Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
If you think that what she has is the "Fe pathetic hidden agenda" as I described it, then you totally misunderstand her motives imo, so I don't think there would be much point discussing it from the socionics PoV right now.
Gammas suchs as Expat, Niffweed and Phaedrus are simply frauds. This is why:

Ad Hominem

Remember this when they try beat you into submission by claiming you are not smart enough, or simply an idiot. This is not what they really think of you on the cognitive level, in reality they are afraid of you, and thus you must be 'destroyed'. Their very self-esteem depends on it.

With that in the back of your mind, you can only feel sorry for them. Don't think too bad of them, but make sure you don't suffer yourself either by letting them get to you.