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    Last edited by Dee; 02-26-2009 at 01:57 AM.

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    Your DNA is mine. Mediator Kam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post

    please bold from each pair the one that fits with how you really are best:


    a. i prefers loud music and larger gatherings of people, prefer big gestures in terms of emotional expression or etiquette. when in proximity to others, i judge by how others hold themselves in terms of physical superiority or status, i often have trouble giving way, i like to be in large groups and tolerate loud sounds pretty well or may not hear small audial details as well, i require significant expression on others behalf in order to notice changes in their humor as well as how they feel about things or people.

    b. i analyse goodness or badness of even the tiniest things, am attuned to small gestures in personal dispositions from others, even the slightest changes in how others feel are noticed, and my emotions are somewhat mild and intricate. i do not like conflict, i avoid direct confrontations, i yield to others for a turn, i act courteously, i give high priority to interests of others. i prefer smaller groups of people, do not like loud sounds, i am very attentive to details in people's attitudes and emotions.


    a. i have a tendency to dialogue, much of what i say seems more question-like, even statements. always, as the other person talks, i affirm the receipt of information with yeah, mhm, etc. i can talk to an audience as a whole very well. i starts talking at times expecting someone to get interested and start paying attention. i have a tendency to interrupt and feel comfortable pausing half way on the speech and with "questions allowed all the time" way, returning to what was said if necessary later. i quite often ask non-rhetorical questions and answer ithem myself. i often just asks questions to fill in time, without serious need to actually find the information asked.

    b. i have a tendency to monologue. much of what i say seems more statement-like, even questions. i listen attentively and silently to others' speeches to return a long speech. i find it easier to talk to one person at a time. before starting to talk, i first ascertain that attention is grabbed. i am usually patient with others' speeches in terms of letting finish. i prefer to finish the speech before letting others talk, i like closure and that my point is conveyed. my questions are often either rhetorical or only strictly motivated by serious need for certain information.


    a. i go by "wait and see" strategy, i do not overplan ahead, i rely on own ability to be successful in tactics. i have very sensitive senses and things like teeth appointement are perceived by me with dread. i am usually frank and direct, stating conclusions or making a point assertively at the very start and then, if necessary, explaining my positioning. i have a keen eye for detail and very good ability to notice small physical details and changes in senses.

    wow, that was spot-on, although I don't dread the dentist. I state my conclusion first 100% of the time, then explain my reasoning behind it. It pisses people off sometimes, because they don't like my conclusion.

    b. i try to always foresee how things might develop and try to take all the possible precautionary measures to prevent or, alternatively channel, things in the right direction. i very often make long introductions with speech before conveying the main point or bringing the person talked to, to a point of agreement, etc. i can tolerate physical discomfort for significant amounts of time and can be oblivious to low threshholds of pain, sound, small physical details, etc.


    a. if i get emtional, it takes me a while to calm down, so sometimes i even avoid hard emotional interactions w/ people. i find it hard to behave nice if i don't feel like it for a prolonged time. it puts a great strain on me to project accurately weighed emotional states or senses of attachement or repulsion towards someone. i feel much more in control when doing things according to some process or while analysis something, verbally or mentally. i find it quite easy to maneuvre my body and make accdurate body movements. i find it easy to perform accurate tiny operations with hands in work with things or people.

    b. i find dealing at people very easy and don't have problems getting along with everyone eprfectly easily just because i know how not to let things go sour and i feel very much in control in providing a comfortable people envoronment for myself. i can consiously and quite easily lift up mood of the other person. i usually interact emotionally. what i find hard to be in control in, is overworking. or if i want to understand something, it will bug me for a long time. i like making bold big body movements and just cannot tolerate small hand movements jobs like watches repairsmen.


    a. i prefer to finish the entire process till the end before doing something else. i do things sequentially, from the beginning to the end. i am immersed in a process and prefer to follow a process from start to end without heeding other projects.

    b. i use words such as "start", "end", "result" very quite often, and can have many things running in parallel and managing them quite ok.

