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Thread: Delta: The Quadra that apparently doesn't exist

  1. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by Elro View Post
    Actually I will respond to ONE point by Cyclops: One doesn't need to be extremely unsure of oneself to question one's type for any reason, it's just a way of acknowledging that you could be wrong. It also, I think, would lead to greater understanding of Socionics, because an honest attempt would probably mean going back to the literature and getting to know it better than before.
    I don't mind re-looking at my type, and I have done so recently with some socionic friends to examine ISFp. Although I think in fairness my T is so well developed I think it leads me into a state of contemplation of my F. The issue is that doing it here, is that i've been hearing the same arguments time and time again, there's no progression. What happens is a type is suggested, then your that type for a while, then another type, then something else, then it's personal insults flying around. That environment, holistically and reductionally, is not conducive to me, and rarely I think conducive to others (at least Deltas.)

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elro View Post
    Actually I will respond to ONE point by Cyclops: One doesn't need to be extremely unsure of oneself to question one's type for any reason, it's just a way of acknowledging that you could be wrong. It also, I think, would lead to greater understanding of Socionics, because an honest attempt would probably mean going back to the literature and getting to know it better than before.
    yeah, makes me think of something snegledmaca (i think) posted on the workshop board about the dunning-kruger effect. you're only doing yourself a favor to believe that you don't know everything.
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  3. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    yeah, makes me think of something snegledmaca (i think) posted on the workshop board about the dunning-kruger effect. you're only doing yourself a favor to believe that you don't know everything.
    I've not said I know everything. You should shut up unless your willing to read what people write. If you don't, or are unable to understand it, then this above, and most of your other comments are redundant. And wait! They actually are!

  4. #124
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    I think people are getting WAY too personally involved in this (relatively non)issue.
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  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    I'm wondering: how did you come to this, i.e. based on two or three posts, being so specific as to write that Cyclops probably has "Ne in super-ego and Ti in the ego--and more concretely a Ne PoLR and Fe dual-seeking?"
    It was solely based on an IME analysis of that segment. So that would be not even a single post.

    I type people through interaction. That is, I have conversations with them, get to know them, understand their character, and based on my understanding of their character, of certain character traits I picked up on, I asses their type. My typing method is entirely experience and interaction based. I cross reference previous reactions and character traits to people I know and who's type I am certain of, or actions, behaviors I have previously established as being manifestations of a certain function or an IME. In essence I try to recognize manifestations of various socionics aspects.

    You don't know your own type, i.e. what's in your own ego and super-ego--yet you're trying to tell another person, in this case, a person who knows the theory, what his POLR and dual-seeking functions are.

    I mean, don't you see a disconnect there?
    You question my ability to provide a valid IME analysis. And even through I consider your arguments valid, you have not actually addressed my arguments. That is, you are attempting to discredit me and not what I have said. I would ask of you to discredit what I said and not myself. Or differently put, if I really am incompetent show it, don't hint at the possibility of it.

    However, regarding your point, I do agree with you on the principle behind it. It's why I am squeamish on giving socionics analysis. That is, I feel as if I can't really judge as I don't have a grasp on myself.

  6. #126
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    Lot's of things to address here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    So wait, who is you are speaking to with your post? You don't know you said i've to ask JuJu. What was the point in your post when you don't even know yourself who it's directed at?
    I know for whom it is intended. For people who are protesting that others are questioning their type and yet are not taking the steps to remedy the situation. That is quite obvious from what I wrote. And just because I named no names does not make my criticism any less valid.

    Unless you can specify, then you simply have to accept that people can assume it's at then. If it's not at me then fine-say that. But can you say who it's for?

    First, what you say is equivalent to me criticizing people on their swimming and somebody completely unrelated, like say some cyclists, think the criticism is directed at them. And because in my criticism I never said, this applies, exclusively, to you swimmers, I should accept that the cyclist, or anybody who desires basically, can take it as if it was directed at them. And I should deal with this as well.

    Of course, it is possible in such situations that the message can be vague, and one cannot determine exactly whether or not it refers to them. But this was not the case, as here it is quite clear to whom what I said was directed.

    The message I wrote is intended for whom it is intended, which is obvious from the text itself. If people do in fact assume it is directed at them, perhaps because of the fact that I didn't provide a list of all the specific individuals to whom my claim refers to, and they are wrong, that is, my message is not directed at them at all, then that's their issue. That is, their incompetence, inability to determine whether I was referring to them is not my concern.

