Quote Originally Posted by astralsilky
Quote Originally Posted by signum
I'm convinced that Antoine de Saint-Exupery is ENTJ and that his Little Prince pictures the ENTj's soul in the best manner.

Now there's a surprise.

What on earth make you think that?!?

The Little Prince is a very endearing character, but I suspect that people from varying types identify with the lil` guy. I know I do.

Saint-Exupery seems way too philosophical to be ENTj. (That's just my personal opinion. I've only known/id'd a few.) Plus, he was quite the ladies man. I don't care for much fiction, but his Wind Sand and Stars was a wonderful read. If you haven't read it and are a fan of his writing, I strongly recommend it.
you do realise that you're asking for clarification from somebody who only made 6 posts nearly two years ago right?