking about here, but hey). mccosker is an estp...the Se kinda comes off him the same way the Ne emanates from you. the two of you demonstrate mutual respect and admiration for one another since your strengths are so different.

    but there is a sense of tension and strain between the two of you. i see it coming from you more than him in the vid you posted. it's kind of like Ne in the presence of Se type of strain.

    the vid where you are interviewing mccosker ... in that one you seem much more comfortable, having something to do. it makes you seem more centered in that vid than you are in this one. in that one, you examine him and draw him out. (something enfp's are great at). you draw all the great possibilities out of him in this vid. in this way, you take charge of the process and give yourself a role.

    !!man i just gave myself something to think about: i'm having a superego relation at work with this esfp guy. i think i should just find some type of questioning role for myself also; listen to my own advice; since his Se IS VIBING THE HELL OUT OF ME ESP WITH ALL THAT FI.

    *quietly shuffles away*


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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    juju i think you are enfp. the Ne just kinda comes off ya.

    and i have to say i think expat nailed it on the interaction between you and mccosker...clear superego relation (not that that is what you're asking about here, but hey). mccosker is an estp...the Se kinda comes off him the same way the Ne emanates from you. the two of you demonstrate mutual respect and admiration for one another since your strengths are so different.

    but there is a sense of tension and strain between the two of you. i see it coming from you more than him in the vid you posted. it's kind of like Ne in the presence of Se type of strain.

    the vid where you are interviewing mccosker ... in that one you seem much more comfortable, having something to do. it makes you seem more centered in that vid than you are in this one. in that one, you examine him and draw him out. (something enfp's are great at). you draw all the great possibilities out of him in this vid. in this way, you take charge of the process and give yourself a role.

    !!man i just gave myself something to think about: i'm having a superego relation at work with this esfp guy. i think i should just find some type of questioning role for myself also; listen to my own advice; since his Se IS VIBING THE HELL OUT OF ME ESP WITH ALL THAT FI.

    *quietly shuffles away* there something you'd like to tell us?

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

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    Honestly, I'm beginning to see how Fe base would actually make sense. You say you're low on Si, but there's nothing to suggest that you are. And if you are, then why not EIE? You seem extremely concerned with people's opinion of your type; like you're driving it as much as Gilly is for people to confirm what your type is; it really means something to you. There's nothing wrong with this at all (I myself felt the same), but I doubt a Delta would take this route. There's the similarities with unefille and Gilly, both of whom have settled on EIE, both of whom considered (seriously, might I add), IEE.

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    Thank you for responding, everyone... I'll answer these questions/implications later tonight/tomorrow--I have to run to the school library quickly. (Friday night in the library... Yay.)

    If in the meantime, anyone has any other insights, I would greatly appreciate reading them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    actually something came to mind: i think Ju Ju and BLorence or what's his nick, are same types. i see significant visual similarity. Ju Ju suddely also became quite similar, as i realised it, to a guy i know, who i strongly suspect to be ILI. he always hangs around w/ an LIE girl and his values are definitely gamma. he is always quite, though social, likes to insult for fun, though mostly with unspoken permission of the partner, does, talks and revolves in Te and Fi. i think the way he operates is way, way more IP than IJ too.
    that, i do not see. i do see mune as kind of similar to juju, though. but recall that he's also considered SEI as a possible type.
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    that, i do not see. i do see mune as kind of similar to juju, though. but recall that he's also considered SEI as a possible type.
    I don't perceive similarities w/ munenori beyond surface qualities like male, brown hair, larger-than-average biceps, and a propensity to be respectful to others.

    He is more quiet--albeit more chummy w/ forum members--but has a totally different (i.e. much 'lighter') sense of humor than me... As you'll note from reading our respective typing threads, our lives/interests are totally different.

    Mune reminds me quite a bit of this person, (who's very different than me

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    I don't perceive similarities w/ munenori beyond surface qualities like male, brown hair, larger-than-average biceps, and a propensity to be respectful to others.
    um, well, what i was referring to was more or less a propensity to be respectful to others. you also more or less come off as friendly and open, which is something else i see you having in common. i would basically say i see you as more similar to munenori than blauritson, who i think is rather and probably as well, from the little i've talked to blauritson. i would agree that you seem generally more edgy re: humor.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    1. You remind me of Dane Cook, who's a glaring Fi ENFp, with perhaps some minor enneagram differences.
    Fair enough, although this is unverifiable.