    Second, my criticism is only valid if applied to those for whom it was intended. Even if people did think it was directed at them, and it wasn't, in such cases what I said would be invalid. So it would effectively be a non issue.

    So yes I do find someone who doesn't know me telling me to get off my ass etc as a suprising form of behaviour. You should be more sensitive to what you say to others as you are so sensitive to being insulted yourself. Perhaps you didn't realise this.
    In essence what you are saying is that I should be careful about voicing my opinion because people might get upset over what I have to say. And if what I have to say indeed does upset them they will respond to me with emotional reactions, insults. That is, if I am to challenge people in the manner I did I should expect an emotionally laden reaction, not be sensitive to receiving insults as a reaction to my post.

    I am not so sensitive to being insulted as much as I see no place for insults in a discussion. My orientation is primarily to resolve things/issues.

    No ones questioned my type for a while. However, you seem to think this is the only place where one can engage in mental exploration, hence you assume I have not/don't. Why?
    Like I said, it's just an impression. I expect your feedback on it.

    If what I say is true, you feel that people should not examine, question your type because that is not necessary, your type has been already been established and people should move on, accept it, then I would say that points to a Se > Ne preference.

    The thing about inhibiting mental exploration was drawn from the assumption that what I said before that was valid. But I guess you have a point, perhaps you simply don't care enough to be bothered by it. Disregard the assumption on the mental exploration.

    No I said I don't actually care what most people on this forum think my type is. You see most people on this forum have socionics wrong. In regards to a thread creation about my type, no way as they always seem turn into circus, i'm not questioning my identity on this forum when most people don't understand socionics and threads turn into whats like the audience of Jeremy Kyle.
    Your main reason for not having a type thread is that it will turn into a circus. However I am not familiar with Jeremy Kyle so I'm not certain what kind of circus you mean. But I will assume it's the one where people boastfully and single mindedly argue with passion, for their case, what they believe in. Something like a religious debate, each competing in nullifying others stance, trying to win.

    From this I would be lead to conclude that you do not like Fe and Se, that you can't handle nor want to deal with them. You perceive debating with fierceness and intensity as undesirable.

    Under the assumption I properly understand what you mean by a circus.

    I don't understand your point. Do you mean that you accept any reason to question your type? Are you really that unsure of yourself?
    God, this thing just keeps popping up. No, it has nothing to do with uncertainty. It's a matter of entertaining possibilities. How hard is it to understand that not everything has to be single minded, one is quite capable of holding, entertaining opposite, incompatible views with what they, currently, hold as valid.

    When people present alternative views on my type I entertain them. I am curious as to how, why they think what they do. I want to know what it is that they see that I don't. I am curious as to how they can enrich my perspective. I am drawn to the novelty they bring.

    Also, don't you like to simply consider alternatives for considering alternatives sake? And who knows, perhaps from considering the most remote, insignificant appearing things you actually discover that everything you hold to be true, your entire world view, is wrong, and everything you hold dear and true to yourself comes crashing down. Like your entire conception and view of the world is completely destroyed.

    Socionics doesn't work on his forum. It works IRL and on other internet areas.
    Why do you think socionics doesn't work in the forum and works elsewhere?

    You see thats the sort of BS i'm referring to. How do you get this? What is your understanding of socionics? How should I place any value on your opinion, especially if you can't explain it. You should explain it, you should put up or shut up, and not some tiny functional analysis which means you think you've got it sussed. I am trying to help you here. I could probably find your type if I wanted to also.
    But I can explain.

    Regarding the Ne PoLR, the relevant information:

    Hypothesis that as far as you are concerned examining, questioning of your type is not necessary and other people should accept this and stop challenging your notion of your type. That you get to decide when and how your type will be questioned, if you wanted your type questioned you would start a thread about it, you do not want it questioned at random in a random fashion by some random person. That you have to have a reason to consider other types. That people are incompetent in socionics discussion.

    My impression of you from that was that you are skeptical about ideas and activities that appear not to lead anywhere. You have an idea of your type, you have established that already, and the act of questioning your type would precisely be an activity that will lead nowhere. Along side of that you think people are incompetent in socionics, it doesn't work on this forum. These two combined lead you to deem that others should not engage in discussion on your type as doing so will not lead anywhere and because they are incompetent as well you try to restrict them in activities in areas you think they have no natural talent, which would be a socionics discussion on your type.