    I can multi-task though.


    a. i feel that it is, or would be, harder for me to say no to myself, or to quickly calm down, when my physical insticts such as for food, sex, fear inflame. i find it hard to keep myself in relaxed or, alternatively, physically activated state. if i start fighting, i can totally loose control. usually things like cleaning, cooking, grooming, etc. happen at time that are not always the result of my own decisions. it's like they are quite hard to be flexible and perfecttly timed in. i find though that whenever i need to guess about something, or find something, or when the right opportunity arises, i usually i have a good chance of successful outcomes.

    b. i find it easy to keep calm if i need to if someones threatens me. i'm quite confident in control my sensory urges. often i get automatically carried away into daydreaming or remembering the past. sometimes such inflows are hard to stop.

    D-SEI 9w1

    This is me and my dual being scientific together

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    b. i analyse goodness or badness of even the tiniest things, am attuned to small gestures in personal dispositions from others, even the slightest changes in how others feel are noticed, and my emotions are somewhat mild and intricate. i do not like conflict, i avoid direct confrontations, i yield to others for a turn, i act courteously, i give high priority to interests of others. i prefer smaller groups of people, do not like loud sounds, i am very attentive to details in people's attitudes and emotions.


    a. i have a tendency to dialogue, much of what i say seems more question-like, even statements. always, as the other person talks, i affirm the receipt of information with yeah, mhm, etc. i can talk to an audience as a whole very well. i starts talking at times expecting someone to get interested and start paying attention. i have a tendency to interrupt and feel comfortable pausing half way on the speech and with "questions allowed all the time" way, returning to what was said if necessary later. i quite often ask non-rhetorical questions and answer ithem myself. i often just asks questions to fill in time, without serious need to actually find the information asked.


    a. i go by "wait and see" strategy, i do not overplan ahead, i rely on own ability to be successful in tactics. i have very sensitive senses and things like teeth appointments are perceived by me with dread. i am usually frank and direct, stating conclusions or making a point assertively at the very start and then, if necessary, explaining my positioning. i have a keen eye for detail and very good ability to notice small physical details and changes in senses.


    a. if i get emotional, it takes me a while to calm down, so sometimes i even avoid hard emotional interactions w/ people. i find it hard to behave nice if i don't feel like it for a prolonged time. it puts a great strain on me to project accurately weighed emotional states or senses of attachment or repulsion towards someone. i feel much more in control when doing things according to some process or while analysis something, verbally or mentally. i find it quite easy to maneuver my body and make accurate body movements. i find it easy to perform accurate tiny operations with hands in work with things or people.

    b. i find dealing at people very easy and don't have problems getting along with everyone perfectly easily just because i know how not to let things go sour and i feel very much in control in providing a comfortable people environment for myself. i can consiously and quite easily lift up mood of the other person. i usually interact emotionally. what i find hard to be in control in, is overworking. or if i want to understand something, it will bug me for a long time. i like making bold big body movements and just cannot tolerate small hand movements jobs like watches repairsmen.


    i use words such as "start", "end", "result" very quite often, and can have many things running in parallel and managing them quite ok.


    a. i feel that it is, or would be, harder for me to say no to myself, or to quickly calm down, when my physical insticts such as for food, sex, fear inflame. i find it hard to keep myself in relaxed or, alternatively, physically activated state. if i start fighting, i can totally loose control. usually things like cleaning, cooking, grooming, etc. happen at time that are not always the result of my own decisions. it's like they are quite hard to be flexible and perfectly timed in. i find though that whenever i need to guess about something, or find something, or when the right opportunity arises, i usually i have a good chance of successful outcomes.
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
    John Muir

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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    33% - ENTJ (Джек Лондон, ЛИЭ)
    33% - ISTP (Габен, СЛИ)
    33% - ISFJ (Драйзер, ЭСИ)
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
    John Muir

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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    is there a particular question you have, calenwen?
    I guess not. The results are just so ... varied. It's confusing.
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
    John Muir

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    ...Dee, the Reinin dichotomies really aren't a reliable way of determining type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    did you read Talanov, whacha think of it? it's not your Mironov "fillings". ok, what is your basis for saying that?
    A study has shown it, and it also clear from experience.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    please bold from each pair the one that fits with how you really are best and repost it:
    I'm going to do it the easier way.


