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Thread: Delta: The Quadra that apparently doesn't exist

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    Default Delta: The Quadra that apparently doesn't exist


    My name is JuJu, and I am Delta... You may remember me from such posts as "I went to Harvard," and an inflammatory video in which I filmed a man in a wifebeater cooking a steak...

    Recently it's come to my attention that the Delta Quadra--supposedly one of the four quadras in Socionics--DOES NOT EXIST.

    Indeed, nearly every member of our 'supposed' Delta quadra has been accused of/suspected of belonging to another quadra by some well-meaning Socionist and/or misinformed douchebag.

    In this thread, I'm asking you to please state what other types/quadras have been suggested for you... And also, briefly, why it's sheisse (if it is,) and why DELTA fits the best, (if it does.)

    It will be fun!!!! (We'll get to learn more about each other, and Socionics.)

    ...Fun except for maybe LokiVanguard, who, despite being SLI, may have to write a post as long as the dictionary...

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    this is quite childish. i really find it difficult to give a shit either way. go read about gyugo.
    6w5 sx
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    Hi there fellow leprechauns,

    So far my type has only been questioned by well-meaning Socionists, but every time the type of a Delta is questioned, God sends another leprechaun to the Giant Four Leaf Clover Patch In The Sky. So please, next time before you retype, think of the kitte...I mean, leprechauns!

    Suggested type: LSI
    - most likely alternative as it maintain ST club and rationality
    - issue with Ti ego and introversion
    - descriptions indicate a higher degree of control (both self and need for) than I think I demonstrate

    Suggested type: SLE
    - possible only because of ST and extroversion
    - have been described as the most rational rational who ever rationaled, so...
    - descriptions indicate more aggressive and unconcerned with harmony than I think fits me

    Self-type: LSE
    - descriptions have always fit the best
    - based on my understanding of the functions, Te+Si makes sense
    - looking at all the indicators holistically, most fit here (rational, extrovert, ST)

    Please don't kick me out of delta. I've always felt most comfortable here!

    <3 to the leprechauns.
    allez cuisine!

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    this is quite childish. i really find it difficult to give a shit either way. go read about gyugo.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post

    My name is JuJu, and I am Delta... You may remember me from such posts as "I went to Harvard," and an inflammatory video in which I filmed a man in a wifebeater cooking a steak...

    Recently it's come to my attention that the Delta Quadra--supposedly one of the four quadras in Socionics--DOES NOT EXIST.

    Indeed, nearly every member of our 'supposed' Delta quadra has been accused of/suspected of belonging to another quadra by some well-meaning Socionist and/or misinformed douchebag.

    In this thread, I'm asking you to please state what other types/quadras have been suggested for you... And also, briefly, why it's sheisse (if it is,) and why DELTA fits the best, (if it does.)

    It will be fun!!!! (We'll get to learn more about each other, and Socionics.)

    ...Fun except for maybe LokiVanguard, who, despite being SLI, may have to write a post as long as the dictionary...
    i'm not delta and this doesn't seem like a very delta thing to do juju.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    Please take this thread in the spirit it was intended: playful and as some light-hearted fun to blow off steam. So far the discussions I've had about my type have been thoughtful and well-considered, and I have appreciated the discussions. But not everyone has had that experience.
    allez cuisine!

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    Quote Originally Posted by idolatrie View Post
    Please take this thread in the spirit it was intended
    Why should I?

    Quote Originally Posted by idolatrie View Post
    So far the discussions I've had about my type have been thoughtful and well-considered, and I have appreciated the discussions. But not everyone has had that experience.
    What's your point? That this thread should offer that experience to those who have been lacking it?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    this is quite childish. i really find it difficult to give a shit either way. go read about gyugo.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i'm not delta and this doesn't seem like a very delta thing to do juju.
    And yes.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post

    And yes.
    Considering the thread was made by a delta then it is delta.

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    Hey JuJu!

    I don't think I can post in here at the moment. I'm too uncertain about my type right now (to be an NF seems to be a life beset with doubts), but maybe I'll post something later.
    Last edited by unefille; 08-27-2008 at 10:14 AM.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Considering the thread was made by a delta then it is delta.
    Absolutely brilliant. Indeed.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    Hey JuJu!

    I don't think I can post in here at the moment. I'm too uncertain about my type right now (to an NF seems to be a life beset with doubts), but maybe I'll post something later.
    LOL.. Um wait..this is a joke right?

    Well, personally i've been given INTj, ISTj, ISFp, ISTp, ESTj, ENTp and thats it. I've never asked to be typed as i've been confident of my type long before joining this particular forum. I guess it was nice of those to try to help convince me that I couldn't possibly be the type I am..well to be honest some of the advice really was meant in good faith, which I appreciated for that, but for the most part I never asked anyone about my type, or started a type thread, but I think my type queries seem to have settled down for some reason.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    Absolutely brilliant. Indeed.
    Glad you agree. It's posts like that you have contributed here relating to the myth of what being a delta means, which can contribute to incorrect typings. It's like a list of mysterious do's and don'ts in order to be part of a quadra.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    LOL.. Um wait..this is a joke right?