    However, now I could also see a Ne role. In that you are uncertain of other people's motives, intentions, and abilities, like you say, if you go ahead and question your type it would turn into a circus, a mess, it will be a joke. You would prefer to have things clear and as a result give people clear commands and assignments, like not to question your type for no reason in a superficial manner, or to me to either put up a clear explanation or shut up. You also openly express mistrust and skepticism towards information that you don't have a clear idea how it has been derived, gotten. Like you say, how am I getting all of this, and that I should put up or shut up. You are also bothered by when people act in independent and unpredictable ways. The circus complaint and the BS you say people often sling at you regarding your type. My behavior here.

    Regarding the dominant Ti, it was the stance of correctness and being right. You know exactly what is correct/appropriate, and how. That, is, you immediately recognize correctness and appropriateness of things and their proper place in reality and in your system of views and behavior. I should not expect to dish out criticism and not get any in return. How can I expect to make a point if I do not specify to whom it is directed. If I do not specify to whom I am referring to with my criticism I should expect people to think it is directed at them. How can socionics work on the forum if there are so many people changing their type on the forum. Most people on this forum have socionics wrong. A thread on your type will turn into a circus. I should put up or shut up regarding my stance on your type.

    However, regarding your type right now my impression has shifted, I'd be more inclined to see you as SLE. In general I'd still say Ti in ego and Ne in the super ego. For the reasons presented above.
    Last edited by snegledmaca; 08-29-2008 at 10:19 PM.

  7. #127


    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca View Post
    Lot's of things to address here.

    I know for whom it is intended. For people who are protesting that others are questioning their type and yet are not taking the steps to remedy the situation. That is quite obvious from what I wrote. And just because I named no names does not make my criticism any less valid.


    First, what you say is equivalent to me criticizing people on their swimming and somebody completely unrelated, like say some cyclists, think the criticism is directed at them. And because in my criticism I never said, this applies, exclusively, to you swimmers, I should accept that the cyclist, or anybody who desires basically, can take it as if it was directed at them. And I should deal with this as well.

    Of course, it is possible in such situations that the message can be vague, and one cannot determine exactly whether or not it refers to them. But this was not the case, as here it is quite clear to whom what I said was directed.

    The message I wrote is intended for whom it is intended, which is obvious from the text itself. If people do in fact assume it is directed at them, perhaps because of the fact that I didn't provide a list of all the specific individuals to whom my claim refers to, and they are wrong, that is, my message is not directed at them at all, then that's their issue. That is, their incompetence, inability to determine whether I was referring to them is not my concern.

    Second, my criticism is only valid if applied to those for whom it was intended. Even if people did think it was directed at them, and it wasn't, in such cases what I said would be invalid. So it would effectively be a non issue.

    In essence what you are saying is that I should be careful about voicing my opinion because people might get upset over what I have to say. And if what I have to say indeed does upset them they will respond to me with emotional reactions, insults. That is, if I am to challenge people in the manner I did I should expect an emotionally laden reaction, not be sensitive to receiving insults as a reaction to my post.

    I am not so sensitive to being insulted as much as I see no place for insults in a discussion. My orientation is primarily to resolve things/issues.

    Like I said, it's just an impression. I expect your feedback on it.

    If what I say is true, you feel that people should not examine, question your type because that is not necessary, your type has been already been established and people should move on, accept it, then I would say that points to a Se > Ne preference.

    The thing about inhibiting mental exploration was drawn from the assumption that what I said before that was valid. But I guess you have a point, perhaps you simply don't care enough to be bothered by it. Disregard the assumption on the mental exploration.

    Your main reason for not having a type thread is that it will turn into a circus. However I am not familiar with Jeremy Kyle so I'm not certain what kind of circus you mean. But I will assume it's the one where people boastfully and single mindedly argue with passion, for their case, what they believe in. Something like a religious debate, each competing in nullifying others stance, trying to win.

    From this I would be lead to conclude that you do not like Fe and Se, that you can't handle nor want to deal with them. You perceive debating with fierceness and intensity as undesirable.

    Under the assumption I properly understand what you mean by a circus.

    God, this thing just keeps popping up. No, it has nothing to do with uncertainty. It's a matter of entertaining possibilities. How hard is it to understand that not everything has to be single minded, one is quite capable of holding, entertaining opposite, incompatible views with what they, currently, hold as valid.