    a. i prefers loud music and larger gatherings of people, prefer big gestures in terms of emotional expression or etiquette. when in proximity to others, i judge by how others hold themselves in terms of physical superiority or status, i often have trouble giving way, i like to be in large groups and tolerate loud sounds pretty well or may not hear small audial details as well, i require significant expression on others behalf in order to notice changes in their humor as well as how they feel about things or people.

    b. i analyse goodness or badness of even the tiniest things, am attuned to small gestures in personal dispositions from others, even the slightest changes in how others feel are noticed, and my emotions are somewhat mild and intricate. i do not like conflict, i avoid direct confrontations, i yield to others for a turn, i act courteously, i give high priority to interests of others. i prefer smaller groups of people, do not like loud sounds, i am very attentive to
    details in people's attitudes and emotions.
    A. Although I like to progress loudness; I like to gradually increase intensity step by step, and make sure that everyone can keep up. Then finish off at the comfort level of the lowest that is significant. (Sometimes my need for "loudness" is to great for some people; and they'd rather keep their distance; and I don't hold that against people)

    That said a few things in B do resonate with me. I don't like direct conflict; if I have a disagreement with someone I prefer to go side on - to not "jump" on them about it etc. I'd rather get someone's attention and wait for them to respond rather than throw a problem at them.


    a. i have a tendency to dialogue, much of what i say seems more question-like, even statements. always, as the other person talks, i affirm the receipt of information with yeah, mhm, etc. i can talk to an audience as a whole very well. i starts talking at times expecting someone to get interested and start paying attention. i have a tendency to interrupt and feel comfortable pausing half way on the speech and with "questions allowed all the time" way, returning to what was said if necessary later. i quite often ask non-rhetorical questions and answer ithem myself. i often just asks questions to fill in time, without serious need to actually find the information asked.

    b. i have a tendency to monologue. much of what i say seems more statement-like, even questions. i listen attentively and silently to others' speeches to return a long speech. i find it easier to talk to one person at a time. before starting to talk, i first ascertain that attention is grabbed. i am usually patient with others' speeches in terms of letting finish. i prefer to finish the speech before letting others talk, i like closure and that my point is conveyed. my questions are often either rhetorical or only strictly motivated by serious need for certain information.
    Hmm I do both. I can talk at length on my own. Although sometimes this is to stop others from talking; if you talk all of the time, then it makes it harder for other people to get in the way. Occasionally people will tell me off for such though; and I often recommend that people interrupt me; if they struggle to do such things, a simple predetermined gesture can be enough for me to shift the interaction to them. This can also apply, if someone else is talking; I can raise my voice over them; interrupt. And shift interactions. Although I'd rather not without due reason.

    Generally speaking though; I'd say that I like to talk at length in one go; if people interrupt me, I'd rather continue my verbal direction; although I may shift my body language.

    I can shift between a question mode; or talking in statements. I kind of move back a bit for questions like - step back open palm, receptive, let you say your piece; I'll try and make sense of it.

    Then at other times I can move forwards, closed palm. Non-receptive, and talk in statements. Sometimes when I'm in statement mode people will say I won't listen - that I don't accept feedback, that I'm unapproachable etc. But if I go into question mode - then sometimes people can feel more able to communicate with me. Or they can be like I have a question. Although, I really hate it if someone throws a question at me, without saying that they have a question. Little things like that can kind of bug me; there's a kind of protocol to the way I work, otherwise it feels like people are being disrespectful.


    a. i go by "wait and see" strategy, i do not overplan ahead, i rely on own ability to be successful in tactics. i have very sensitive senses and things like teeth appointement are perceived by me with dread. i am usually frank and direct, stating conclusions or making a point assertively at the very start and then, if necessary, explaining my positioning. i have a keen eye for detail and very good ability to notice small physical details and changes in senses.

    b. i try to always foresee how things might develop and try to take all the possible precautionary measures to prevent or, alternatively channel, things in the right direction. i very often make long introductions with speech before conveying the main point or bringing the person talked to, to a point of agreement, etc. i can tolerate physical discomfort for significant amounts of time and can be oblivious to low threshholds of pain, sound, small physical details, etc.