    Well, personally i've been given INTj, ISTj, ISFp, ISTp, ESTj, ENTp and thats it. I've never asked to be typed as i've been confident of my type long before joining this particular forum. I guess it was nice of those to try to help convince me that I couldn't possibly be the type I am..well to be honest some of the advice really was meant in good faith, which I appreciated for that, but for the most part I never asked anyone about my type, or started a type thread, but I think my type queries seem to have settled down for some reason.
    Unfortunately, no.

    I was quite certain of my type and had been for a while. Originally, I had no intentions of ever having a type thread since I didn't want public dissections of my personality and behaviour. I resisted quite strongly when niffweed first put to me that I was EIE. Since then, quite a few people have seconded that typing. Not only the recurrence of that suggestion, but also the unanimity of the suggestion, made me pause to reflect, especially because most of the suggestions were supported by evidence and reasoning, rather than passive-aggressive attempts to re-type me during a disagreement (as it seems sometimes happens).

    I admit I always understood Ti and Te better than I understood Fe and Fi, which is probably why idolatrie might be sound in her typing (since I typed her originally - based of course, on us being a favourable intertype relationship, so my changing types affects her as well).

    Although initially reluctant, I've looked into EIE more closely. And things fit. Well, the overall conventional picture of an EIE doesn't, but disaggregating it, the various pieces of the puzzle do fit. However, most of it lies with whether I have Fe and Ni as strong but unvalued functions, or strong but valued functions.

    A lot, I suspect, will also come down to idolatrie's typing. I may have to go where I promised never to go before: The Type Me Thread.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

  15. #15



    At one point just about everyone who was speaking to me was convinced I was alpha, and INTj. And some of them were regarded as knowledgable forum members.

    Well, however you feel you should proceed of course. My opinion is that I think you are IEE and million miles away from EIE. But at end of day, your typing works for you, it works IRL for you and it fits in with people that you know and their types, so does it matter? (If you don't identify with ENFj but you identify with ENFp, how can you be ENFj?-ie if we dissect something enough in socionics, we can make anything fit. If the overall picture doesn't fit, only some of the pieces, I think you should take that into account also.)

    Well if you are EIE, i'd like to hear the reasons at some point, because i'd imagine them to be somewhat circumstantial. If you make a thread, it's unlikely (but not impossible) that I will contribute to it, as I find that I can tire of being involved in the same lines of thought and arguments over and over on the forum.

    From what i've saw of you, I simply can't see you as a dominant rational function.

    Remember, rationals try to make something clear into something vague, and irrationals try to make something vague into something defined. This is the nature of the information metabolism ie how the different elements are involved in information processing and perceiving.

    I therefore think you try to make something clear out of something vague, because you are an irrational type.. Do you agree?

    Well.. At any rate.. I hope you find peace either way though, if it is concerning you at all

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    Why isn't this a Delta thing to do?
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
    It is. I feel like all the Betas suddenly act as if they are Delta. "no we are not really big parties people" and "we prefer smaller groups of people" and "many different not-related friends". The Betas must really want unefille to turn Beta... That or I'm EIE.
    i agree that this sort of thing comes from betas. have heard glamourama talk like this quite a bit. maybe it's not a bad idea to find better ways to describe beta.
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    i agree that this sort of thing comes from betas. have heard glamourama talk like this quite a bit. maybe it's not a bad idea to find better ways to describe beta.
    no, you're wrong. That's a horrible idea, we should continue to pigeonhole them until no one wants to be one and there are mistypings galore, that way we get more practice.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elro View Post
    no, you're wrong. That's a horrible idea, we should continue to pigeonhole them until no one wants to be one and there are mistypings galore, that way we get more practice.

    lmao. thank you, elro. fwiw i don't think the current descriptions are bad but i do think they focus a bit much on the idea "loud and rowdy atmospheres," and it seems as though many betas don't identify with this.
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    Some Betas could do it, but that doesn't mean that no Deltas would do it. I don't think there's anything in posting something like JuJu posted that says he isn't Delta or is Beta. Or Alpha, since I heard that suggested. I just don't see this pointing anyway except maybe toward some F type. and maybe an Extravert.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Okay, so this is a bit random since I started doing something else and now the conversation has moved on, but I'll post it anyway

    @unefille Well, I think analyzing the functions instead of behaviors would help you more. The EIEs I know vary widely in behavior, and the behavioral stereotypes only fit about 10% of the people I know/knew.

    I think one of the biggest differences between IEEs and EIEs would be how you feel about Se.