    When people present alternative views on my type I entertain them. I am curious as to how, why they think what they do. I want to know what it is that they see that I don't. I am curious as to how they can enrich my perspective. I am drawn to the novelty they bring.

    Also, don't you like to simply consider alternatives for considering alternatives sake? And who knows, perhaps from considering the most remote, insignificant appearing things you actually discover that everything you hold to be true, your entire world view, is wrong, and everything you hold dear and true to yourself comes crashing down. Like your entire conception and view of the world is completely destroyed.

    Why do you think socionics doesn't work in the forum and works elsewhere?

    But I can explain.

    Regarding the Ne PoLR, the relevant information:

    Hypothesis that as far as you are concerned examining, questioning of your type is not necessary and other people should accept this and stop challenging your notion of your type. That you get to decide when and how your type will be questioned, if you wanted your type questioned you would start a thread about it, you do not want it questioned at random in a random fashion by some random person. That you have to have a reason to consider other types. That people are incompetent in socionics discussion.

    My impression of you from that was that you are skeptical about ideas and activities that appear not to lead anywhere. You have an idea of your type, you have established that already, and the act of questioning your type would precisely be an activity that will lead nowhere. Along side of that you think people are incompetent in socionics, it doesn't work on this forum. These two combined lead you to deem that others should not engage in discussion on your type as doing so will not lead anywhere and because they are incompetent as well you try to restrict them in activities in areas you think they have no natural talent, which would be a socionics discussion on your type.

    However, now I could also see a Ne role. In that you are uncertain of other people's motives, intentions, and abilities, like you say, if you go ahead and question your type it would turn into a circus, a mess, it will be a joke. You would prefer to have things clear and as a result give people clear commands and assignments, like not to question your type for no reason in a superficial manner, or to me to either put up a clear explanation or shut up. You also openly express mistrust and skepticism towards information that you don't have a clear idea how it has been derived, gotten. Like you say, how am I getting all of this, and that I should put up or shut up. You are also bothered by when people act in independent and unpredictable ways. The circus complaint and the BS you say people often sling at you regarding your type. My behavior here.

    Regarding the dominant Ti, it was the stance of correctness and being right. You know exactly what is correct/appropriate, and how. That, is, you immediately recognize correctness and appropriateness of things and their proper place in reality and in your system of views and behavior. I should not expect to dish out criticism and not get any in return. How can I expect to make a point if I do not specify to whom it is directed. If I do not specify to whom I am referring to with my criticism I should expect people to think it is directed at them. How can socionics work on the forum if there are so many people changing their type on the forum. Most people on this forum have socionics wrong. A thread on your type will turn into a circus. I should put up or shut up regarding my stance on your type.

    However, regarding your type right now my impression has shifted, I'd be more inclined to see you as SLE. In general I'd still say Ti in ego and Ne in the super ego. For the reasons presented above.
    You've made a huge post here, what i've noticed is you start of from an incorrect premise of what I am thinking/my motivations, then you continue to work through with that line of reasoning meaning that you completely misinterpet me (and for all I know others)

    Now, in summary. My unvalueing of the circus atmosphere actually points to devalued Fe. I don't like a song and dance about things external things and and am private about sharing things about myself and not being taken seriously. I will do it and talk about myself with those I feel close to, and I like that. That's Fe PoLR and not being attracted to that level of attention points away from Beta. My approach to what I like shows Fi valueing.

    In regards to questioning my type, you may have seen my post to Elro. I do question my type from time to time, but I discuss it with people who I know take it seriously and that I know have a very good grasp on socionics. That means I don't discuss it on this forum, and because i've seen many mistakes being made here. What that is is Te processing, i've made my decision based on observed empirical data.

    So you can see, using functions correctly, that there is Fe devalued, Fi valueing but unsure of it as my strength, and Te valueing and using it to make my decisions, it's a strength and therefore in my ego block. My aversion to the limelight as I see taking place points away from Beta, and towards Delta as I appreciate a healthy environment of what I see as correct communication. As I identify with IP temperament you therefore have ISTp not ESTj.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    You've made a huge post here, what i've noticed is you start of from an incorrect premise of what I am thinking/my motivations, then you continue to work through with that line of reasoning meaning that you completely misinterpet me (and for all I know others)

    Now, in summary. My unvalueing of the circus atmosphere actually points to devalued Fe. I don't like a song and dance about things external things and and am private about sharing things about myself and not being taken seriously. I will do it and talk about myself with those I feel close to, and I like that. That's Fe PoLR and not being attracted to that level of attention points away from Beta. My approach to what I like shows Fi valueing.