    I hate planning ahead. When people ask if I have a "plan", I can easily say things that don't convey peoples faith in me. I find it easier to have people "vouch" for my ability to get through situations; or to go by track record,

    Often I like to act without really having much explaining; like I'd come into a situation - say "I don't like jews", and someone would give me something or other, I'd thank them and I'd give it back to them.

    Strange behaviours like that would be common; and at the same time I'd tell people what to do in a kind of assertive way. And if they didn't listen, I would threaten them.

    Although I kind of understand, some of the weird behavioural mechanisms that were in place I wouldn't always. Like when I said I didn't like jews; it generally meant that I felt like blaming someone - and by someone offering something to me, and me giving it back to them - it's like it'd "reassure" me. Which would reduce my tendency to blame others.

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    a. if i get emtional, it takes me a while to calm down, so sometimes i even avoid hard emotional interactions w/ people. i find it hard to behave nice if i don't feel like it for a prolonged time. it puts a great strain on me to project accurately weighed emotional states or senses of attachement or repulsion towards someone. i feel much more in control when doing things according to some process or while analysis something, verbally or mentally. i find it quite easy to maneuvre my body and make accdurate body movements. i find it easy to perform accurate tiny operations with hands in work with things or people.

    b. i find dealing at people very easy and don't have problems getting along with everyone eprfectly easily just because i know how not to let things go sour and i feel very much in control in providing a comfortable people envoronment for myself. i can consiously and quite easily lift up mood of the other person. i usually interact emotionally. what i find hard to be in control in, is overworking. or if i want to understand something, it will bug me for a long time. i like making bold big body movements and just cannot tolerate small hand movements jobs like watches repairsmen.
    B. I find dealing with people easier than some other people partially because I don't care. And although there can be a kind of "deadening" when I'm trying to make a comfortable environment; I can kind of raise moods to a degree - and keep things from turning too sour - although - it's hard for me to maintain. And I prefer soemone else to be around who can soften and ligthen things up. I like big bold movements; and small hand movements can be real hard.

    Although at the same time, if I *DO* get emotional it can take me a while to calm down. And sometimes I can avoid emotional interactions with people. I've found that sometimes in heavily emotional interactions you can't get through to people, and you have to wait for the right moment to interact with them. Which I appreciate advice from others on.

    I've found that the trick to doing small movements is to do large movements in one direction then the other. So small movements require more energy than large movements. Either that or create tension to block movement in one direction and then have some movement in the opposing direction. I think that'd be called locking. (like when you hold your arm and lock it so that it's hard and then only allow movement in one direction)


    a. i prefer to finish the entire process till the end before doing something else. i do things sequentially, from the beginning to the end. i am immersed in a process and prefer to follow a process from start to end without heeding other projects.

    b. i use words such as "start", "end", "result" very quite often, and can have many things running in parallel and managing them quite ok.


    Although I can add other things in to one process.


    a. i focus on the positive aspects of a situation. i focus on what has gone and could go right. i focus on what is adequate and plentiful. i am best in positive situations and enjoying the present moment. i am inclined to find a sign of hope in an unfortunate or gloomy situation. i speak in a positive way, minimizing negative things. i am irritated by excessively negative conversations. i give instructions largely by describing how something should be done. i don't talk about what could go wrong. i do not want to get people down when everything may still go right! i am more likely to praise than to criticize.

    b. i focus on the negative aspects of a situation. i focus on what has gone and could go wrong. i focus on what is missing or deficient. i am best in negative situations and dealing with problems. i am inclined to be critical. i speak in a negative way, minimizing positive things. i get irritated by excessively positive conversations. i give instructions largely by describing how something shouldn't be done. i foresee what can go wrong, and i try to help by making people aware of it. i am more likely to criticize than to praise.
    B. Although I like to project high energy and talk about how thinsg are always going to work out. I'm pretty negative for the most part. Enough so that sometimes people "help" me by reassuring people about positive things. I can be overly hard on people at times. This is worse with people with low self-esteem or emotional issues.