    And Si polr... Si polr vs. Ti polr is quite a big difference.

    I think it would be harder to tell whether you value Ne/Ni or Fe/Fi since you're strong in both. Especially if your mom is EIE and you've had her influence all these years. Or if a lot of your friends are strong in something.. or if you're in a certain environment. Personally, I can sway a bit depending who I'm around, especially if the personality is really strong and I'm around them a great deal - i.e. working with them. But I've learned to recognize which is my normal state and which ones are influenced by other people, depression, situation, whatever. So the question is, what's comfortable and normal and what's influenced?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    Some Betas could do it, but that doesn't mean that no Deltas would do it. I don't think there's anything in posting something like JuJu posted that says he isn't Delta or is Beta. Or Alpha, since I heard that suggested. I just don't see this pointing anyway except maybe toward some F type. and maybe an Extravert.
    i agree. but then how long would you hold up this sort of thing, really? perhaps i'm totally wrong about you and your type, but i can't imagine you sort of dragging it out forever. yes, some taunts and eyerolls maybe. i don't think that's unthinkable for delta. but i think at some point you'd eventually say "hey, sorry i offended you." and sincerely. juju seems sort of clueless with this. i also am sort of wondering if this tendency to drag on and on and insist that he's IEE despite any evidence or reasonings thrown his way about various Fe types isn't some manifestation of Ti-seeking. that he wants to believe he's correct in his logic and doesn't want to hear, "no, you're wrong." but i also understand your points about generally not wanting to defend yourself in an argument. idk, i tend to think this stuff is all more Fe but i'm open to whatever.
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    i agree. but then how long would you hold up this sort of thing, really? perhaps i'm totally wrong about you and your type, but i can't imagine you sort of dragging it out forever. yes, some taunts and eyerolls maybe. i don't think that's unthinkable for delta. but i think at some point you'd eventually say "hey, sorry i offended you." and sincerely. juju seems sort of clueless with this. i also am sort of wondering if this tendency to drag on and on and insist that he's IEE despite any evidence or reasonings thrown his way about various Fe types isn't some manifestation of Ti-seeking. that he wants to believe he's correct in his logic and doesn't want to hear, "no, you're wrong." but i also understand your points about generally not wanting to defend yourself in an argument. idk, i tend to think this stuff is all more Fe but i'm open to whatever.
    I wouldn't drag it out long but then I'm a lot older than he is, and a different person.

    It just feels like people decided very early what type he was and are now seeing "beta" in things that don't particularly point one way or another because that's what they're looking for. I'm open to being wrong too, but I haven't seen anything that's shown me he has Fe>Fi preference, though I have seen Fe. I've also seen Fi. And all F types are strong in both. And he seems to be weak in and dislike Se from what I've seen so far, which would point away from Beta, and is my biggest reason for thinking he's Delta and not Beta. He certainly seems like an aristocratic type so I don't get the Alpha suggestions particularly, but maybe they see Si>Se preference and that's where they're getting it.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Yeah, why isn't this a Delta post again?

    Because I've also noticed this as well. Deltas don't exist! No one here is a "real" SLI or a "real" LSE, apparently because the former is too busy being quiet and the latter is too busy barking orders at people. Please.

    Types that have been suggested for me:

    No, not at all. You people mistake...what, me being "friendly" for Fe? Are you serious? I don't think I've ever cared for other's emotional displays, attempts at "making me feel better", or any of that shit that's typically associated with Fe. I really don't give two shits about people i've never met before, and people who act like clowns I think are demeaning themselves. Not that all of this specifically points to Fe, or that this is only Fe, it's that it's the type that pisses me off the most. That and reading into what I say as me "not saying the whole thing"; good fucking god that's infuriating.

    No, I don't have Te PoLR. Are you kidding me? The first thing I practically do is find out if it can be done, is it worth it, does it solve a lot more problems than it creates, and I find out if whoever it telling me this is a reputable source. Whenever I do anything, the first thing I ask is "Is it worth it, effort wise?"

    I don't know if this was a serious suggestion but this type has also been thrown at me before. I've talked to quite a few other "N" types (Ni or Ne) and let me tell you... that lateral thinking you guys do? Completely foreign to me. I simply don't consider as many outcomes as I should when it comes to Ne, and with Ni, fuck, I've read this function over and over and I still have a shaky grasp on how the fuck it tends to manifest itself.

    I'm definitely Delta. Definitely a sensor. And definitely irrational. Now back the fuck off.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

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    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
    Yeah, why isn't this a Delta post again?

    Because I've also noticed this as well. Deltas don't exist! No one here is a "real" SLI or a "real" LSE, apparently because the former is too busy being quiet and the latter is too busy barking orders at people. Please.