    In regards to questioning my type, you may have seen my post to Elro. I do question my type from time to time, but I discuss it with people who I know take it seriously and that I know have a very good grasp on socionics. That means I don't discuss it on this forum, and because i've seen many mistakes being made here. What that is is Te processing, i've made my decision based on observed empirical data.

    So you can see, using functions correctly, that there is Fe devalued, Fi valueing but unsure of it as my strength, and Te valueing and using it to make my decisions, it's a strength and therefore in my ego block. My aversion to the limelight as I see taking place points away from Beta, and towards Delta as I appreciate a healthy environment of what I see as correct communication. As I identify with IP temperament you therefore have ISTp not ESTj.
    Yay! You're still you!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    This thread is boring as fuck.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    Where's my car???
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    smooth jazz over

    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    Where's my car???
    I am applying some modern solutions from my recently discovered fields of study in fixing it so it'll take a little more time. It'll be ready soon though, don't worry.
    Last edited by Park; 08-30-2008 at 03:51 AM.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    I am applying some modern solutions from my recently discovered fields of study in fixing it so it'll take a little more time. It'll be ready soon though, don't worry.
    It better be able to fly or shoot missles then, mofo!
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    It better be able to fly or shoot missles then, mofo!
    I'm afraid I don't have the tools to make either of those things work... but, I could make it throw kiwis out of the exhaust pipe if you want.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  15. #135
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    LOL @ u2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    I'm afraid I don't have the tools to make either of those things work... but, I could make it throw kiwis out of the exhaust pipe if you want.
    kiwis yum! shoot them into my mouth.

    oh wait, that didn't sound good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    kiwis yum! shoot them into my mouth.

    oh wait, that didn't sound good.
    What didn't sound good was you wanting semi-liquid CO2 and smoke covered kiwis in your mouth.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  18. #138
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    Now lol @ u 2.
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    Now lol @ u 2.
    u2 suck. Bono is gay.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    u2 suck. Bono is gay.
    You do realize that Carla will probably assassinate you for your blasphemy. Watch the shadows...
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    You do realize that Carla will probably assassinate you for your blasphemy. Watch the shadows...
    I meant, Bono is a jolly guy.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    What didn't sound good was you wanting semi-liquid CO2 and smoke covered kiwis in your mouth.
    i'm guessing you might be joking again mind usually goes straight into the "gutter." "shooting into my mouth."

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    u2 suck. Bono is gay.
    we suck what? i don't give a shit about bono.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i'm guessing you might be joking again mind usually goes straight into the "gutter." "shooting into my mouth."
    Thanks Stratayevskaya, but I got it.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    we suck what? i don't give a shit about bono.
    OH MY GOD, is that supposed to be funny?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    OH MY GOD, is that supposed to be funny?
    yeah, i suck at being funny. i'll go crawl into a corner now...

    this would have played better irl.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    yeah, i suck at being funny. i'll go crawl into a corner now...

    this would have played better irl.
    Oh come on now, don't humiliate yourself now. It's bad for your image! And to answer your funny question, we suck different things, because we are the opposite gender. The real question is: what does Bono suck?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    Oh come on now, don't humiliate yourself now. It's bad for your image! And to answer your funny question, we suck different things, because we are the opposite gender. The real question is: what does Bono suck?
    sorry, having some hormonal and emotional things happen the past two days which is throwing me off my game.

    what image? i don't like that there are too many here already that don't like me. i guess i need to focus on the few that do. and get my head outta my ass (as they said in the military.)

    bono? oh, i can't think clearly right now. hubby is the master of funny oneliners and coming up with quick connections that way...

    i better get to bed. we have a busy weekend ahead of us. g/n

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    sorry, having some hormonal and emotional things happen the past two days which is throwing me off my game.

    what image? i don't like that there are too many here already that don't like me. i guess i need to focus on the few that do. and get my head outta my ass (as they said in the military.)

    bono? oh, i can't think clearly right now. hubby is the master of funny oneliners and coming up with quick connections that way...

    i better get to bed. we have a busy weekend ahead of us. g/n
    No problem, and don't worry. Take some rest.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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