    2. You clearly seem to prominently use Ne because when you're talking about things and you're at one point, I see you jumping around to something that connects to the previous thing through a particular aspect.
    And an ISFp couldn't do this? I think not. This doesn't seem like a strong case anyway.

    3. You're not Fe/Ti because through even my exchanges with you, you don't seem responsive to the energy/tone or the effect I'm trying to create by saying what I'm saying a certain way, but instead seem to be looking at what I'm saying in a more constant relational context - which reminds me of my Dad, who's Fi ENFp. It feels like you're looking at me through this overriding perspective and even if I were to do something completely dramatic, it would all fit within this built up internal context you have of me. And you seem particularly keen on noticing when people do things that are "out of context" for them, and your Fi-field conception of what things surround them.
    How is he not responsive to the tone? He is ALWAYS responsive to the tone with me. And how can you know what kind of context he's viewing you through? That makes no sense and is completely subjective.

    Regarding Ti stuff, you of course understand the points I make, as anyone would, but the way you respond to it seems like you distill my Ti structure into separate bits that stand alone, and you even come to a new idea through extracting one of those distilled bits. When I present hardcore Ti to Ti-types, I feel like I can "plug into" them, like connecting tinker-toys. They seem to take on my Ti structure and when they add their own thing to it, they still preserve the initial connections they made with me. I don't see you doing that, and like I said, you take a piece of it and extract an idea frequently outside the structure.
    He distills the structure into bits? So, this is supposed to be an allusion to Te valuing, I take it? Even so, this is another unverifiable thing. How are we supposed to be convinced that he does this? And just because you can't "plug into him like a tinker toy" does not mean he is Te valuing. I mean, this just doesn't seem like an argument, really.

    Justin, I am making another post responding to stuff you've said.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu
    I get along really well with my INTj brother
    Tentative, but supervision relationships aren't typically the greatest (which would be the case if you were ENFp).

    I read a lot… My favorite authors are Andre Gide, Victor Hugo, and Joseph Campbell. .. These books, I find, teach me how to live—and I believe that the instruction has been helpful/inspiring.
    Again, tentative, but "teaching you how to live" -- Ti hidden agenda?? Deriving principles for guidance, like it's something you're seeking?

    Implied, Niffweed--I know that we've exchanged unpleasantries in the not too long ago, but I want you to know that I really appreciate your efforts here... They're helping me Thank you both.
    smoothing over the Fe atmosphere?? lol

    I grew up around a lot of rich ol’ bastards. (Not my immediate fam, I should point out.) As I grew older, (teens,) I began to find them pretentious and fake, e.g. I hated having to pretend to care about conversations that were DESPERATELY DULL, i.e. about golf and horses and beauty pageants… The most interesting topics of conversation/ activities were usually off-limits. Also, I had to dress/act in a preppy way—it wasn’t me.
    See, this sounds like a repulsion to the stodgy, aristocratic atmospheres. Not only that, but you seem to express it in a more carefree way (alpha), i.e. "I just want to have fun" -- rather than, say, a beta, who would more likely take a stance of "fuck off, I'll do what I want." Based off of vibes in that first vid and a few other subtleties, I'm leaning towards ISFp, dude.

    Gide writes about freeing himself from constraints/obligations/possessions, the need to follow his impulses and to express whatever is within him—I relate strongly with these themes
    Definitely irrational, maybe IP, as they are more concerned with a more internal sort of spontaneity and freedom (the feeling it provides).

    I guess I see life more as a bazaar where there are too many choices It's so hard to choose!
    valued Ne, although more likely super id, as an Ne ego type has more control over choosing from the possibilities, whereas Ne super id tends to constantly explores it -- more scattered.

    I am not definite, but currently leaning towards ISFp. The only other plausible option is ENFp. Rational temperament is out the window imo, Ne/Si valuing is also clear.

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    Side note: this thread would be much better off if dee ceased posting. There is no need to take up thread space with convoluted misunderstandings that have no relevancy to anything.

    As you were.