    I'm definitely Delta. Definitely a sensor. And definitely irrational. Now back the fuck off.
    Exactly. I agree with everything you said. It's getting almost laughable at what's being thrown around here lately. You have an opinion? You talk? You're confident? You like parties? You drink beer? You have sex? You have a personality? You're human? Okayz, well then omg you're a Beta!!!1

    It's ridiculous.

  26. #26


    To be SLI, you have to be like Niffweeds dad, who incidentally Niffweed posted just over a year ago to say he was convinced his dad was a LIE. Go figure.

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    yea, i agree that Delta is a bit misunderstood. Were not _that_ even keeled, especially if we're in our 20s, living on college campuses, etc.
    I think the important think to remember is that Socionics elements, quadra descriptions, etc. are _relative_. So, Deltas and even (this) INFJ can be loud, theatrical, boisterous, blah, blah. But if you put us in a room with Betas (of a similar cultural demographic) we'll probably seem quiet and subdued.
    EII; E6(w5)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    To be SLI, you have to be like Niffweeds dad, who incidentally Niffweed posted just over a year ago to say he was convinced his dad was a LIE. Go figure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    i don't think that's unthinkable for delta. but i think at some point you'd eventually say "hey, sorry i offended you." and sincerely. juju seems sort of clueless with this.
    I am aware that I offended you and your friend Niffweed... The reason I'm not saying "sorry" is b/c you and Niffweed have said a bunch of mean things to me... Why should I apologize to two ppl who keep insulting me..?

    Thus, in this case, not apologizing has nothing to do with weak Fi (your attribution)--but strong Fi, that doesn't give much of a damn about you two b/c you seem to suck.

    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    i'm open to whatever.
    lol, i bet

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    It seems to me that the ppl who responded badly to this thread, e.g. Expat, Implied, aren't Delta (admittedly,) and that the Deltas took it in the spirit intended... What to make of it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    It seems to me that the ppl who responded badly to this thread, e.g. Expat, Implied, aren't Delta (admittedly,) and that the Deltas took it in the spirit intended... What do you make of that?
    Deltas are kind-hearted.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    I'm gonna be honest JuJu. I saw this thread, and I thought it was a bit melodramatic.

    9w1 sp/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    Deltas are kind-hearted.
    I agree with that... (My old LSE boss could go a little nuts sometimes, but yeah, generally kind-hearted.)

    If you have time, please articulate your argument.

    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    I'm gonna be honest JuJu. I saw this thread, and I thought it was a bit melodramatic.
    It's for fun man... no harm no foul

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    Am I in some sort of alternate universe?? Why is everyone taking this thread so seriously? I got his seemed lighthearted and almost even had a joking tone to it--why is everyone getting their panties in a bunch? Ugh. It's like the damn college statement, who cares. Relax people. Relaxxxxxx.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    It's for fun man... no harm no foul
    Don't get me wrong, I see you working. I see the gist of it.

    I dunno. It just... *sigh*

    I dunno....

    Edit: I've sort of been in weird mood ... um ... states recently.

    9w1 sp/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    Am I in some sort of alternate universe?? Why is everyone taking this thread so seriously? I got his seemed lighthearted and almost even had a joking tone to it--why is everyone getting their panties in a bunch? Ugh. It's like the damn college statement, who cares. Relax people. Relaxxxxxx.

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    My contention is not with the thread itself, but the context and the things sort of simmering below the surface. I find it rather unfortunate and .

    I don't really know how else to explain it, but the tone of the OP is... eh...



    You're right, I probably shouldn't be taking this so seriously.

    9w1 sp/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    My contention is not with the thread itself, but the context and the things sort of simmering below the surface. I find it rather unfortunate and .

    I don't really know how else to explain it, but the tone of the OP is... eh...



    You're right, I probably shouldn't be taking this so seriously.
    I appreciate the concern re: the subtext... And you're right, there is subtext... To be honest with you, I wish it would end too--but at the same time, every time I make a post/thread, I dislike looking back and seeing that I've been insulted by the same three ppl--everytime--you know?

    RE: this thread: I've noticed that just about everyone in Delta has, at one time or another, been told that they're not Delta... (Right now, I'm thinking of about 1000 posts aimed at LokiV and Jessica, despite all of the evidence they've given that they are Delta.) Currently, some ppl are trying to type me as a Alpha caregiver, lol, largely b/c I am 'conflicting' with them... Idolatrie and unefille have their own type threads going... You see what I'm getting at?

    "You're not Delta" seems to happen to Deltas a lot--that's all I'm trying to say. It's cool that you took it seriously too... I don't mind... Honestly, I appreciate the concern for the atmosphere.

  39. #39


    I don't think this forum is a place for deltas. That's probably got a lot to do with it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I don't think this forum is a place for deltas. That's probably got a lot to do with it.
    Lol. You should try Socionix.
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

    Retired from posting and drawing Social Security. E-mail or PM to contact.

    I pity your souls

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