That is a pretty good video on the subject.
I was waiting for him to bring up the reason we have the 2nd amendment and he nailed it on the head. The constitution gave us the right to bear arms so if we ever need to overthrow the govt. due to it getting "fucked up" we'd be able to. The bad part of this now though... is that our military is such a huge force that this would be nearly impossible. It's sad really, our countries founding father's knew it would happen and by the looks of things in this day and age it's becoming more and more apparent that we are truly slaves to our govt. To a small extent right now... but I'm not one to go all political on anyone though, so I'll just quit there.

I do believe in citizens carrying firearms though, for more reasons outlined in the video. I have a concealed weapon permit myself and have taken the classes, done the fingerprinting, and paid the fees involved... The sheriff of the county I was living in was the one who actually signed all the paperwork. This is usually the case in most places that allow concealed carry permits. To "obey" the law, you have to prove that you're not some idiot just wanting a gun, you learn why 90% of the time you wouldn't ever pull a weapon where many people may think they would. Personally, I think this type of training is great and I see no reason why guns, in general, should/would/could ever be banned for people willing to go through the necessary steps to carry a firearm. When I got my permit back in 2002, there had never been a single case of a registered concealed weapon permit holder who'd ever committed a crime using a firearm, though they've probably stopped hundreds of thousands of crimes from happening... That itself should speak volumes that the people who go through all the proper channels to carry a weapon are people that the general public should be ok having around them.

*still rambling*

People would be surprised at how many people carry a weapon on them at all It's actually illegal for a gun to be noticed when you have a concealed weapons permit. There are still states that have an open carry law, where you can run around like jesse james and shit... as long as you can see 3 inches of the barrel or holster... something like that. I know AZ you could. I just never really liked seeing that though... it's too uncomfortable for the general public most of the time... then there's the added factor that someone can come up and hit you with a baseball bat and jack your shit... not worth it to me.