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    I don't know JuJu's type, but I know that he and I get along extremely well. I do, however, greatly value Slacker Mom's opinions when it comes to typing IEE's and SLI's (hence my vote in this poll).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    I don't know JuJu's type, but I know that he and I get along extremely well. I do, however, greatly value Slacker Mom's opinions when it comes to typing IEE's and SLI's (hence my vote in this poll).
    Well, I can't exactly see this being the case if you are ENTj and he is ISFp. Even if he was ENFp and you ENTj, he would be your benefactor. So, maybe you're just a happy-go-lucky alpha pair. Or maybe the reasons you get along are not type-related. Either way, I see a strong case for SEI, and a decent one for IEE, but am leaning towards the former.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Well, I can't exactly see this being the case if you are ENTj and he is ISFp. Even if he was ENFp and you ENTj, he would be your benefactor. So, maybe you're just a happy-go-lucky alpha pair. Or maybe the reasons you get along are not type-related. Either way, I see a strong case for SEI, and a decent one for IEE, but am leaning towards the former.
    I get along well with IEE's. Actually, now that I think about it, the way I get along with him is a little similar to the way I get along with Kim.

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    Quote Originally Posted by smccoscker

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    i'm going to assume that this is referring to smccosker being ESTp and not juju.
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    An excerpt from a PM that Juju has requested that I post:

    I'm reading over your initial post right now, and all I can say is that I definitely relate to some of the things you're saying: experiencing different places, knowing all kinds of different people, seeing if you "sink or swim" in new environments...personally, I relate this to Fe. It seems that, like me, you get great "subjective" satisfaction from experiencing contrast in life, not letting things get dull, not letting things get "boring." For someone who values Fi, their interest in a particular location or group of people is less about their subjective impression of the place or people, but rather how well they have come to know the people; they look to relationships for security and stability, rather than for fun, diversity of experience.

    Now, given, your descriptions could be interpreted in a variety of ways. My dad, an EII, loves visiting new places, traveling the world, making connections. But I highly doubt that, as you say, he would simply cut people out, stop talking to them, etc; rather, I think he would simply be more selective and intentional with regards to involving himself with people and getting to know them better. That's not to say he's a "better person" or anything; he just exercises more discretion in becoming involved with people.

    I, on the other hand, have no problem doing the kind of thing you talk about. Sometimes it's awkward, especially when people approach you again and seem to have the idea in their head that there was something between the two of you, but, generally speaking, I tend to lose touch rapidly with people who aren't either close or meaningful to me if they aren't part of my day-to-day life. I may have had some great times with them, and still have good memories of their company, but if that's all there was to it, then that's it. Even now, I have some reasonably good friends here in Williamsburg, but I'm fairly sure that I will be completely out of touch with them, with perhaps the exception of an occasional facebook message when I'm feeling nostalgic, as soon as I move to Oregon.

    *shrug* Take it for what you will.

    Other stuff:

    Dating motivations: I’d like a partner in crime, so to speak—someone with whom to go on improv adventures…
    This is exactly my ideal for a relationship. The "problem" that I always had with the idea of having an SEI dual is that I like to live large, I like doing really insane, off the wall shit...I want a lover with a kind of intensity and fire that I just don't see in SEIs. Not that they can't be intense or fiery; that would be a massive mistake, lol. But it's just not the hard-core live-life-on-the-edge kind of person that I really crave. Now, I've already lived my share of life close to the brink, let me tell you but nonetheless I still desire a mate with that kind of intensity and passion.

    That was kind of a tangent...whatever. In any case I identify with the notion of wanting a "partner in crime."

    The idea of ‘sinking or swimming’—I like to go into non-familiar environments with very little preparation/packing, (e.g. I moved to Germany without knowing the language,) and then see if I can come out of it better/stronger, (i.e. have a meaningful, life-altering experience.) To me, that is swimming.
    Again, this is something I identify with strongly. I personally think this has to do with valuing Fe/Ti>Te/Fi. The way I think of it is that I like to go into a new place and figure out "how things work," what the "system" of this new place is, how the people operate, what's cool, what's not, how people interact, what relationships are like, what values are shared, me, life is about trying to see the world from as many angles as possible, trying to get under people's skin and see where they really live in their own do that, you have to see the different systems that people live by, their values, all of the above. I think to Te types, life is a little more black and white: "This works well, this doesn't; this is true, this is false," etc. I am more concerned with seeing how different people view things, their thought processes, how subjective experience affects the way people think and the decisions they make; this is just more interesting than what the facts are, or what works best.

    I dunno, that was a whole bunch of random...but maybe you can relate.

    On a side note, you remind me of Ben Afleck in terms of VI who I believe is pretty clearly Fe dominant (ESE or EIE).
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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