    a. a person's name and other formalities are not significant to my relationship with, and interest in them. therefore, i don't care much about formal introductions. i attempt to compare people's views to my own, and to explain my own views in order to make sure that everyone understands the concepts being spoken of. i am inclined to present another way of looking at a situation. if i think something is being done incorrectly, i will ask why it was being done in that way.

    b. formal introductions in relation to other people are important to me. the title, name and any other information about a person are naturally interesting and important to me. when there is a disagreement, i first attempt to make sure that the other person correctly understands the concepts and terms being used. i am inclined to present what i see as the best or correct way of how something should be done. if i think something is being done in an incorrect way, i will inquire as to whom the person is that did it in that way.


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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    @ merky:
    27% - ENFJ (Гамлет, ЭИЭ)
    27% - ISTJ (Максим Горький, ЛСИ)
    27% - ISFP (Дюма, СЭИ)
    9% - ENFP (Гексли, ИЭЭ)
    9% - INTJ (Робеспьер, ЛИИ)

    are you sure you answered correctly?

    Well, I mean I change styles a bit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    hmm, i still don't understand why you put as your final answers parts that you actually seem to disagree more with. maybe i misinterpreted though.
    I did it late at night when I wasn't thinking clearly. I'm going to have another look at it soon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    please bold from each pair the one that fits with how you really are best and repost it:


    a. i prefers loud music and larger gatherings of people, prefer big gestures in terms of emotional expression or etiquette. when in proximity to others, i judge by how others hold themselves in terms of physical superiority or status, i often have trouble giving way, i like to be in large groups and tolerate loud sounds pretty well or may not hear small audial details as well, i require significant expression on others behalf in order to notice changes in their humor as well as how they feel about things or people.


    a. i have a tendency to dialogue, much of what i say seems more question-like, even statements. always, as the other person talks, i affirm the receipt of information with yeah, mhm, etc. i can talk to an audience as a whole very well. i starts talking at times expecting someone to get interested and start paying attention. i have a tendency to interrupt and feel comfortable pausing half way on the speech and with "questions allowed all the time" way, returning to what was said if necessary later. i quite often ask non-rhetorical questions and answer ithem myself. i often just asks questions to fill in time, without serious need to actually find the information asked.

    b. i have a tendency to monologue. much of what i say seems more statement-like, even questions. i listen attentively and silently to others' speeches to return a long speech. i find it easier to talk to one person at a time. before starting to talk, i first ascertain that attention is grabbed. i am usually patient with others' speeches in terms of letting finish. i prefer to finish the speech before letting others talk, i like closure and that my point is conveyed. my questions are often either rhetorical or only strictly motivated by serious need for certain information.
    B. To get someone's attention sometmies I just say their name. Sometimes I like people to acknowledge that they understand what I've said, before they try and give a retort.


    a. i go by "wait and see" strategy, i do not overplan ahead, i rely on own ability to be successful in tactics. i have very sensitive senses and things like teeth appointement are perceived by me with dread. i am usually frank and direct, stating conclusions or making a point assertively at the very start and then, if necessary, explaining my positioning. i have a keen eye for detail and very good ability to notice small physical details and changes in senses.

    b. i try to always foresee how things might develop and try to take all the possible precautionary measures to prevent or, alternatively channel, things in the right direction. i very often make long introductions with speech before conveying the main point or bringing the person talked to, to a point of agreement, etc. i can tolerate physical discomfort for significant amounts of time and can be oblivious to low threshholds of pain, sound, small physical details, etc.
    A. We're all here. No-one's missing. Let's start.


    a. if i get emtional, it takes me a while to calm down, so sometimes i even avoid hard emotional interactions w/ people. i find it hard to behave nice if i don't feel like it for a prolonged time. it puts a great strain on me to project accurately weighed emotional states or senses of attachement or repulsion towards someone. i feel much more in control when doing things according to some process or while analysis something, verbally or mentally. i find it quite easy to maneuvre my body and make accdurate body movements. i find it easy to perform accurate tiny operations with hands in work with things or people.

