1. Never cooks. Ever. Always goes out to eat, and doesn't even have snack food around. Just caffeine free diet Coke and Propel fitness water. However, she just spent a ton of money re-doing her kitchen, including getting top-of-the-line appliances she'll never use. If you go out to eat with her she'll comment on all your food and whether or not it is healthy. She'll generally focus on the bad.

2. Has lots of pets. Like maybe 6. Spends a fortune taking care of sickly animals and doesn't have them put to sleep even when they seem to be suffering and cant' be helped.

3. Is very judgmental, or at least seems that way to me. Judges people who don't live how she does and is open about it. Not just stuff like if someone is gay (which she is also judgmental about) but stuff that most people wouldn't care about, like if my husband has two light beers and then drives, or if he drinks pop with caffeine in it. I don't think my husband gets particularly upset about this - he just seems to ignore her.

4. She was making nasty comments about some actress or something with short hair and how it made her look like a lesbian. My husband pointed out that she has short hair too. She wouldn't talk to him for about two months.

5. They have a swimming pool they let us use when we want, and if we're there she seems to feel like she has to hang out with us the whole time, or maybe she wants to. But she never really talks to us much.

6. I don't really like her but I think she likes me, or at least thinks I'm a "good person" by her narrow definition. She does like my daughter but she's very cold with her. It doesn't bother my daughter, who is quite happy to hang out with her regardless. My daughter loves her dogs and her swimming pool and would spend every minute over there.

7. This person is not a relative. We really just know her through her husband, whom I believe is ESTj. They are not happily married. The ESTj said he'd divorce her but it would be too expensive so he doesn't bother.

8. She has a grown daughter who HAS to be an ISTp. She is very fond of her daughter, but of course that might not be type related. She isn't fond of my ISTp husband after all, although that might not be type related either - she disapproves of him for some reason or another. Probably the "two light beers and drives" thing. She goes on and on about how alike the ESTj and ISTp are, and how close they've always been. They have no other chlidren, but based on some things she's said since I've gotten pregnant, I don't think that's by choice.

9. I don't know why I numbered this list.