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Thread: Questions for EIEs-ENFjs about leading Fe function

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    unefille's Avatar
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    Default Questions for EIEs-ENFjs about leading Fe function

    1. Is it likely that someone would describe an EIE/Fe-leading type to be someone who 'wouldn't cry, even though I've made you this beautiful, moving and sentimental CD' and who 'doesn't really seem all that emotional'?

    2. Is it likely that an EIE/Fe-leading type would retreat somewhere private when feeling upset, angry or down because they are uncomfortable with displaying these emotions in public?

    3. Would an EIE/Fe-leading type, when being berated or told off by someone, not necessarily a superior, remain expressionless and stone-faced throughout the tirade; becoming absolutely frozen, then turning and attempting to place as much distance between themselves and that person? And only, when a period of time has passed, be capable to expressing that anger, usually to sympathetic parties?

    4. Would an EIE/Fe-leading type display their negative emotions, or are they more likely to hold these in, particularly by minimising their facial expressions, in remaining civil?

    5. Is an EIE/Fe-leading type likely to hold back their criticisms of someone they find incompetent when that person turns to them for sympathy and try to both reassure them whilst expressing their concerns diplomatically, though they do not necessarily like this person?

    I playing around with the idea of possibly being Fe-base and these are some questions that came to mind.

    Edited to add: This is probably a partial, not whole, picture of my behaviour - just some thoughts that came to mind when reading about the EIE's 'emotional expressiveness'.
    Last edited by unefille; 08-26-2008 at 04:16 PM.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

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