    b. i find dealing at people very easy and don't have problems getting along with everyone eprfectly easily just because i know how not to let things go sour and i feel very much in control in providing a comfortable people envoronment for myself. i can consiously and quite easily lift up mood of the other person. i usually interact emotionally. what i find hard to be in control in, is overworking. or if i want to understand something, it will bug me for a long time. i like making bold big body movements and just cannot tolerate small hand movements jobs like watches repairsmen.


    a. i prefer to finish the entire process till the end before doing something else. i do things sequentially, from the beginning to the end. i am immersed in a process and prefer to follow a process from start to end without heeding other projects.

    b. i use words such as "start", "end", "result" very quite often, and can have many things running in parallel and managing them quite ok.


    a. i focus on the positive aspects of a situation. i focus on what has gone and could go right. i focus on what is adequate and plentiful. i am best in positive situations and enjoying the present moment. i am inclined to find a sign of hope in an unfortunate or gloomy situation. i speak in a positive way, minimizing negative things. i am irritated by excessively negative conversations. i give instructions largely by describing how something should be done. i don't talk about what could go wrong. i do not want to get people down when everything may still go right! i am more likely to praise than to criticize.

    b. i focus on the negative aspects of a situation. i focus on what has gone and could go wrong. i focus on what is missing or deficient. i am best in negative situations and dealing with problems. i am inclined to be critical. i speak in a negative way, minimizing positive things. i get irritated by excessively positive conversations. i give instructions largely by describing how something shouldn't be done. i foresee what can go wrong, and i try to help by making people aware of it. i am more likely to criticize than to praise.
    B. I like to see myself as a cynical bastard; I give people compliments; but I insult people more than I compliment. Sometimes people say I'm overly critical.

    That said I kind of consciously shift towards A a bit at times. It may be a stress response. I'd be interested to know what this relates to. Like in a gloomy or unfortunate situation I want to say that everything will be fine - it'll work out. Even if I have no idea how, or why. I just *NEED* to feel like things will always work out. Sometimes I just don't tell people about negative things; when I don't see it as helping the situation.


    a. a person's name and other formalities are not significant to my relationship with, and interest in them. therefore, i don't care much about formal introductions. i attempt to compare people's views to my own, and to explain my own views in order to make sure that everyone understands the concepts being spoken of. i am inclined to present another way of looking at a situation. if i think something is being done incorrectly, i will ask why it was being done in that way.

    b. formal introductions in relation to other people are important to me. the title, name and any other information about a person are naturally interesting and important to me. when there is a disagreement, i first attempt to make sure that the other person correctly understands the concepts and terms being used. i am inclined to present what i see as the best or correct way of how something should be done. if i think something is being done in an incorrect way, i will inquire as to whom the person is that did it in that way.

    In a social setting A. In formal/work situations I sometimes shift to B.

    When I'm in a B type mode - I will do things like say "I don't want to blame anyone", and then pretty much blame someone. In A, I'm more easy-going and upbeat.

    I do tend to shake hands with new people. Unless they seem "off", And then, I feel a desire to push towards them. And kind of stir things up a bit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by macysmama View Post
    Moonlight will fall
    Winter will end
    Harvest will come
    Your heart will mend

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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post

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    too funny!

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    Q1: Neither fit me.
    Q2: Slightly more a.
    Q3: A
    Q4: B
    Q5: Slightly more b.
    Q6: b
    Q7: a

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  18. #18
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    That's MBTI, isn't it?

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  19. #19
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    nope, plus the analysis of your friends yielded you enjoy IMs in such fashion:

    Si 37
    Fe 31
    Te 30
    Ti 29
    Ne 26
    Ni 24
    Se 22
    Fi 10
    Must not be very accurate. I'm deffinitely not an INTj. I'm too outgoing for that and thinking is boring.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  20. #20
    macysmama's Avatar
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    Dee: Thanks for the answers for me! I'm not sure it's my type, but interesting just the same. I think I could be:
    SEI or IEE

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